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2445789 - Targeted CR List for ASE 16.0 SP03


The purpose of this KBA is to help SAP customers obtain a general idea of potential fixed situations in Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 SP03. Please be sure to read the Disclaimer below.

If the EBF/SP has been released, check the CR list and coverletter at the

Disclaimer: This document lists the targeted (not committed) release dates and the targeted fixed CR list for each release. Please be aware that the purpose of this posting is solely to provide you, our customers with estimated release dates and targeted CR lists. SAP does not commit to releasing on the specified dates or to including the CR fixes in the said release. While every effort will be made to meet the said targets, changes can occur at any time. It is also possible (although unlikely) that SAP may decide not to release an EBF/SP that was previously scheduled for release.

CR NumberDescription
308181 Feature request to enhance the resource governor so it can enforce limits against processes that are idle for a configurable amount of time.
356151 Feature request to enable UNMOUNT DATABASE and QUIESCE DATABASE with external dump commands when server is configured for disk mirroring.
451650 Feature request to provide a way to estimate the amount of space required for a table containing encrypted columns automatically.
483740 Executing sp_object_stats creates table syslkstats in tempdb. This can cause deadlock or contentions on tempdb for other tempdb users, so create syslkstats table in user-created tempdb.
500891 One new option "sp_dbcc_recommendations" is added. Now customer may use command "sp_dbcc_runcheck < dbname > , sp_dbcc_recommendations" to run dbcc checkstorage, then checkverify, then sp_dbcc_recommendations in sequence.
572789 Error message 911, "Attempt to locate entry in sysdatabases for database '' by name failed - no entry found under that name. Make sure that name is entered properly", may be raised for a SELECT INTO query where dbo is specified as the table owner and the table contains a user defined datatype. See KBA 2314036.
623780 Include the function name in error 14217 text "SQL function not found. If you are attempting to call a java UDF, Java services are not enabled."
625010 An ALTER TABLE command may hit error 14127 while dropping a partition due to the existence of a transient concurrent query normalization task.
635454 The file size generated when the set option 'tracefile' is enabled is limited to 2GB. KBA 2089573.
641955 A 17870 message, "Server < server_name > , Procedure 'sp_autoformat', Line XXX: Table < #temp_tablename > does not exist in database 'tempdb'", may be reported from sp_indsuspect due to non-existance temp table for sp_autoformat.
671152 In rare circumstances, a 3475 error, "There is no space available in SYSLOGS to log a record for which space has been reserved in database ' < name > '" may be reported for a mixed log and data database that has a user threshold defined for the log segment. See KBA 2280641.
675998 Job Scheduler Agent does not print error message number and other information like severity level, state, etc. to the sybmgmtdb..js_output table and/or job scheduler agent log file.
677266 A 6908 error, "During redo the page timestamp value is less than old timestamp from log ..." may be raised in the SAP ASE error log while loading a transaction dump having two transactions TEXTSTOR and TEXTFREE on sysattributes system table that are used by Web Services in the source database. See KBA 2294696
680410 The execution of the system stored procedure sp_help_rep_agent with a client application which doesn't support large identifiers fails with error 103 because the identifier 'max_number_of_replication_paths' is too long. See KBA 1945011.
684701 The "for xml" clause is being stripped off from the text which is saved in syscomments. This causes the procedure output to change unexpectedly (output is no longer in XML format) following upgrade.
689056 An UPDATE that modifies more than one column may cause an infected with 11 (SIGSEGV) stacktrace in the module CgpPop::CgpInplaceUpdateVars.
689359 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" together with a stack trace that includes the module CGConsOrScanOp(), may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when running a simple query where clause having 129 value lists IN. But having 128 value lists for the same query works fine without problem. KBA 2092097.
693491 A transient 605 error may be raised by a query against a table(lock scheme datarows) having des_bind and REORG REBUILD has just been done. Please use dbcc tune(des_unbind,dbid, objname) to unbind the object before REORG REBUILD to avoid the error.
706483 A NULL value may be inserted into TEXT/IMAGE/UNITEXT columns that do not allow NULL values during the execution of an INSERT-SELECT command if the attribute "dealloc_first_txtpg" is not set to 1 in the source table.
712089 Job Scheduler: jobs may fail to run if they require 'large identifiers'. Currently Job Task clients are limited to OpenClient 12.5 capabilities.
713340 Static configuration parameters are lost after running "alter thread pool" to modify the thread count. See KBA 2210395.
717101 The LogicalReads, PhysicalReads, PagesRead, PhysicalWrites and PagesWritten columns in monProcessActivity and the LogicalReads, PhysicalReads and PagesModified columns in monPrcessStatement and monSysStatement are changed from 32bit to 64bit.
718500 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" together with a stack trace that includes the module oj_syboj_ojdepends_maps(), may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when executing an illegal OUTER JOIN request. An appropriate error should be raised instead.
719550 sp_autoformat formats very wide-column length when using UTF8 charset.
720215 A 107 error, “The column prefix ' < tabname > ' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query. Either the table is not specified in the FROM clause or it has a correlation name which must be used instead.”, may be reported on the standby SAP ASE when SQL Statement replication is enabled, during the execution of an UPDATE command that has a SET clause on a column with a rule defined on it.
725714 A new feature request to avoid sysattributes look-ups for user defined role activation during login processing.
729246 A new option WITH COPYONLY= < target_file_path > is added to LOAD DATABASE and LOAD TRANSACTION commands. It allows to extract a DATABASE DUMP or a TRANSACTION DUMP from a storage system and copy it into a local directory.
732131 A 3474 error, "During redo the page timestamp value is less than old timestamp from log. Page #= < > , object id = < > , page timestamp= < > . Log old timestamp= < > . Log record marker = ( < > ).", may be reported during LOAD TRANSACTION if either the built-in reserve_identity() or the dbcc set_identity_burn_max() command have been executed when the transaction dump was taken.
733723 The message "compressed log" may be reported mistakenly when sp_helpdb is executed on a database where an alter database with the log off option was first executed.
735498 It can take a long time to detect that there has been a KILL of a REORG REBUILD and thus to start a rollback when a huge table is involved.
739473 Feature request to have various severity 17 errors that are normally only sent to the client reported by the errorlog by default. This can currently be accomplished on a message by message basis with sp_altermessage, but a more universal or default setting is desired.
740045 A 3447 error, "Database < dbname > appears to be in the process of being loaded; ASE will not bring it online automatically. Use the ONLINE DATABASE command to bring this database online." may be reported when HA failover takes place and the database becomes offline.
742910 A timeslice error with a stacktrace in the module 'copy_colinfo' may be seen for queries using a "*" in the select into list along with a join clause, where one of the columns in the projection is an encrypted column.
745786 In rare circumstances, Error 871 "Process < pid > is trying to release a latch on buffer < buffer_address > (dbid: < dbid > , pageno: < pgid > ) without holding a latch on the buffer" can be reported after a resource governor error is hit.
746085 High CPU utilization and spinlock contention on a db_cache spinlock may be observed on the sysattributes table.
746660 The stored procedure sp_dropdevice accepts a new optional parameter @flags. The only value accepted for this parameter is 'dropfile'. When passed, the underlying file in the operating system will be removed.
747033 There could be a deadlock between level0 scanner and alter table add/drop utility, when we have "enable utility lvl 0 scan wait" set to one, when there is L0 cursor open by the scanner.
747441 When a database is in 'dbo use only', an infected with 11 (SIG SEGV) stacktrace may be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog, with the function crp_var() mentioned in the stacktrace.
749560 When the SAP ASE server level option 'abstract plan sharing' is enabled but the session level option is disabled by 'set plan shared off', the shared abstract plan is still loaded.
749893 Waiting behavior change on uncommitted insert. When the value of 'wait on uncommitted insert' is set to 2, the INSERT wait for the uncommitted insert as well.
758554 The message, "Current process < process address > infected with signal 11" together with a stack trace with the module 'dol__index_decompress_row' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log after REORG REBUILD has been run on some specific tables whose indexes are defined as index compressed.
759957 The engine number is now printed in stacktrace to provide mapping between engine number and thread number in sybmon (In engines command).
759963 More meaningful messages should be raised when maximum async I/O exceeds the system limit and SAP ASE should shutdown instead of raising stack trace.
760112 Under rare circumstances sybdumptran may fail because it is not be able to find the first log page when the meta data file is not the last (tran) dump, but an earlier dump.
761436 When create a DESC global clustered index on a roundrobin partitioned table, then reorg rebuild the table may fail for error 1530: "Create index with sorted_data was aborted because of row out of order".
761855 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'pchk_io_done' when executing DBCC CHECKSTORAGE because the dbccdb is incorrectly encrypted.
763497 In rare cases, the Backup Server could hang waiting for input on a pipe that is never received. The stack trace of the sybmultbuf process that causes the problem will show the function sys_ipc_io().
765578 A 702 error, “Memory request for 18096 bytes exceeds the size of single page of 16384 bytes.” may be reported in the SAP ASE error log with a stack trace which includes the modules ‘memalloc’ and 'LeSendRow::genRowFormats’ on a 16K page size dataserver when selecting more than 2048 columns while the configuration option 'streamlined dynamic SQL' is enabled.
766323 Additional threads cannot be utilized without server reboot after syb_blocking_pool thread count is increased.
766647 Under a heavily loaded Java application environment, the messages, "PCI(M1): ERROR: JNI_CreateJavaVM; failed attaching to the JVM for AttachCurrentThread() with -1" and "PCI(M1): ERROR: JNI_CreateJavaVM; PCA/VM FAILED; general failure", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log. These messages usually indicate that the JavaVM heap space is exhausted. In order to solve this problem the SAP ASE needs be restarted.
767494 There may be index space bloat on tables with a high deleted row count. See KBA 2333527.
767607 A deadlock may be reported when unique non-clustered indexes are created concurrently on a replicated table.
768278 LFB consolidation of GC vs flush causes some buffers to be dirtied but not in any dirty chain.
768303 sp_sysmon raises error message 1508, "Create index aborted on duplicate rows.", when creating clustered index with field_id column.
768441 Error message, "EXECUTE permission denied on object sp_showoptstats, database sybsystemprocs, owner dbo", may be reported when sp_showoptstats is executed by users other than system administrator.
768479 In rare circumstances when a SELECT query that use a LIKE clause is executed, an unexpected result set may be returned when one operand in the search arguments is a LOB whose length is bigger than 255 characters.
768872 Systemwide switch (traceflag) 3605 is left active if a fatal error occurs while outputting diagnostic information for an invalid column length error. A stacktrace that includes the function colleen() will be seen in the errorlog followed by SWITCH SERVERWIDE ON 3605 followed by a fatal error. Traceflag 2779 disables the function turns on this switch to output additional diagnostics on the column length error.
769081 On Linux Intel platform, following message may be seen in OS system log when starting SAP ASE "warning: process `dataserver' used the deprecated sysctl system call with 1.68."
769985 A 923 error, "User not allowed in database - only the owner of this database can access it", is raised when a nested stored procedure prefixed with the database name is executed in a database configured for DBO USE ONLY.
770244 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'prRA_CONTEXT' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'd_repl_context' and 'prREPL_CONTEXT' may be reported in the error log when the Rep Agent is terminated during the execution of the DBCC REPL_CONTEXT command.
770943 The database server cannot read SSL certificates with dates that exceed 2038.
771528 The new ODBC driver was updated to use the “optimal” TDS batching feature when ODBC uses parameter sets like this: SQLSetStmtAttrW( stmt, SQL_ATTR_PARAMSET_SIZE, (SQLPOINTER)size, SQL_IS_UINTEGER ); This picks language batch and causes error 16817, "A query plan cannot be generated for DML command executed with homogeneous batch parameters. The batch was aborted.".
771633 On Windows platforms, the message "Current process infected with 11" in the module 'vcwprintf_s' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'proc_read' and 'des_fill_col_dflt_info', may be reported in the SAP ASE error log while the error 2805, "Bad pointer < > encountered while remapping stored procedure ' < > '. Must re-create or replace procedure." is raised. See KBA 2371593.
773191 Incorrect values can be reported by the SAP ASE optdiag utility for "Large I/O efficiency" when large I/O pools have been configured in SAP ASE.
773524 Under rare circumstances, when a transaction rollback fails, the transaction remains open erroneously and allows other concurrent transactions to progress. Eventually this failed transaction becomes the oldest open transaction and prevents the transaction log truncation thus making the database unusable when the log last chance threshold is reached. Additionally if SAP ASE is restarted, the database recovery fails and the database is marked suspect. The new database option "allow db suspect on rollback error" if enabled allows a forceful shutdown of the database and marks the database suspect if a non-recoverable error is hit during a transaction rollback. This provides the ability to the end-user to execute a last DUMP TRAN allowing to archive all the transactions up to the point the rollback failed.
774289 A 1105 error, "Can't allocate space for object ' < name > ' in database ' < db > ' because ' < segname > ' segment is full/has no free extents. If you ran out of space in syslogs, dump the transaction log. Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE to increase the size of the segment", may be reported when ONLINE PARALLEL CREATE INDEX is executed with a large number of consumers and the default configuration is used.
774383 When a dynamic SQL with homogeneous batch parameters is executed and it's required to recompile, a 16817 error may occur if a config parameter "streamlined dynamic SQL" is OFF. See KBA 2110307.
774879 Setting the Rep Agent configuration parameter 'scan timeout' to a value of '0' can cause Rep Agent scanner threads not to respond to a kill or to a stop command. Disallow setting this parameter to a value of '0'.
775488 Optimization for "filling free space info" after an inpolite shutdown of SAP ASE.
775572 The 12334 error, "Attempts to read logical page `%ld`, virtpage `%ld` from virtual device `%d` for %S_PTNINFO failed due to read failure in prefetch. Please contact Sybase Technical Support", may be observed during prefetch while running selects on the tables APL table table with clustered or local index and on DOL tables with local index. See KBA 2258141.
775625 A replicated password may be truncated of the last several bytes if the new login is added by sp_addlogin or the password is changed by sp_password.
775812 In a Multiple Paths Replication environment, when a transaction is rolled back to a savepoint, Replication Server may report error 9022 ("Cannot deliver a command from < RSname > . < pathname > since no transaction is open.").
776004 A 712 error, "There is insufficient heap memory to allocate 92928 bytes. Please increase configuration parameter 'heap memory per user' or try again when there is less activity on the system.” may be reported together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'ptnc_replace_ptncond’ and 'alt__add_partition’ in the SAP ASE error log when adding multiple partitions into a table while using separate statements in a single batch. See KBA 2107233.
776074 A new configuration option 'enable buffered io for load' has been added in the 'Application Functionality' group to allow the backup server use buffered I/O to increase the execution time performance of LOAD DATABASE and LOAD TRANSACTION commands.
776589 Allow the use of a label option in the 'with =' construct of DUMP DATABASE and DUMP TRANSACTION commands to facilitate the re-synchronization of replicated databases in an HADR setup.
777172 sp_cacheconfig fails with an Arithmetic overflow error when the cache size exceeds 2TB.
777190 An error 702, "Memory request for < n1 > bytes exceeds the size of single page of < n2 > bytes.", can be raised from a large IN list when sql statement replication is enabled.
777215 When a column datatype is LOB/varchar and there is implicit datatype conversion in a stored procedure where "LOB/varchar" is converted to "text", result fails if we renormalize the stored procedure or restore a db with the same proc. Handling of data type conversion from LOB to varchar in case of renormalization ( backup restore ) missing has been implemented.
777296 A 940 error, "Dbtable in wrong state for operation: < name > ", is reported against tempdb when repeating a query which uses work table for more than 32k times.
777566 An additional shared memory segment is created when the local cache partitions for the default data cache is set to "default" and the number of online engines is greater than 2, resulting in auto-tuning recommending additional cachelets. It is also possible that this may cause the server to fail to boot.
777948 Add support for "with recompile" to DML statements within stored procedure.
778060 In some cases during boot time recovery the message “The server will recover databases serially." or "WARNING: The value of 'max concurrently recovered db' ( < value1 > ) exceeds the server resource limit ( < value2 > ). The server will limit the maximum number of recovery processes to < value2 > ." may be reported in the SAP ASE error log, resulting in fewer recovery internal tasks being spawned and less databases being concurrently recovered than expected. See KBA 2122073.
778071 In rare circumstances, the message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", followed by a stack trace that includes the modules s__merge_finish() or CgpStoreInd::_CgpStoreIndPePredBmToScalar() may be reported in the error log when running a query with MERGE UNION and INSERT.
778143 Order-by queries with 7 or more tables or that use compatibility mode may generate a 325 error (no legal query plan found). This behavior can be sporadic. Note that the 7 or more tables may consist of worktables used to materialize interim results. For example, aggregates that contain a distinct clause may require a worktable to calculate the result. These interim tables will then need to be joined back together to produce a final result.
778237 A 17870 error, "Table '#sphelpuser2ro' does not exist in database 'tempdb2'", may be observed while executing sp_helpuser.
778347 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", followed by a stack trace that includes the module 'QpClearGc' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when using a CURSOR with SELECT FOR UPDATE.
778531 Add additional diagnostics for Global Allocation MAP (GAM) status issues.
778536 A 1205 error, "Your server command (family id #%d, process id #%d) encountered a deadlock situation. Please re-run your command", may be reported in Cluster Edition for some concurrent DMLs even in one node.
778590 When the database option 'ddl in tran' is enabled in the context of streaming replication, the execution of a SQL batch whereby inside the same user transaction a user table is created and then its schema is changed, or alternatively the schema of an existing user table is changed more than once, will not cause a hang situation between the user task executing the batch and the ‘REP AGENT CI SCANNER’ task that is pre-loading this table schema in the Rep Agent schema cache.
778761 The message "Current process infected with 11" in the module ‘buf_consolidate_lfb_find_newbuf’ together with a stack trace which includes the modules ‘bt__insert_into_leaf’ and ‘ins_insert’, may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a DML is executed into an in-memory database on a DOL table that has an index which was created with the option ‘latch_free_index’ enabled.
778901 The built-ins lct_admin() with “num_logpages” option, and loginfo() with “active_pages”, “inactive_pages”, or “total_pages” options, have been enhanced to improve performance execution by avoiding a log page scan from taking place when executed in a dedicated log database. See KBA 2127733.
778911 There may be a nan or NaN (not a number) reported in optimizer tracing that could result in poorly performing query plans. Optcriteria CR778911 will check that the range summary stats (such as range density and range unique) are non zero if there is at least one non-zero range cell in the histogram.
779137 The message "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'proc_decr_pbsharecnt' followed by a stack trace that includes the module 'showCachedPlanInXml' and/or 'show_cached_plan_in_xml' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log leading to a crash of the database server.
779357 Parameterized SQL text with its abstract plan will be saved in sysqueryplans. For example: SQL text is: "select count(*) from sysobjects where id > 10". Parameterized text is: "select count(*) from sysobjects where id > @@@V0_INT". All SQLs with text "select count(*) from sysobjects where id > " will now share the same abstract plan in sysqueryplans. This feature is enabled by Trace flag 16944.
779430 In rare circumstances, the message, "row count error", may be reported when running DBCC CHECKSTORAGE after creating a database from a template database.
779616 The stored procedure, sp_modifythreshold, can create a duplicate threshold entry if two identical thresholds exist on two different segments, and one of them is changed to monitor the other segment.
779813 New feature to support automatic rollover of ASE error log file exceeding threshold size specified using "sp_configure 'errorlog size', < size in MB > ".
779826 When using stored procedures, showplan message wrongly indicates that a table in tempdb resides in an in-memory database.
779858 If the command sp_dumpoptimize is executed to change the allocation_threshold using either a suffix of this keyword or via 'archive=min|max|default', the value will be set in the Backup Server but it will be overwritten at dump time with a default value of 40% or with any previous value that has been configured using the full allocation_threshold keyword.
779922 Error 11060 reported for maximum number of recompilations(10) for the isolation level 0 transaction
779957 Two wait states were using wait event ID 727 (Encrypted Columns module waiting for csi factory creation). This change introduced wait event ID 831 to ensure all wait events have unique IDs.
780373 During a batch INSERT in the database server, Data Load processes on BW systems frequently fail with the error 30292, "Attempting to read past stream EOM". See KBA 2198486.
780611 Under rare conditions, the message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" or a timeslice error in the function metrics_GetForMDATable(), may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when the monCachedStatement table is queried in a heavy-loaded environment.
780614 'cis idle connection timeout' does not work as expected.
780617 When statement cache is on and JDBC option LITERAL_PARAMS is false, conversions between the following stored procedure parameter and registered callable statement return parameter may stack trace. This will occur in a conversion function such as com__datetodatea().
780628 APF reads from some utility commands are not included in the PhysicalReads column of the monProcessActivity and monProcessStatement MDA tables.
780850 The progress report during the execution of CREATE DATABASE may not always be accurate whereby the completion percentage reported value may not reach the value of 100%. Alternatively the same inaccuracy can be seen during the execution of ALTER DATABASE with the LOG OFF option, or during the execution of DROP DATABASE for a database which has holes. See KBA 2141342.
780909 The message "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module kbfusage() together with a stack trace which includes the modules ubfprop() and mda_exec() may be reported in the error log during a query on the monMemoryUsage table.
781679 The time stamp that is used to generate the dump file names during the execution of DUMP DATABASE / TRANSACTION USING CONFIG commands, that are typically named using the format '', has been enhanced to ensure they are unique.
781774 In rare circumstances, CREATE INDEX may fail with a 1289 error, "Internal Error in lock manager routine: Invalid lock mode exclusive page, requested by task (family id < > , spid < > ) conflicts with existing family request mode exclusive page belonging to task (family id < > , spid < > )"
782103 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" together with a stack trace that includes the modules result() and pre_aggview() when a trigger executes a INSERT ... SELECT statement. The issue disappears when the trigger is recreated.
782188 The error 225, "Cannot run query--referenced object (name NAME NOT RECOVERABLE) dropped during query optimization" may be reported when executing a stored procedure in which there is a query on a VIEW and after adding a column in the table of the VIEW. See KBA 2156958.
782206 Include internal LOB column descriptors in the Rep Agent Schema Cache. This change may cause a slight to moderate increase in the Rep Agent Schema Cache consumption.
782319 sp_helpcache reports the "In memory cache size" as negative for cache sizes > = 2GB.
782345 Incorrect progress report (progress > 100%) may be reported when running dbcc tablealloc() on syslogs table.
782355 ALTER LOGIN must check the caller password when Granular Permissions (GP) is on and the caller has sso_role.
782359 A query from a proxy LOB column mapped to SAP IQ may be slow.
782445 A query with decimal conversion in an IN clause may not correctly return rows which should qualify when the statement cache is enabled.
782648 The message, "Backup Server: Backup Server Internal Error in function 'fatoi'", will be raised by the Backup Server when trying to execute a remote dump or load on a Backup Server with a version less than 15.7SP60, or a version between 15.7SP101 and 15.7SP121.
782881 New configuration parameter 'enable delta dump tran' has been added to avoid that two sequential transaction dumps contain duplicate pages. When this option is disabled (the default), every transaction dump contains the log pages from the first log page to the dump instant. When the option is enabled, a transaction dump will contain the pages from the last page included in the previous transaction dump to the dump instant.
782907 In rare circumstances an undetected deadlock may be seen among DUMP DATABASE, DUMP TRANSACTION and CREATE INDEX when these commands are executed on the same database concurrently. A 8213 error, "Failed to acquire address lock on object DDLOG", may result from the deadlock.
782972 Partition statistics is not retained when UPDATE STATISTICS is executed on a semantic partitioned table with ONLY 1 partition.
783095 NVcache can now be made selective in evicting pages to the NVcache based on the number of times the buffer for a page is accessed and a configured selectivity value in the range of 1 to 5. A higher value of selectivity implies a page needs to be accessed that many times to be evicted to the NVcache. The configuration can be done via the sp_nvcacheconfig stored procedure.
783173 When replicated, a bulk writetext operation on an in-row LOB column causing the data to be placed off-row will generate a 'rs_writetext' LTL command with the wrong 'textlen'. As a consequence, the Replication Server DSI will shutdown with error 5163, "Text data is being converted from one character set to another. The length of the converted text data is longer than the length of the original text data times the config option 'dsi_text_convert_multiplier'. The value for the database ' < > ' is ' < > '. Please increase this value for the database and resume the DSI thread.".
783192 When TEXTPTR() and ORDER BY are both used in the same SELECT statement, TEXTPTR() may return bad text pointers if the target TEXT/IMAGE/UNITEXT column has NULL values.
783323 With range partitioned table upper bound predicate is pushed down unnecessarily. See KBA 2162189.
783358 Parallel Optimizer generated some parallel query plans with negative cost values. This fix is enabled under opt criteria CR782580.
783402 The message "Current process infected with signal 4 (SIGILL)" followed by a stack trace that includes the module 'TabStatOrig::StabInitTabStats' may reported in the error log if a VIEW with both the DISTINCT and GROUP BY clauses appearing twice in a query with a large join (at least 7 not necessarily different tables/views).
783601 Killing a thread executing UPDATE STATISTICS on a column with highly-duplicate values causes a signal 11 in stat_sargden_accumulate().
783649 Print fact table hint diagnostic information to showplan output.
783753 While using streaming replication the message, "CI-ERR [Thu May 7 16:32:02 2015]: [(I3T)Package buffer depleted index 261720 max 262144 size 9088]" can be printed into the ASE error log.
783977 SAP ASE running in threaded kernel mode does not generate a shared memory dump on an RTC CtlibController thread even if certain CSMD conditions are met.
784023 In rare circumstances on a SDC server, a duplicate identity value may result when invoke RESERVE_IDENTITY after LOAD TRAN.
784095 Running out of free extents can lead to an 1122 error: "Attempt to read allocation page before openning SYSALLOCPGS."
784167 Prevent the DBA from truncating the log using DUMP TRAN WITH NO_LOG, when a database is in bypass recovery mode, to avoid causing data inconsistency. By default error 4246 will be raised instructing the end-user how to bypass this restriction by using the new option FORCE_KEY= < value > . See KBA 2315399.
784192 KBA2171618 In rare circumstances, a 706 error, "Process < value > tried to remove PROC_HDR < value > that it does not hold in Pss." together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'mem_pageallocate' and 'st_readstatistics' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a process is killed.
784451 When "streamlined dynamic SQL" configuration option is active a statement involving a subquery which is executed inside a stored procedure could increase the memory of the whole stored procedure plan and keep the memory in use until the stored procedure finishes its execution.
784498 Query executed using parallel strategy may hang when SORT (GETSORTED) & SORT (SORTBUILD) pair is seen in the showplan output.
784560 The external SAP ASE Backup Server API file name can now use more than 30 characters as well as accept other characters that are not just letters, numbers or '_' in the name.
784616 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" together with a stack trace that includes the module j_joinsortavert(), may be reported in the SAP ASE error log if compatibility mode is enabled and a complex query needs a sort operation (such as ORDER BY clause) and the query creates many worktables. KBA 2174314.
784620 In rare circumstance, a 701 error, "There is not enough procedure cache to run this procedure, trigger, or SQL batch. Retry later, or ask your SA to reconfigure ASE with more procedure cache.", may be reported when running CREATE INDEX/ALTER TABLE/REORG REBUILD commands on a table with thousands of data partitions.
784679 When creating a global index on a round-robin partitioned table with the sorted_data option, empty partitions were mishandled in a way that could corrupt internal data structures, causing a thread to crash.
784694 DBCC CHECKCATALOG needs to check that the placement index status is consistent between sysindexes and sysobjects.
784709 Job Scheduler in SAP ASE cannot be restarted if the job scheduler spid gets terminated due to any exception. Only way to have it running is to bounce the server.
784716 With CR 689004, different values of @@rowcount may be obtained when the configuration parameter “send doneinproc tokens” is set to 0 when compared with earlier releases. The old (incorrect) behaviour may be required by some applications. To restore the old behaviour, enable trace flag 11002
784729 Allow lightweight permission checking for non-imdb queries also. This also helps to reduce unnecessary reads on sysobjects table, seen as a separate issue under CR 791956.
784900 CREATE DATABASE command with default_location parameter does not return expected errors, like 1860, 1861.
785084 In rare circumstance a 247 message "Arithmetic overflow during implicit conversion of UNSIGNED INT value '4294967295' to a INT field" may be raised when running sp_helpartion after database recovery.
785196 On a Solution Manager system, spids executing UPDATE INDEX STATISTICS may appear hang in the module ptn__datachange_reset().
785213 When sp_cacheconfig is executed from tempdb a message "An attempt was made to startup a multi-database update in database 'master' after starting up the master transaction in a temporary database. This could render the database 'master' unrecoverable and this update is therefore not allowed." is displayed. A better message should be displayed.
785304 When multi-path replication is enabled, suspending the connection of a Rep Agent sender to SRS while no replicated activity occurs on the primary database may result in a hang situation, instead of a Rep Agent re-scan. Furthermore, if activity on the primary database causes the hang to cease, Rep Agent will terminate instead of re-scanning.
785554 Under UTF8 sort order 99, if a composite index contains a leading NULL VARCHAR field, REORG REINDEX may not be able to rebuild the index.
785591 A 2956 error, "Unable to grab a buffer to encrypt logical page < page_id > in database < db_id > " followed by a stack trace involving the modules 'cm__wash_mass_lru' and 'bufawrite' may be reported in the error log when accessing an encrypted database.
785644 When there is a comment line in stored procedure text with odd number of "*", error 724, "Internal Error: Function < function_name > was passed an illegal size value (0)" may be reported during auditing process. See KBA 2185800.
785672 SAP ASE spids might hang indefinitely waiting on the MASS_DESTROY bit to be reset when tempdb is being used.
785680 A 2805 error, "Bad pointer < address > encountered while remapping stored procedure < proc_name > . Must re-create or replace procedure", may be raised during recompilation if 'plan load' & 'literal autoparam' are enabled.
785701 In rare circumstances, a 3474 error, "During redo the page timestamp value is less than old timestamp from log. Page #= < > , object id = < > ..." may be reported during boot time recovery or when loading a transaction dump that includes an online REORG REBUILD or a CREATE INDEX command, if in the earlier portion of the log or the load sequence included an online CREATE INDEX with deferred recovery.
785795 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11" in the module 'Gbitstr::Gbitstr' followed by a stack trace that includes the module 'LeAPScanContext::LeAPScanContext', may be reported in the error log when executing queries when the ASE host machine is low of free memory or swap space. Some queries may cause memory leak against ASE 16.0 SP01 and later if the configurable parameter 'enable monitoring' is set. Queries referencing partitioned tables may leak more memory than using non-partition tables for this issue. See KBA 2187216.
785831 Explicit conversion errors, "Explicit conversion from datatype 'IMAGE_LOCATOR' to 'VARCHAR' is not allowed", may be reported when inserting IMAGE data into a table with an IMAGE field using dynamic prepare and auditing is enabled.
785971 sp_help reports the object status value of "keep first text page" on a table that does not have LOB columns defined.
786104 Using ALTER TABLE ADD column_name IDENTITY sets the wrong attributes in syscolumns.
786244 If network disconnect occurs before ASE has spawned a task for a network connection, say in case of a port siffer which immediately disconnects after connecting, hung spid may occur and a message of the following type may be seen in the error log 00:0008:00000:00000:2015/06/29 06:15:43.56 kernel ncheck_quit: no pid associated with fd 20, vsn = 4, socket type = 2
786412 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module fix_multiref() followed by a stack trace that includes the modules 'remove_illegal_const' may be reported in the error log when 'abstract plan load' and 'enable literal autoparam' are enabled and runtime recompilation has happened.
786420 KBA 2201449: A 15413 error, "An internal error occurred during an encryption operation (error code < n > ). Please contact SAP Technical Support", may be reported when selecting data from encrypted columns.
786478 The 9502 error may be reported incorrectly when using a UNIVARCHAR column with a NULL value with statement cache enabled. For example, when inserting a NULL value into the column through a JDBC prepared statement.
786540 When auditing is enabled, the spurious message, "kernel ksnetctlrSanity: vsn 6622 psn 165 kpid 1503595925 flags 0xc0000020, events 0x8", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log on the Solaris platform.
786541 ksnetctlrSanity message appears in the errorlog after changing the audit table
786588 An 8201 error, "Mismatch found between the name and id descriptor hash table for table...", accompanied by a stack trace that includes the modules 'des__clean' and 'des__scavenge' may be reported in the error log in some high concurrency scenarios.
786594 It can take a long time to return all rows from MDA tables if the result set is very large.
786596 When HK Ignore option is specified then showing of Cache Status as HK ignore for log only and default cache type in sp_cacheconfig. Earlier HK Ignore was shown for mixed cache only.
786599 On Windows platform, show_cached_plan_in_xml() will show exaggerating large values for timing info due to incorrect conversion from performance counter to microseconds.
786653 In the HADR environment, a command issued by a legacy HA connection is currently frozen unconditionally if the node is not in HADR active state. This change allows an exit/quit command to proceed in the above conditions.
786662 A 511 error, "Attempt to update or insert row failed because resultant row of size < size > bytes is larger than the maximum size ( < size > bytes) allowed for this table." may be unexpectedly reported when running a query which internally requires a worktable in a server configured with 16K page size and the configuration option "allow wide dol rows" is active in "tempdb" database.
786672 A 594 error, "The UPDATE WHERE CURRENT OF to the cursor ' < name > ' failed because column ' < name > ' being updated was not specified in the SELECT list", may be reported when an updatable cursor has an internal query.
786724 The values of IOTimes in the monIOQueue and monDeviceIO MDA tables do not match. See KBA 2201130.
786780 KBA2215451: In rare circumstances, the message "current process infected with signal 11" in the module OptGlobal::_GblAddTopLevel() together with a stack trace which includes the module emitMatchProperties() may be reported when running a complex query.
786786 setuphadr utility needs to validate RMA administrator and ASE HADR maintenance passwords on primary and companion ASE.
786808 The message, "SYBMULTBUF ERROR: Fatal Error: Database emulator failed while executing command 161", will be printed in the Backup Server error log and a DUMP command will abort if the database being dumped is created on ZFS file system and the backup server is started with trace flag -D512.
786879 Revoking 'sa_role' and 'sso_role' from 'sa' user account may stall the SAP ASE server when no other user accounts have system defined roles such as sa_role and sso_role. KBA 2289887 - How to revoke sso_role from sa login - SAP ASE
787016 KBA 2224574 - If SAP ASE configured to use native threads encounters a segmentation fault (infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)) whilst dumping shared memory (a the dump configured with multiple dump threads) then SAP ASE may crash.
787019 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'qualpage' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'rep_agent_config' and 'attrib_getrow' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when executing the built-in rep_agent_config() on an offline database after having loaded a 12.5.4 database dump into it.
787024 When SAP ASE RepAgent is configured for stream replication in synchronous mode, the primary database may run out of log space if most of the activity in this database is performed on non-replicated objects.
787054 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'PartNodeInfo::collocatedSite' followed by a stack trace that involves the module 'Pop < ParallelCost, ParallelProps > ::popIsCollocated' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when running a complex query with proxy tables.
787066 In the context of streaming replication, a new configuration parameter ‘buffer pool size’ is introduced in the Rep Agent. This new option will allow auto-scaling and throttling in order to reduce the likelihood of error 9417, ”RepAgent( < dbid > ): The CI-resource 'CMD Package' is exhausted, please use 'sp_config_rep_agent' to increase the configuration value of 'buffer pool size'. Waiting for a free package may result in performance degradation.”, from being reported in the SAP ASE error log.
787070 While costing ridjoin and sscanoptblock parallel optimizer is adding cost of the children pops multiple times. This change is enabled under opt criteria cr787070
787084 When SAP ASE is running the query processor in compatibility mode, queries with tables having predicated privileges will not work.
787093 In rare circumstances, the message "Current process infected with signal 11" in the module SeHyPsStarQueryRule::_RuleCompositeIdxMatch together with a stack trace may be reported in the error log when using the fact_table optimizer hint in the input Abstract Plan.
787106 New configuration parameters 'ase.login.timeout' and 'ase.query.timeout' are added. This allows the user to configure the login timeout and query timeout if needed. The default for login timeout is 30 seconds. The default for query timeout is 60 seconds.
787376 The LIO costing of Exchange operator is incorrect. TF 16949 added to disable this.
787480 Executing a LOAD TRAN failed with error 3474 because a log record had been written with a page number that seemed to be signed.
787508 The execution_time column in system table sysprocesses is wrongly including the time for processes in "AWAITING COMMAND" state. The execution_time is also incorrectly calculated as 0 for the worker processes of paralleled queries.
787670 SAP ASE server is enhanced to clear uninitialized TIPSA flags automatically under new traceflag 7167 when accessing text/image/unitext columns. If you never use LOB compression feature before, this helps avoid 632 error if you don't have enough time to run DBCC commands to check and fix all text pages in huge databases. Later if you plan to use LOB compression feature, turn off traceflag 7167 firstly, then check and fix all text pages. See KBA 2107660.
787699 DBCC CHECKTABLE will report error 7928, "Index %.*s is not consistent; found %s leaf rows but %s data rows. Drop and recreate the index", after creating the index in 'ONLINE' mode on empty table if concurrent DML queries cause addition of new index level.
787900 An incorrect path provided for the SSL Certificate file does not lead to an error being reported.
787904 sp_showplan is enhanced as follows: (1) Print "Total rows" from sp_showplan with 'FULL' or 'LONG' option by default. (2) Print sql text and object list from sp_showplan with 'SHORT' option. (3) Add number of rows in the object list output.
787934 The recovery fault isolation feature is not enabled during the execution of a LOAD TRANSACTION in the database server. This feature could exclude a blocking error from the loaded backup.
787966 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", followed by a stacktrace that includes the module mda_fill_and_send_monProcessObject() may be reported in the error log when running the query, "insert #monProcessObject select from master..monProcessObject"
787969 When SAP ASE is configured for synchronous replication the auto-deactivation of the primary HADR node triggered by the OS shutdown or Windows service stop, does not raise errors 9699 and 9862 as expected when the ASE service is stopped.
788056 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" together with a stack trace that includes the modules yyparse() and sqlpars(), may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when an object name has bracketed identifiers with more than 4 periods (“.”s) and 2 consecutive periods(“..”s).
788087 In some circumstances, the message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", may be reported in the error log together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'tmp_get_tmpobj_by_name' and 'open_range' when multiple Table UDFs are involved in a query.
788127 When there is a hint in sysqueryplans, the AP hint in plan clause of a query will be ignored. When there is no AP hint in sysqueryplans, AP hint in plan clause will be used. This feature is enabled by new configuration option "abstract plan dynamic replace".
788128 The replay of existing connections will fail if the server is configured with 'default network packet size' of 512.
788143 The TDS_DONE token might not be completely captured under some circumstances and may thus cause some unexpected parse errors during workload analysis.
788148 The shutdown of Job Scheduler will hang if Job Scheduler Agent's user connection failed with following error message repeated continuously in the JS Agent error log "Client message: ct_connect(): user api layer: internal Client Library error: Read from the server has timed out".
788212 A timeslice error in the module 'optlookup' may occur if a stored procedure which contains a DUMP TRANSACTION command on encrypted database is executed several times.
788226 The 325 error, "Adaptive Server finds no legal query plan for this statement", may be reported when fact_table abstract plan hint is used with DELETE statements.
788228 When SAP ASE RepAgent is configured for stream replication in synchronous mode, the time reported by sp_hadr_admin 'failover_timeestimate' may be inaccurate when SAP RepAgent is not running.
788291 If auditing is enabled when 'PREPARE DATABASE' is executed the audit event 96 for 'QUIESCE DATABASE' is instead generated and reported mistakenly when using a post-15.7.x SAP ASE version.
788307 sybatch.exe hang on Windows 2012 platform when installing charset.
788311 DDLGen reports the error, "UDM9: Critical internal application error occurred", when DDL is generated for a database and that database contains user defined messages.
788353 SAP ASE XPServer behaviour change for running shell scripts. See KBA 2208560.
788369 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'blkioFlagIsSet' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'utpmApplyAll' and 'kaclkintr_thread' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log resulting in ASE being unable to shut down itself gracefully that will require SAP ASE to be killed at OS level.
788413 Placeholder CR for ASE 16.0 SP02 release candidate routing.
788474 KBA 2211717: Under some rare condition, if columns in a table have more than one constraints (not necessary in the same column), it can cause invalid rows to be inserted.
788478 The RSA keysize for net password encryption should be configurable up to 4096 bits.
788517 A 3328 error, "Redo of 'CREATE INDEX' in transaction ID (0,0) for table name < > , object ID < > did not find 'syscolumns' system catalog log record. Recovery of database < > cannot continue." followed by 3329 error, "Redo of 'CREATE INDEX' for table < > , object ID < > did not build compression information. Recovery of database < > cannot continue." followed by 4314 error, "Cannot find table < > to recreate index < > ." may be reported during LOAD TRANSACTION in the SAP ASE error log while an index is logically rebuild. See KBA 2216220.
788552 In rare circumstances, index creation in 'ONLINE' mode will encounter singal 11, when it is executed on an APL table with several concurrent DML queries.
788562 Parallel queries may terminate early without returning all the required rows.
788570 The value of "Pass Active For" time reported by dbcc showrecovery is always a multiple of 1000 milli seconds.
788593 In rare circumstances, SAP ASE may hit a timeslice error while holding a spinlock when a query that references the system table systransactions is executed. This error will cause SAP ASE to shutdown implicitly. See KBA 2331951.
788609 Full DB encryption could run into error 2956 if the buffer size is not configured to be sufficient.
788639 The default behavior for workload capture full response preference has been changed. It will not capture response packets other than final DONE packets by default.
788646 A 3101 error, "Database in use. A user with System Administrator (SA) role must have exclusive use of database to run load", may be reported when LOAD DATABASE is run while the Job Scheduler Agent process is enabled.
788682 KBA 2210441 : Signal 11 in ptn__pdeslookup_optsearch() when query MDA monOpenObjectActivity.
788691 ALTER OWNER does not affect defaults created with 'enable inline default sharing' turned on. See KBA 2209489.
788702 The 3475 message, "There is no space available in SYSLOGS to log a record for which space has been reserved in database 'tempdb'", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log for database tempdb, when a log fragment was previously dropped from tempdb using sp_dropsegment.
788721 The command LOAD WITH LISTONLY=TRAILER returns "Label validation error: seek to trailer labels failed" when the archive file is created with the archive API. Instead, the message, "Option LISTONLY [= [FULL | VOLUME | TRAILER]] is not supported on archives created using the Backup Server API.", should be returned.
788772 The replay of workload may fail for connections that had already been established at the time that the original capture was initiated.
788791 A 2628 error, "In database < dbname > , page < pageno_1 > is linked forward to page < pageno_2 > , but that page is linked backward to page < pageno_3 > . Please report this internal error to SAP Technical Support", may be encountered when using a Latch Free index in a high concurrency environment.
788808 Improper text may be generated while running sp_helptext in a procedure which has SET < some option > ON followed by the COMMIT statement.
788861 In an HADR cluster, if Granular Permission is enabled, replication may stop with DSI reporting a permission error, such as "ERROR #1028 DSI EXEC" due to SRS encountering ASE error "Message: 10330 'INSERT permission denied on object ....'".
788898 The execution of DBCC CHECKSTORAGE on the master database may erroneously report faults 100009, 100029, and 100030 on the sysanchors table.
788942 A 644 error, "Index row entry for data row id < row_id > is missing from index page < page_no > of index id < index_id > of table < table_name > in database < db_name > . Xactid is < trans_id > . Drop and re-create the index.", may be reported against a Latch Free index created for a large table which has a lot of duplicate keys.
788947 An 941 error, "Illegal database context operation." may be observed while executing a SELECT on a table with name having the '#' prefix.
788952 In rare circumstance, DBCC SHRINKDB_SETUP() may not be able to correct text back link for text/image/unitext columns of tables that are set to be replicated.
789086 UPDATE does not fire the trigger for UPDATE of the table through cursor.
789109 The error 'uncompress(): Input data corrupted' could be raised when loading a compressed dump created either using the SAP ASE Backup Server API "compress::" or the command option WITH COMPRESSION [= 1..9].
789128 In some situations, Adaptive Server Enterprise may reject the fact_table hint when large IN-list materialization takes place.
789186 A new traceflag 7168 is provided for restricted use to make builtin TEXTPTR() return NULL for NULL value of text/image/unitext columns.
789251 KBA 2218075 - In rare circumstances unexpected results could be returned when a query involving a LIKE clause is executed inside a stored procedure run WITH UPGRADE option (or which required to be upgraded internally from source text) and the LIKE clause references input parameters defined in the stored procedure.
789255 While using streaming replication the message, "CI-ERR [Thu May 7 16:32:02 2015]: [(I3T)Package buffer depleted index 261720 max 262144 size 9088]", may be printed into the ASE error log.
789263 When SAP ASE RepAgent is configured for stream replication in synchronous mode, additional validations are added whenever a table schema is send to SAP Replication Server. When SAP RepAgent trace flag 9208 is enabled related diagnostic messages will be reported.
789277 The error message, "CT-LIBRARY error: ct_results(): protocol specific layer: external error: There is a TDS protocol error", is reported back to the client when SAP ASE executes a remote procedure that exists in SAP IQ and the procedure has an output parameter that is either decimal, numeric or datetime. See KBA 2213838
789323 The message, "The log for database < dbname > includes a CREATE INDEX (with deferred roll-forward) operation that is incompatible with this server version and operating environment." may be reported during LOAD TRAN if the transaction dump contains an index that will be recovered as deferred item during the LOAD TRAN recovery.
789356 Workload by client connections with an empty application name will not be captured when using the Workload Capture feature.
789359 The engine number may be incorrectly reported for user defined thread pools in the SAP ASE threaded kernel mode. See KBA 2214120.
789377 In rare circumstances, a 644 error, "Index row entry for data row id < > is missing from index page < > of index id < > of table < > in database < > . Xactid is < > . Drop and re-create the index." may be reported during the execution of an UPDATE or DELETE command on a table after an unsuccessful online CREATE INDEX on the table. Alternatively a 3474 or 6902 error may also be reported during boot time recovery or when loading a transaction dump that includes the aborted online CREATE INDEX and other concurrent DML activity.
789403 A new optimization criteria cr789403 is introduced to disable large IN-list materialization to worktable.
789426 When IMDB is used with multiple cachelets and the database size is altered, then SAP ASE may report error 899, "The page < page > requested for in-memory < objinfo > was not found in in-memory storage cache ' < name > ' (id < n > ). Please contact SAP Technical Support."
789474 Usage of large buffer pool for a database which has NV cache bound to it can lead to disk corruption.
789481 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" together with a stack trace that includes the module execproc(), may be sporadically reported in the SAP ASE error when executing a procedure with statement_caching ON.
789580 A NullPointerException may be encountered during JSTemplate installation when the SAP ASE server is not running.
789613 In some situations DDLGen generates DDLs with incorrect permission in the output for a stored procedure where the grantee information is not generated.
789618 setuphadr utility cannot reboot ASE if alias host name is used. It reports error, 'Cannot boot/reboot SAP ASE "{0}" because "{1}" does not exist'
789670 sp_dbcc_run_summaryreport cannot show an SUID greater than 99999. See KBA 2205765.
789675 The p_drv_bcpmetadata stored procedure is enhanced in order to improve the performance of jConnect ENABLE_BULK_LOAD.
789748 A deadlock may be reported on ‘sysobjects’ system table when temporary tables are created by a concurrent execution of SELECT-INTO commands during ZDO SAP upgrade.
789866 A new configure parameter 'allow memory grow at startup' is added to make the server automatically grow its 'max memory' if needed during boot, so the server boot will not FAIL due to insufficient 'max memory'.
789916 monBucketPool query sometimes incorrectly fails with 'out of memory' error
789917 When a query contains case clause and the result from case is a LOB type, and the result length is close to 16384, a stack trace with ERROR 702 may be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog. The stacktrace will reference the mk_constant function.
789939 Stacktrace printing during SNAP (simplified native access plan) execution could be incomplete (e.g. the output of dbcc traceprint(pid)).
789944 Under some rare situations, updating a table through a IOT (instead of trigger) could result in error 16863.
789945 Under some circumstances, hash based parallel scan strategy may not be used for partitioned tables even when plldegree is set for the table.
789960 Under rare circumstances, an 1105 error "Can't allocate space for object 'syslogs' in database ' < dbname > ' because ' < segmentname > ' segment is full/has no free extents. If you ran out of space in syslogs, dump the transaction log. Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE to increase the size of the segment." may be reported in the SAP ASE error log mistakenly when executing DDL/DML commands although there is enough space available in the given segment.
789967 In rare circumstances, a 12308 error, "Invalid row id (Row < > , Page < > ) encountered in the table 'T' in database 'D'" or a 614 error "Adaptive Server accessed a row that has an illegal length of < n > while in data base 'X' ..." may be reported by a REORG REBUILD index or a DML following REORG DEFRAG on a table.
789993 SAP ASE running on Windows with encryption enabled, under rare situation may experience client disconnection with the following message in the SAP ASE log - "An I/O error occurred during the underlying SSL operation. Check your I/O callback handler return values and error codes.".
790006 The message "Current process infected with signal 11" in the module 'altdb__shrinkimrslog_backout' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'altdb_shrinkimrslog' and 'alterdb' may be reported in the error log during an ALTER DATABASE OFF WITH CHECK_ONLY command.
790073 New abstract plan hint, 'with_recompile' is introduced. The usage is (use with_recompile). When statement cache is on, and abstract plan load is on, and there is a stored plan hint "use with_recompile" in sysqueryplans for a query, the query will be recompiled in the second and following executions.
790184 The following Abstract Plan enhancements are added. 1) A message, "Optimized using an Abstract Plan (ID : %d).", will be printed when simple AP hints like (use optgoal sap_olap) (use parallel 4) (use fact_table F) in sysqueryplans are reused by queries. 2) When there is no entry for a query in sysqueryplans and plan dump is on, plan hint like (use optgoal sap_olap) (use parallel 4) (use fact_table F) can be saved in sysqueryplans under configuration "abstract plan dynamic replace". 3) When both "abstract plan dynamic replace" and "abstract plan replace" are turned on, "abstract plan replace" will be ignored. The AP in sysqueryplans won't be replaced.
790192 In an HADR environment, a legacy HA connection should not receive any HADR specific messages from ASE.
790220 Loading unencrypted database dump into encrypted database (with override), ASE should reset sysdatabases table's encrykeyid column to NULL besides updating status5 from 1 to 0. See KBA 2222650.
790223 The STR_REPLACE() function returns a much wider result when the pattern string is a function or variable rather than a quoted string literal.
790239 SAP ASE might report boot failures with error such as "Incorrect Java Virtual Machine library version" in errorlog file on Windows NT platforms (nt386 / winx64) if the SAP ASE PCI Bridge configuration parameter “pci memory size” is set as a value lower than 512 reserving 1 MBytes memory.
790265 The message, "Current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'ds_destroy_table' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'exec_dbcc' and 'checkalloc' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when DBCC CHECKALLOC is interrupted by a Control-C.
790375 When querying the MDA table monRepScannersTotalTime, the counter column TotalTime may be less than the counter column ProcessTime.
790394 In rare circumstances, the message "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'dbt_unkeep' together with a stack trace which includes the module 'close_range' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a query uses a worktable.
790406 A 14108 error, "Could not find partition descriptor for objid < > , indid 255, ptnid < > in dbid < > .", together with a stack trace which includes the modules ‘get_txtpage’ and 'inserttext’ may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during the execution of an UPDATE command while attempting to move a LOB datum from in-row to off-row.
790414 In rare circumstances, the message "Current process infected with signal 7 or signal 10 (SIGBUS)" in the module 'ldx__load_type' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when executing LOAD TRANSACTION.
790436 Under some rare conditions, the message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module memset(), followed by a stack trace that includes the modules comnb_i4tonum() and set_cast_truncate() may be reported in the error log when converting from int to numeric.
790442 A 9242 error, "Underflow or overflow of state stack occurred.", may be reported when an attempt to shutdown SAP ASE RepAgent is made after its memory pool is exhausted, and the RepAgent is configured for stream replication in synchronous mode.
790455 ASE Agent Plug-in uses 'iso_1' to re-connect when a mismatched character set error occurs during connection and it may fail sometimes. It should use 'utf8' instead.
790456 Under rare circumstances, an 871 error "Process < n > is trying to release a latch on buffer < 0x > (dbid: < n > , pageno: < n > ) without holding a latch on the buffer" may be reported in the SAP ASE error log by reorg defrag when used with 'skip_compact_extents' option and a lock promotion to table level has occurred while reorg was executed.
790458 Error 871:"Process 64 is trying to release a latch on buffer 0x6f702c58 (dbid: 4, pageno: 25576) without holding a latch on the buffer." is reported, when alter LFB index on the table which turn on 'cached_index_root_page’ feature.
790473 The command DBCC CHECKSTORAGE() can report the error 'Compressed length ( < value > ) is too big. File probably corrupted.' in the SAP error log, if executed on an archive database that is created on a compressed dump.
790529 SNAP (simplified native access plan) with compressed table could miss some decompression optimization during execution, leading to slower execution.
790580 ASE rule system can cause timeslice error
790618 When table-valued UDFs invoke other table-valued UDFs with output table variables of the same name (as is the case for implicitly-declared output variables), incorrect results may be returned. Also, table-valued UDFS were implicitly deterministic, meaning they would only be executed once within a query plan if the parameters remained unchanged.
790631 Online REORG REBUILD is blocked/deadlocked with an OPEN CURSOR when traceflag 2792 is enabled. See KBA 2226027.
790654 The %SYBASE_ASE%\bin\optase.vbs script reports an invalid 'exit' statement if the specified memory is lower than the required size.
790672 In rare scenarios where the monOpenObjectActivity MDA table is used and a #temp table is being dropped, a 3702 error, "Cannot drop or replace the < obj_name > because it is currently in use" may be reported and the temp table could not be dropped.
790682 In rare circumstances, user tasks may be suspended when attempting to log information in a mixed-log and data database, although there are no visible space issues for this database when executing either sp_helpdb or sp_spaceused for syslogs.
790741 DDLGen generates output with wrong @@error check.
790742 SAP Replication Agent may fail with error 9289 state 83 when replicating the execution of a stored procedure whose parameter values include large values and null values, or when replicating a SQL statement with a large WHERE clause. A 9289 error is of the form " < raname > . Log record ( < x > , < y > ) for object = < n > contains inconsistent data. Transaction log may be corrupt. Please contact SAP Technical Support."
790749 When configuring a new Backup Server with sybatch.exe using sample resources file, the error, "The attribute 'allow_hosts_list' for product 'bsrv' was specified more than once in resource file 'JT1_BS.res'" may be reported.
790826 Query involving many tables gets error indicating a maximum of 50 tables per query although DBCC SERVERLIMITS indicates limit is 512 (15.7) or 1023 (16.0). See KBA 2279999.
790834 On Solution Manager systems, SAP ASE database server processes that completed executing UPDATE INDEX STATISTICS may remain active and stall connections.
790983 A 3475 error, "There is no space available in SYSLOGS to log a record for which space has been reserved in database ' < name > ' ( < id > )", may be reported when the difference between the last change threshold and a user defined threshold for the log segment is less than 128 pages.
791106 Database Owner (DBO) is granted MANAGE DATABASE PERMISSIONS by default. As a result, in a server with granular permissions enabled, DBO can grant/revoke database permissions (CREATE TABLE, CREATE PROCEDURE, etc.) to/from other users in the database. Customers who do NOT want DBO to manage database permissions can revoke MANAGE DATABASE PERMISSIONS from DBO in model database and user databases.
791146 If a stored procedure has a 'select into temp table' and a session running the stored procedure is chosen to be the deadlock victim, error 267, "Object < obj_name > cannot be found", will be raised after error 1205, "Your server command (family id, process id) encountered a deadlock situation. Please re-run your command".
791192 setuphadr reports the error message,'Error: "{0}" database on primary and companion SAP ASE does not have the same size' if the database does not exist on secondary site.
791207 A 702 error, "Memory request for < > bytes exceeds the size of single page of < > bytes.", together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'writetext’ and 'memalloc’ may be reported in the SAP ASE error log if an in-row LOB column is updated using SAP OCS APIs.
791224 Executing a procedures doesn't raise 10386 error (permission denied error) when the caller/session owner of the procedure doesn't have appropriate permissions for the statements defined in the stored procedure.
791247 ASE configured with Always-On (HADR) logs too many messages in the error log during deactivation. The messages are "privileged spid XXX starting new transaction 'YYY' from non-replicated database ' < db > ' during deactivation."
791364 Under certain situations, for queries involving huge number of OR predicates, a kill spid may not be able to kill the spid during histogram processing in the optimizer.
791390 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'xpd_swap_msb_i2' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'lddb__unscr_phys_page' and 'lddb_unscramble' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during the execution of a cross-platform DATABASE LOAD command.
791453 The message "Current process infected with 11" in the module 'tally_fetch' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'tally_fetch' and 'showplan', may be reported in the error log if system stored procedure sp_showplan is executed at the point that the related table is to be closed during the execution of a query from the target process. See KBA 2292075.
791474 A warning "Abstract Plan (AP) Warning : An error occurred while applying the AP" is raised when Forceplan is used in a query
791618 updatase hangs when upgrading the primary HADR ASE. This is because master database run of free space.
791647 The error, "Backup Server: Label validation error: seek to trailer labels failed", might be reported by the Backup Server as the result of executing LOAD WITH LISTONLY=TRAILER (or WITH TRAILERONLY) on a compressed dump of a database with a page size > 2KB.
791652 Long running internal 'sort_local' transaction during cursor processing may cause tempdb log full scenario.
791654 A 2620 error, "The offset of the row number at offset < > does not match the entry in the offset table of the following page: Page pointer = < > , pageno = < > , status = < > , ptnid = < > , indexid = < > , level = < > , pnextrno = < > .", may be reported when loading a transaction dump either from SAP ASE 15.7 SP60, or 15.7 SP110 version, into SAP ASE 16.0 GA version.
791662 New configuration option "restore database options" to force the database options in a database dump be applied to the target database at load database or load transaction time.
791669 In rare circumstances, a process may hang in the module ‘cm_writelogdes_upto_sequence’ while concurrent sessions are executing DML commands. In the call stack of the hanging process the modules ‘xact_commit’ and ‘bufwritedes_log’ will also be reported.
791767 A 2620 error, "The offset of the row number at offset < > does not match the entry in the offset table of the following page: Page pointer = < > , pageno = < > , status = < > , ptnid = < > , indexid = < > , level = < > , pnextrno = < > .", may be reported when loading a transaction dump from either SAP ASE 15.7 SP60, or 15.7 SP110 version, into SAP ASE 16.0 GA version.
791791 setuphadr does not report error when "*.site_role" properties have the same value.
791793 syconfig.exe and sybatch.exe write incorrect "ase.home" property value to %SYBASE%\COCKPIT-4\plugins\ < ASE_server_name > \agent-plugin.xml when enable ASE Cockpit monitoring.
791807 In rare circumstances, when ASE runs out of disk buffers for large I/Os, a CREATE DATABASE command may fail with error 913, "Could not find row in sysdatabases with database id < > " and error 834 "Illegal attempt to clean buffer: < buffer description > "
791857 A table may contain two indexes with same name, if there are two CREATE INDEX commands with same name on same table running at same time.
791873 During the execution of an update query, if an in-row LOB column is not affected by this update query, do not replicate the datum as it is not necessary. This is an optimization from previous SAP ASE versions.
791901 Sometimes error 7794, "You cannot scan table < table_name > at isolation level 0 because another process is running a utility command that is incompatible with level 0 scans. Please retry later", may be reported with concurrent SELECTs (level 0 scans) and UPDATE STATISTICS on large tables.
791979 Under rare conditions, downgrading ASE 16.0 SP02 or higher to a lower SP/PL and then upgrading it again can result in an upgrade failure. When this happens, the master database will report a failure to install a required upgrade item.
792001 When AP load/dump is not enabled, trace flag 16944 is turned on to parameterize the sql text used for sysqueryplans. But the sql text in create plan command is not parameterized. Parameterization is now enable for create plan even without AP load/dump enabled.
792025 After the Rep Agent Thread gets infected with a timeslice error or a signal, the Rep Agent context is left in an inconsistent state. This may cause unpredictable behaviors. Moreover, any attempt to restart the Rep Agent Thread fails with error 9262 indicating that it is already running.
792089 A DUMP or LOAD from or to database devices created on veritas file system on HP could hang if the backup server is started using the trace flag -D1024 to enable posix async I/O.
792092 SAP ASE on Linux hits 823 errors when the underlying storage disk is configured for 4K sector size. See KBA 2243658.
792093 The error, "The 'read' call failed for database/archive device while working on stripe device ' < device name > ' with error number 22 (Invalid argument)", when a device is configured to use direct IO and the device block size is greater than 512 Bytes. See KBA 2243731.
792121 In rare circumstances on a multi-engine system a query which is running in parallel mode may hang and do not progress because some of the threads executing the query are sleeping for ever. The stacktrace of the parent thread could include the modules 'LePlanRelease', 'uwrecv' and 'upsleepgeneric' and for the child thread could include 'LeGlobalWorkMap::getNextWorkUnit' and 'upsleepgeneric'.
792164 Post commit shrink operations and the housekeeper garbage collection may become deadlocked with each other. Post commit shrink may also hit a 2630 error, "In database < name > , page < a > is linked backward to page < b > , but that page is linked forward to page < c > . Please report this internal error to SAP Technical Support", if it is trying to shrink a page with BT_SHRINK set. See KBA 2276464.
792195 During an UPGRADE or a DUMP and LOAD from different versions of the SAP ASE server, execution of extended system stored procedures raises an incorrect 2851 error.
792211 In rare circumstances, where the database server is configured to use character set GB18030 and after data is inserted into a TEXT column which is not defined to be compressed, then a DBCC CHECKTABLE may report a 7951 error, "Data size mismatch while checking a text value. The first page for this value is < page id > , partition ID < partition id > . < value > characters were found; however, the expected length is  < value > characters".
792229 During the upgrade to SAP ASE 15.7 SP135 or later the new column user_status is added to sysusers. In rare cases this new column does not get the expect value 0. See KBA 2243588.
792268 When creating a proxy table on SAP ASE against an SAP IQ remote table, the column name is truncated if it is more than 30 bytes long.
792277 Workload Analyzer Date-Time Adjustment functionality is now enabled. This enables the user to configure the Replay Engine to set the date and time of the replay server to the time at which the capture originally started when the replay begins. It will help eliminate errors or changes in application behavior that would occur if the database server’s time during replay was different from that when the original workload was capture.
792295 In rare circumstance, error 15946, "Invalid column length %d found for column, column ID %d, row ID %d, page number %u, partition ID %d. The length is greater than the expected maximum column length %d.", may be reported by dbcc checkdb() or dbcc checktable() after some columns are dropped using "alter table ... with no datacopy".
792316 monCachedProcedures is missing many compiled objects such as user defined functions. See KBA 2243683.
792339 A query on the monOpenObjectActivity table in which the DBID, ObjectID and IndexID columns are fully specified in the WHERE cause may cause a 3702 error in another connection if that connection attempts to drop the same table that the query on the monOpenObjectActivity table is analyzing at the same time. A 3702 error is of the form "Cannot drop or replace the < m1 > ' < m2 > ' because it is currently in use."
792355 The stored procedure 'dbcc checkmdcache' fails because of Objversionts mismatch between des and disk values after ALTER TABLE statements.
792397 The ASE RepAgent scanner task may be blocked by a user task that is attempting to drop a functional index if the stream replication mode and DDL replication are enabled. The user task may itself be blocked by the RepAgent scanner task. This self deadlock will result in the replication stream to hang.
792416 A new SAP ASE SQL feature is added to support ROWS LIMIT clause. The ROWS LIMIT clause for a SELECT query allows to query a specified number (limit) of rows from a specified (offset) row. It provides paging query support for SELECT statement.
792425 The monErrorLog table does not display the correct ErrorNumber, Severity and State.
792471 When using resource governor lock_count limit in SAP ASE Cluster Edition and the threshold is reached, a process might be infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV) while trying to release locks and the cluster instance will shutdown. A stacktrace will be recorded in the SAP ASE errorlog.
792483 In rare case, if DOL table with datapages lockschema has unique index, concurrent DML may hit index corruption with error 12313, "Insert into page id < page # > of index id < index # > of table ' < table name > ' (id = < id # > ) in database ' < db name > ' tried to replace undeleted RID ( < > , < > ) at slot < slot # > and ridposn < # > . Try dropping and recreating the index".
792515 A segmentation fault may occur in the query of the monSpinlockActivity table when the spinlock has just been released at the time the query examines the spinlock.
792540 SAP ASE does not return a value when querying a global variable with the option nodata on.
792605 When using latch-free-btree feature, 12313 error "Internal error: Insert into page id 5514093 of index id 2 of table 'new_order' (id = 1056003762) in database 'tpcc' tried to replace undeleted RID (9797,3155) at slot 182 and ridposn 0. Try dropping and recreating the index." might be reported due to insufficient memory in LFB pool.
792612 When full database encryption is enabled, the message "Current process infected with signal 4 (SIGILL)" together with a stack trace that includes the module 'cm_split' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when buffer pools are being resized.
792694 When SAP ASE Rep Agent encounters a fatal error, it is possible to disable the ‘auto start’ configuration option by executing sp_stop_rep_agent. While this stored procedure returns an error, the ‘auto start’ configuration option is disabled, but was kept enabled mistakenly.
792710 sqlupgrade[res] did not install $SYBASE/ASE-16_0/scripts/installmodel in database server upgrade.
792713 When disabling a job which is scheduled to run, all the other jobs in the Job Scheduler queue also fail to run.
792728 When a user runs xp_cmdshell on a user database, a 2946 error, "Failed to create service key syb_xpskey" is logged in the SAP ASE errorlog before XP Server starts. See KBA 2249595.
792815 Performance improvement of transaction rollback processing by ASE Replication Agent.
792841 A 3474 error, "During redo the page timestamp value is less than old timestamp from log. Page #= < > , object id = < > , page timestamp= < > . Log old timestamp= < > . Log record marker = ( < > ).", may be reported during LOAD TRANSACTION if either the built-in reserve_identity() or the dbcc set_identity_burn_max() command have been executed when the transaction dump was taken. Extended fix for SDC. See KBA 2240012.
792982 In rare circumstances on a heavily-loaded system, a 1295 error, "Unconditional lock request for table or page < page id > , dbid < dbid > was made while holding a latch." may be reported when running DUMP TRANSACTION on a table having compressed index.
793016 A 941 error, "Illegal database context operation", may be reported when a table has more than one trigger of the same type and DML that causes the trigger to execute is initiated from a different database than where the trigger resides. See KBA 2252633.
793065 Killing a spid in log suspect causes error 4720, "Cannot truncate table < table_name > because there are one or more isolation level 0 scans, or REORG command, active on the table" to be reported and the failure to drop temp table. See KBA 2252511.
793076 Drop table might fail with error 3703 when there are multiple triggers of the same type(insert, update, delete), and one of them is a composite of others and this trigger is dropped before dropping table.
793135 In some circumstances, SAP ASE may run out of procedure cache during histogram processing when the query has a large IN-list containing out-of-domain values.
793217 Transferring NULL LOB data from remote source via INSERT-SELECT may result in wrong data inserted.
793243 When a dump sequence contains a transaction dump followed by an unlogged operation, a cumulative dump, and another transaction dump, the command LOAD WITH LISTONLY=LOAD_SQL,UNTIL_TIME= < time between last transaction dump and cumulative dump > will generate an invalid load sequence.
793367 Certificate Authority root certificates provided as examples in database server release areas have expired.
793418 The error 15497, "The password for the master key of database 'database name' has not been set." may be raised when accessing encrypted columns in unattended start-up mode on HA secondary companion during failover mode. See KBA 2256377.
793425 When using latch-free-btree feature, 3478 error "During undo the page timestamp value is less than new timestamp from log. Page #=**, object id = ***, page timestamp=*** ****. Log new timestamp=*** *****. Log record marker = (**, **)." might be reported due to insufficient memory in LFB pool.
793518 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11" in the module 'dam_cache', together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'db_fill' and 'dam_enable' may be reported in the error log when loading a database dump into a database that has an invalid system table SYSDAMS and the database option 'allow incremental dump' is enabled.
793552 A 3701 error, "Cannot drop the index 'test_table.ind', because it doesn't exist in the system catalogs.", may be reported by the standby database server because a DROP INDEX command in the master database has been mistakenly replicated from the primary SAP ASE.
793627 During an SAP ASE upgrade from 15.7 SP122 version to SP132 or SP135 with SSL enabled, the database response time increase resulting in poor performance. See KBA 2258264.
793666 A 8006 error followed by a stack trace that includes the module 'as_send_db_map' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log, followed by the message "Device < master-device > : < # > is not a legal virtual block number.", while trying to dump the master database, if the system table SYSDEVICES contains some other device that has a ‘vdevno’ value of 0. An 8006 error is of the form "ASE error detected by < name1 > . Refer to the preceding < name2 > message"
793722 When the master database is setup for replication, the execution of the system stored procedure sp_addserver resulting in an update of an existing entry in sysservers fails to be replicated.
793766 The message, "ulvspinlock: spinlock being released improperly" or "ulpspinlock: spinlock order violation" may be reported in the SAP ASE error log on Solaris M-Series machines when the diagserver binary is used.
793841 Readonly feature is now supported in HADR.
793873 A 2714 error, "There is already an object named < obj_name > in the database", may be reported if GTT is created in a database with deferred table allocstion enabled.
793881 Transaction gets committed unexpectedly right after DML statement(s) running against table variable inside a transaction.
793885 If a Run-To-Completion thread hits an exception while holding a spinlock, spinlock information is not printed in SAP ASE error log and ASE continues to run although it should implicitly shutdown.
793902 In some cases, the database server might report error 12034, "Collection of monitoring data for table < table_name > failed due to insufficient memory. Retry when there is less load, or fewer users, on the server. < nn > rows were not returned because < xx > bytes of memory could not be allocated" and error 8601, "Process < spid1 > tried to keep the PSS for process < spid2 > when it already had the PSS for process < spid3 > kept", and the affected process would be terminated.
793904 In rare circumstances, if NVcache is being used, tasks performing sp_nvcacheunbind may hang forever waiting for address lock.
793950 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'GenCondensedText::isInTree' followed by a stack trace that includes the modules 'GenCondensedText::getAghead' and 'GenCondensedText::generateAggregate', may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when running the SHOW_CONDENSED_TEXT() built-in function.
793959 Due to changes in isolation level, lightweight procedures do not store the correct compile setting. See KBA 2326973.
793963 SAP ASE spids might hang indefinitely waiting on the MASS_DESTROY bit to be reset when tempdbs are used.
793969 Sybmon command "keptbuf < spid > " will report signal 11 error on a memory dump without including page cache.
793977 A 2004 error, “'Procedure ' < global_temporary_table_name > _p' has already been created with group number 1 - create procedure with an unused group number.”, will be reported in a replication environment with DDL enabled while the creation of a global temporary table object is replicated, which will cause the replication stream to stop.
793992 A 899 error, "The page < pageid > requested for in-memory database < db name > , object < object name > was not found in in-memory storage cache < cache name > . Please contact SAP Technical Support." may be reported when UPDATE a LOB column from in-row to off-row in an in-memory DB failed with minimally-logged DML enabled.
793999 When dropping an index and both the table and the index have a large identifier name, the command may fail to be replicated and the Replication Server DSI thread may shutdown after receiving errors 102 and 159 from the replicate ASE.
794010 When IMDB devices are configured, they may cause an error 12055, "System call < name > failed with error < n > ", to be reported in the SAp ASE error log when querying the monDeviceSpaceUsage MDA table. See KBA 2304324.
794067 Job Scheduler stored procedures, if executed inside a transaction, may hang the application and the Job Scheduler may delay execution of the jobs.
794082 Rolling back transactions within nested triggers can cause unnecessary recompilations of the parent trigger.
794128 Wait Event 215 (waiting on run queue after sleep) is not reported in the monProcessWaits MDA table
794149 In rare circumstances, the message "Current process infected with signal 4 (SIGILL)" may be reported in the SAP ASE error log if the same spinlock is released twice in quick succession. This will likely be followed by SAP ASE being stopped. This should be seen only on Linux when running on Intel processors which do not support transactional memory.
794162 After large buffer pools are configured and db statistics are updated, the database server might report errors indicating that the buffer pools are under-configured. Increasing large buffer pool size does not fix the problem.
794175 The message, "Current process infected with 11" in the module 'qry_init_stats' followed by a stack trace that include the moudles 'qry_init' and 'decision', may be reported in the erorr log when executing a query that involves a LIKE clause.
794265 When DDL replication is setup, the DDL command 'REFRESH PRECOMPUTED RESULT SET' is replicated twice. As a consequence, the SRS DSI thread terminates after receiving error 11028 from the replicate server when the precomputed result set is using the immediate refresh policy.
794294 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11" in the module 'GenCondensedText::isInTree' followed by a stack trace that includes the modules 'GenCondensedText::getAghead' and 'GenCondensedText::generateAggregate', may be reported in the error log when running show_condensed_text() built-in function.
794436 When show_object_list is turned on, print materialize and merge information about a view in the query output.
794440 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11" together with a stack trace that includes the module LeSarg::mapSarg(), may be reported in the SAP ASE error log if a conflict happens when updating a primary key in self-referencing query. Error 546 should be raised instead.
794512 The manifest file created by UNMOUNT DATABASE, QUIESCE DATABASE or CREATE MANIFEST FILE is closed without flushing the file system buffers. This flush is required if some low level utilities are used to clone the disk content.
794556 Executing multiple queries on the monMemoryUsage MDA table may result in reduction in the amount of free memory available in the database server's Global Fragment Pool. This may cause further queries on the monMemoryUsage table or other commands in the database server to fail.
794568 In a replication environment with DDL enabled, if a GRANT with predicated privilege command is larger than 255 characters, it will be truncated mistakenly, whereby the truncated command will be replicated to the SAP Replication Server, which will cause the replication stream to stop because the truncated GRANT command cannot be recognized by the target database server.
794619 In rare circumstances in HADR environment, a timeslice error "spid < process id of deactivate task > exhausted its 'time slice'" and message "SQL causing error: sp_hadr_admin deactivate" maybe reported in errorlog together with a stack trace which includes the modules hadr__deactivate_poll, hadr__deactivate_begin and hadr__deactivate.
794633 A second parameter 'ftp' is added to textptr() to make textptr() return NULL always for NULL LOB data if this parameter is specified.
794666 Use of the monDeviceSpaceUsage MDA table will leak memory from the Global Fragment Pool under some exceptional circumstance.
794760 Under rare circumstances, the message, "ulvspinlock: spinlock being released improperly", together with a stack trace that includes the modules 'ulvspinlock' and 'altdb__thcheck' followed by a server crash, may be reported in the error log if the command ALTER DATABASE OFF tried to remove an amount of log space such that the remaining space would be under the last chance threshold.
794764 Under rare circumstances, the message "Current process infected with signal 11" in the module 'CgpGlobal::CgpTransform' followed by a stack trace that include the modules 'CgpGlobal::CgpGenerate' and 'Optimize', may be reported in the SAP ASE error log if a batch with IF EXISTS condition is executed.
794772 The command DUMP TRANSACTION will incorrectly set an invalid, higher than expected, number of free log pages in its internal data structures, when executed after an ALTER DATABASE LOG OFF command that failed to remove a log fragment because some page in the requested page range is allocated. The same problem will happen if the log segment is dropped from a device that contains allocated log pages that become stranded.
794843 The error, "shmdt: Operating system error 22 in file dmpldrpc.c at line nnnn", may be reported when using parallel threads to DUMP an in-memory database in HPIA platform.
794846 When NVcache is used, SAP ASE may slow down due to in-memory meta page contention.
794882 DBCC reports Invalid Column Length errors on syscomments in sybsystemprocs after installing or upgrading to SAP ASE releases at or above 15.7 SP133, 16.0 SP01 PL02, and 16.0 SP02. See KBA 2269820.
794920 Under Windows platforms, SAP ASE may not be able to create new native threads to execute UDF or ADT constructs with JavaVM as soon as the amount of these requests exceeds the value of the 'pci_xopt_maxthreads' option of sp_pciconfig whose default value is 1056.
794933 MSA Replication using SQLDML causes DSI thread down due error 11055
794963 A 3475 error, "There is no space available in SYSLOGS to log a record for which space has been reserved in database < dbid > (id < id_no > )", may be reported after a database dump with a log hole is loaded into a database with a data hole instead.
794981 The message, "Current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module ’kbfusage’ together with a stack trace which includes the modules ‘mda_populate_monMemoryUsage’ and ‘mda__MemUsg_one_FragmentPool’, may be reported in the SAP ASE error log while executing a query on the master..monMemoryUsage table. Alternatively a timeslice error in the same module ’kbfusage’ may be reported.
794987 On Windows platform, updatease fails to boot the dataserver if the master device is too large.
795006 Under rare circumstances, a LOAD CUMULATIVE or LOAD TRANSACTION command might hang when the database in the dump has some hole and the target database does not. The stack trace of the hang process will show the modules 'rec__reconcile_dmap', 'crdb_update_sysusages', and 'buf_get_latch'.
795008 SSL connection attempts will fail when a cipher suite which is not supported by TLS 1.0 such as TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_RC4_128_SHA.
795038 internal only - handle name/version-string changes.
795042 A 839 error, "Grabbed buffer dirty but not writing", may be reported during bufgrab due to incorrectly linking of KEPT buffer to LRU-MRU.
795046 New system stored procedure sp_helpview is introduced to display dependant objects of a view and print ddl text of related views. Syntax: sp_helpview view_name, [display option] By default, display option is NULL. In this case, sp_helpview won't display ddl text of views. When display option is 'view_text', ddl text of views will be printed. The scripts can be used to recreate the views.
795071 When an ALTER DATABASE OFF command is executed on a database that has been created with asynchronous initialization, a 695 error, "An attempt was made to read logical page < > for database < > ( < > )), object 'syslogs' (8), index 'syslogs' (0), partition 'syslogs_8' (8) from disk. Wrong logical page < > ' was brought into cache 'default data cache'. If pages are being signed, this may indicate a signature check failure." in the module 'getpage__noscan' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'altdb_shrink' and 'altdb__move_extents' may be reported in the database server error log.
795206 The message, "Timeslice -544, current process infected", together with a stack trace that includes the module mmap64(), may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when querying the monThread MDA table. See KBA 2283459.
795235 On Windows platform, Job Scheduler fails to start with the message, "Job Scheduler Agent errorlog path < PATHNAME > does not exist. Please set valid errorlog path using sp_jsconfigure.", if the path contains a trailing escape character.
795239 In rare circumstances, the SAP ASE may hit a timeslice error in the module des_checkpoint_flush_sysstats(). The stacktrace will be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog.
795371 Updatease fails to start the dataserver if the runserver file contains the 'var=value' option for dataserver.
795382 Spurious "invalid column length" errors may be reported by DBCC CHECKTABLE on encrypted columns and when running sp_post_xpload.
795383 New feature that implements a lite version of the jconnect stored procedure sp_mda as well as two new utility registered procedures sp_version and sp_charset.
795395 An unexpected message, "Usage: sp_logging_rate {'full'|'sum', '[day,]hh:mm:ss'}[, @interval='hh:mm:ss'][, @clear_option='y'|" may be reported in the 'Object_status' column of the output of sp_help command.
795403 Trailing characters in the result of hadr_state() built-in when used in a stored procedure.
795426 Built-in function replicate (@var, @len) does not work correctly if trace 244 OFF and @var is very long.
795437 syconfig might report 'Cannot open runserver file' error during upgrade.
795458 Expanding some MDA columns from 30 to 255 bytes.
795501 The stored procedure sp_start_rep_agent does not yet support the 'recovery' option when SAP ASE Rep Agent is configured for stream replication.
795533 In rare circumstances on a heavily-loaded multi-engine system, a timeslice error in the module 'ubo_slotscan_getnext' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'mda_populate_monCachedProcedures' and 'VTABRemoteAccess::getNext' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when the MDA table monCachedProcedures is queried. See KBA 2393400.
795563 Select queries at isolation level 0 with 'chained mode on' might lead to HADR deactivation delay or failure.
795565 ALTER INDEX will not be replicated if it is executed from a user stored procedure.
795576 When the force_bloom_filter_for_ap_joins switch is enabled and a SELECT JOIN query is forced by an abstract plan while the physical operator can use a bloom filter, the bloom filter will be used. This won't override the join_bloom_filter switch setting.
795591 The client using SSL or non-TDS clients when disconnecting during login may cause the conn_hdlr task to remain in the database server with “MAINTENANCE TOKEN” state which can be seen in the 'sp_who' output.
795627 The monProcessSQLText MDA table will report 'exec < procedure > ' as the text in the SQLText column rather than the actual text of the ' < procedure > ' when a procedure is executed. See KBA 2277984
795680 Under rare circumstances a 694 error, "An attempt was made to read logical page ' < > ', virtual page ' < > ' from virtual device ' < > ' ... The page was not read successfully. You may have a device problem or an operating system problem." may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when an encryption/decryption task is running in parallel with sessions that perform DML operations.
795695 While Rep Agent processes a transaction holding data for compressed LOB columns, a memory leak may occur whereby a 9284 error "RepAgent( < dbid > ). Cannot allocate < n > bytes of memory. You may need to reconfigure the parameter 'replication agent memory size' with more memory." may be reported. This will terminate the Rep Agent. This memory can only be freed after rebooting SAP ASE.
795702 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV) or signal 10 (SIGBUS)" together with a stack trace that includes the module memtextlen(), may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when using the XMLTABLE builtin. This may lead to procedure cache memory pool corruption. See KBA 2281187.
795780 In rare circumstances, a 605 error "An attempt was made to fetch logical page < > from cache 'default data cache'. Page belongs to database < > , object < > , index < > , partition < > and not to database < > , object < > , index < > , partition < > ." may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during the execution of an online reorg rebuild command on a table whose descriptor is bound to the metadata objects cache.
795802 SAP ASE configured for HADR allows server to be re-activated mistakenly (using sap_hadr_admin 'activate') during log drain.
795809 During the execution of CREATE or ALTER DATABASE, if SAP ASE fails to allocate space for the system table SYSDAMS while the option 'allow incremental dumps' is disabled, SAP ASE is incorrectly aborting the command after printing the warning message "The allocation of extents for sysdams in database ' < name > ' failed". The command should fail only if the option 'allow incremental dumps' is enabled.
795813 When dropping an index and both the table and the index have a large identifier name, the command may fail to be replicated and the Replication Server DSI thread may shutdown after receiving error 3701 from the replicate SAP ASE.
795815 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" together with a stack trace that includes the module GttTable::getStarQueryGtIdOrder() and sequencer(), may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a query is executed with a derived table (using UNION) joined to a Fact table using the fact_table hint. See KBA 2283395.
795822 sp_tempdb "bind" to bind a login may fail if tempdb is full. See KBA 2281184.
795840 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'GenCondensedText::generateExpression' or "GenCondensedText::generateCase" followed by a stack trace that includes the modules 'GenCondensedText::generateExpression', may be reported in the error log when running show_condensed_text() built-in function.
795863 Multiple concurrent transaction dumps started while a full or cumulative dump is running can unnecessarily delay the latter command completion time.
795883 SAP ASE running on the IBM AIX platform may encounter signal 11 at usrcancel+0xb8() when processing a cancel request from old (pre TDS5) clients.
795886 In rare circumstances, a timeslice error in the module 'bt__lockprevpg' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'bt__pgdealloc' and 'hkgc_garbagecollect' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log while a heavy activity of concurrent DML commands on Data Only Locked tables is taking place that requires index pages to be shrunk. See KBA 2312920.
795918 When Rep Agent is started but not connected yet to Replication Server, the replication log size reported by RMA and the MDA table monRepScanners (column LogPagesLeft) is zero or null until Rep Agent successfully connects to Replication Server.
795919 In an HADR system, the deactivation of the primary SAP ASE may hang instead of aborting with error 9662 when the transaction log of a replicated database is full and the database option 'abort tran on log full' is turned off.
796008 When RAT-CI is started and ASE DTM is enabled, a warning message is printed in the SAP ASE error log as follows: "Rep Agent (%d) Warning: RAT-CI and HADR are not guaranteed to work with XA/MSDTC distributed transactions."
796018 When a table-valued UDF appears as the inner side of an outer join, and the UDF's arguments are anything other than constants, ASE fails to find a suitable query plan.
796025 Under rare circumstances, when the stream replication synchronous mode is enabled, SAP Replication Server may receive a package that contains a confirmed OQID value that is less than the confirmed OQID value in a previous package. This may lead to data not being replicated correctly between the primary and standby SAP ASE installations.
796038 The overhead rate might become 100% at the beginning of a workload capture.
796082 If SAP ASE runs out of log space while DUMP DATABASE is running, and the option 'allow incremental dumps' is enabled in the database, the command will hang at the end, holding several locks that prevent the log can either be truncated or extended. See KBA 2277965.
796101 When NV cache size is incremented, dirty threshold gets reset to 0. Cache shows only 1 buffer in dirty chain for a long time.
796106 sp_helpcache reports a 515 error, "Attempt to insert NULL value into column < column_name > , table < table_name > ; column does not allow nulls. Update fails", when lock data caches are configured. See KBA 2284729.
796187 Under a heavily loaded SAP ASE system, a timeslice error in the module ‘log__newpage’ with a stack trace which includes the modules ‘txtimg_log_datarow’ and ‘plc__flush’ may be reported in the error log while a process is accessing the data cache and the full encryption feature is enabled. This error will result in an implicit shut down of ASE.
796214 Creating a table with quoted table name that has the "{{" characters in the name may incorrectly update sysobjects with a different name.
796219 When RepAgent is configured for stream replication and a retryable error occurs after the execution of a DDL command altering the schema of a table, RepAgent may fail to process again the log records requiring the old schema of the table. Examples of failures are an error 9219 state 58 ("Internal coding error.") or a SIGSEGV in the function ra__process_xtext.
796256 The reporting of SAP ASE RepAgent configuration option changes in the SAP ASE error log is now enabled.
796257 When the nesting of table-valued UDFs approaches the value of config param 'max nesting level', a stack trace may occur and the transaction aborted. Also, when table-valued UDFs are used in queries that contain 6 or more joins, stack traces may occur and the transaction aborted.
796272 Add support for TLS 1.1 and 1.2.
796300 After server reboot, NV cache might not be shown with sp_nvcacheconfig output. The NV cache is operational but not visible via stored procedure.
796335 In the SAP ASE sysservers system table, 2 extra characters are seen in the srvnetname field for srvclass 17 (HADR_GROUP).
796350 If SAP ASE errorlog rollover feature is enabled using "sp_configure 'errorlog size', < size in MB > ", when log size reaches its threshold, a new log file is opened with name < original_logname > . < timestamp > and this file becomes the active errorlog of SAP ASE.
796354 The execution of DUMP TRANSACTION or DUMP DATABASE while the database is offline may break the load sequence. In addition during ONLINE DATABASE this may cause the undo pass to be skipped mistakenly.
796398 An 804 error, "Unable to find buffer ..." followed by an 834 error "Illegal attempt to clean buffer...", may be reported when loading a database dump after a previous attempt to load a database dump has failed.
796409 Reinitializing a device that has been deleted from the operating system is now allowed without having to drop and recreate the logical name in ASE. The new feature is exercised when the DISK REINIT command is executed passing a logical name but not the physical name.
796429 Changes adding symbolic support for the SAP JRE HostAPI effectively evaluate system device path requests to platform mapped entries. As this does not match the SYBPCIDB specific administration it will cause trouble towards certain JRE provided frameworks like rmi. This problem does typically cause trouble under Sun Solaris.
796437 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" together with a stack trace that includes the module sort_set_psortstatus(), may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when creating a global index on a partitioned table using parallel sort.
796440 Session variable set command converts string to lowercase incorrectly.
796457 In an HADR system, the deactivation of the primary server may fail silently during the log drain phase after the failure of a database operation (e.g. drop database) has left the database descriptor in an inactive state.
796532 When a query references a table with a name that starts with '##', SAP ASE may raise error 2812, "Stored procedure ' < name > ' not found. Specify owner.objectname or use sp_help to check whether the object exists (sp_help may produce lots of output)", indicating a non-existent procedure. See KBA 2289636.
796550 The monProcessProcedures reports incorrect ExecutionCount for trigger procedures.
796565 The embedded HTTP server for SAP ASE Webservices allows older ciphers and protocols that are now considered weak. Allow the HTTP server for SAP ASE Webservices to use the latest ciphers and protocols. See KBA 2290005.
796605 Syntax error might be hit when dynamic sql with parameter is executed.
796642 The pssinfo() built-in option 'tdsvers' incorrectly returns the value of the SAP ASE TDS version instead of the client's TDS version.
796657 ODBC : 'sp_drv_getcomment' may cause a performance issue because of a table scan on the syscomments table.
796688 The job scheduler, when executing a job with sql containing '/' or '-' character which is not part of start of the comment, hangs with job state R1/R2 in sybmgmtdb..js_history.
796735 In rare circumstances, DUMP TRANSACTION may hang in the module ‘cm__waitfor_io’ while heavy activity of concurrent DML commands on Data Only Locked tables is taking place that requires index pages to be shrunk. This will prevent the log from being archived.
796745 The error message, "Invalid column length: < > . Value must be between < > and < > at offset < > for 'all-pages' row with minimum row length of < > ." together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'leafdatacheck' and 'collocate' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when DBCC CHECKDB is executed on a database that has been previously decrypted. See KBA 2291967.
796763 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" together with a stack trace that includes the modules query_text() and LeRun(), may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when executing the builtin function 'query_text'. See KBA 2346501.
796782 A 840 error, “Device ' < > ' (with physical name ' < > ’, and virtual device number < > ) has not been correctly activated at startup time . . .” may incorrectly be reported while DUMP TRANSACTION with NO_TRUNCATE is executed on a database that has lost some of its data devices. This error will cause the DUMP command to fail.
796793 The exec count value displayed in show_cached_plan_in_xml is incorrect for the batch queries.
796814 The message 3261 has been improved to include the offending feature ID in the text: "You cannot load this dump because it contains functionality (feature ID %d) that is available only on the server on which it was dumped."
796916 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" together with a stack trace that includes the modules mda__traverse_lock_bucket() and mda__traverse_lock_hashtable(), may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when accessing the monLocks MDA table. See KBA 2294241.
796966 A 107 error, "The column prefix < tbl_name > does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query. Either the table is not specified in the FROM clause or it has a correlation name which must be used instead", may be reported when procedureal objects have references to global temp table's columns.
796970 In some circumstance, the HeldNumTimeoutsCausedByLock column of the monLockTimeout MDA table may report an abnormal value.
796980 Under rare circumstances, a 6902 error "Page timestamp value falls between the old and new timestamps from log. Page #=3, object id = 1, page timestamp= < ts > . Log: old timestamp= < ts2 > , new timestamp= < ts3 > . Log record marker..." may be reported in the SAP ASE error log for commands whose changes are mistakenly logged in a different database. Alternatively a 614 error "Adaptive Server accessed a row that has an illegal length of 0 while in data base ...", followed by a 3478 error "During undo the page timestamp value is less than new timestamp from log. Page #=22, object id = 2, page timestamp= < ts > . Log new timestamp= < ts > . Log record marker..." may be reported. See KBA 2297748.
797143 sp_helptext may returned incorrect text for a view which is created with long string.
797160 In rare circumstances the system stored procedure SP_DEPENDS may report an incorrect mapping value when a column is multiple of 8.
797186 Post commit shrink is off by default on SAP ASE 15.7 SP137. On SAP ASE 16.0 S02 PL04, it is now enabled default.
797200 A 3906 error, "Attempt to BEGIN TRANSACTION in database ' < dbname > ' failed because database is READ ONLY." may be reported when a DUMP DATABASE is executed on a 'read only' database and the configuration option 'enable dump history' is set to 1. See KBA 2305866.
797258 If a database is loaded onto another database with different layout, requiring the data and log devices to be remapped, the target database will lose all the user defined segments. See KBA 2298391.
797293 The error 632, "Attempt to move memory with an incorrect length of 198068. Maximum allowed length is 16384" is reported in index compression page during select command.
797386 In rare circumstances, the message "Current process infected with 11" in the module 'kbfalloc’ together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'memallocheap’ and 'createpool_n_alloc’ may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during an index rebuild of a partitioned table.
797419 The message 3543, "One or more entries in the data segment free space counts in database ID %d was found to be negative and has been set to 0", has been changed to differentiate between 'data' and 'log' segments. The new message is "One or more entries in the < data > | < log > segment ...".
797430 In rare circumstances, SAP ASE may hang as a result of undetected deadlocks caused by a process that is queuing a ‘lock entry’ request to itself after hitting an error.
797492 An 814 error, “Keep count of buffer ' < > ' in cache ‘ < > ' holding logical page ‘ < > ’ in database ' < > ' has become negative” may be reported in the SAP ASE errorlog when an INSERT command is executed on a Data Only Locked Table.
797504 Mutually exclusive LIKE clauses can lead to hang connections. See KBA 2302039.
797534 Under rare circumstances, the error, "A01: SYBMULTBUF ERROR: Failed to write to copy device in", may be printed in the SAP ASE Backup Server error log when a database dump is loaded using the backup server API.
797539 The built-in ROW_COUNT() returns the value of zero rows for a system table mistakenly, when the database was created with the 'no_recovery' durability option.
797547 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'bt__pgalloc' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'onlutl_ins_pts_table' may be reported in the error log when an online REORG REBUILD is executed.
797564 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" together with a stack trace that includes the modules s_mustrecompile() and s_execute(), may be reported in the SAP ASE error log after executing a procedure which performs a select into a table while running in transaction isolation level 0. See KBA 2305759.
797604 This request enables customer to set the specific table's attribute of row recompile factor which can be float.
797611 The message, "Current process infected with 8" in the module 'fm__init_fmlist' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'cfg_read_vrfy_dumpconfig' and 'dsinit' may be reported in the error log if more than 9 dump configurations exist with post-16.0 SP02 PL02 SAP ASE installations. Alternatively a 5859 error, "The configuration number '652' is invalid." may be reported. See KBA 2303515.
797634 In rare circumstance, monProcessStatement.CpuTime will report an invalid value like 2007021037 for short running statements.
797662 A 605 error, "An attempt was made to fetch logical page ' < n > ' from cache ' < a > '. Page belongs to < x > and not to < y > ." error on the sysgams system table may be reported following an ALTER DATABASE if the system segment had no free 8-page extents at the time of the ALTER DATABASE execution, and the new size of the database requires the allocation of new extents for SYSGAMS. This happens every 64GB in a 2K page size installation, 128GB in 4K, 256GB in 8K, and 512GB in 16K. The extent allocated to sysgams is overwritten by an extent allocated to sysdams system table. See KBA 2273536.
797672 In a very rare, highly concurrent scenario when encryption/decryption task is enabled, SAP ASE may hit signal 11 because of unallocated pages.
797689 The sample API program pipedev.c fails to dump or load a database. The Backup Server errorlog will show the messages, "SYBMULTBUF ERROR: Emulator interprocess communication failed with error state = 9, error code=0, system message=Pipe I/O returned 0 bytes.", followed by a set of messages, "Error in srv_select() - file descriptor # is no longer active". See KBA 2422470.
797712 In rare circumstances, the SAP ASE dataserver may hang in the function LeHashContext::HB1stOpen() as a result of a Ctrl-C on a parallel HashJoin query.
797745 Under rare circumstances when the number of objects cached for a database in the metadata cache is high, in the range of thousands, the house keeper process may hit a time slice error in the module 'des_checkpoint_flush_sysstats' while flushing objects statistics which will result in an implicit shutdown of SAP ASE.
797750 The shutdown procedure of the SAP ASE may hang indefinitely or result in a crash whenever the ASE is 'shutdown with nowait' under server conditions where the SAP ASE has ASE_JAVA methods in execution under the PCA/JVM JRE. This problem only occurs for SAP ASE releases that have the SAP JRE integrated.
797751 Spurious message may be reported by preupgrade for hash partitioned table. See KBA 2305168.
797757 An undetected deadlock can occur between the Housekeeper process and another process trying to flush datachange counters to sysstatistics. Running DBCC STACKTRACE on the spid trying to flush datachange counters will show the spid sleeping on the routine ptn__datachange_reset(). See KBA 2304599.
797796 A 2824 error, "Process < spid > cannot hold PROC_BUF < address > named ' < name > ’ because it holds another PROC_BUF < address > named ' < name > '. A process can only hold one view, rule, or default at a time." may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during the server startup and while the RepAgent is attempting to replace a stored procedure buffer with the same buffer in a replicated database.
797940 The error, "Could not open TSM library /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin64/libApiTSM64.a(dsmapish.o)", will be raised when trying to execute the 64 bits program sybtsmpasswd on AIX. See KBA 2309309.
798089 CPU usage may continue to peek or stay at 100% after a site handler timed out on HP Itanium platforms. See KBA 2308401.
798092 In an SAP HADR environment, when the Primary SAP ASE is in a deactivating state (i.e. undergoing deactivation) or in an inactive state (i.e. deactivation is complete) then the Job Scheduler could run into issues as the connections from the JS Agent get terminated.
798133 Under rare circumstances when SAP ASE Replication Agent attempts to put a new command into a package that is full, instead of stopping or retrying, it will continue sending data to SAP Repserver mistakenly. This will cause wrong data row information to be stored in the SQP that will eventually cause the SAP Repserver to terminate abnormally.
798136 The @srv_version value for jConnect is calculated incorrectly.
798160 Under very rare circumstances SAP ASE may hit a timeslice error while releasing a spinlock and there after could hit multiple timeslice errors eventually requiring server reboot.
798192 sp_help does not work in chained transaction mode.
798209 SAP ASE hits a stack trace in the function ktMuxThreadGetSchedQ during shutdown.
798240 When a SQL statement contains both syntax errors and braces ('{' or '}'), the syntax error is not displayed.
798255 Error 2762 "The 'DROP TABLE' command is not allowed within a multi-statement transaction in the 'tempdb' database." is reported when signal druing post commit shrink.
798271 The errors 14545, 14547 and 14519 will be raised by MOUNT DATABASE if the unmounted database had previously been mounted on a server where the database ID was used and a new database ID was assigned, and this database was extended without previously running DBCC CHECKALLOC(dbname, fix). Additionally, two new options have been added to the MOUNT command: WITH FIXDBID, to instruct the MOUNT command to fix any possible database ID mismatch, and WITH ALLOW_DBID_MISMATCH, to prevent that MOUNT DATABASE fails if the database has different database ID values in the allocation pages.
798285 1579 error, "Error converting characters into Unicode to generate sort keys. There maybe illegal byte(s) in source string, or failure to allocate memory." will occur when applying built-in function UPPER() to utf8 bad byte sequence.
798311 When RepAgent is configured for stream replication, it may fail to retrieve the schema of a table while processing text/image data and terminate with error 9204 state 115: "RepAgent( < dbid > ): Could not locate schema for object with id = ( < objid > ), current marker ( < pageno > , < rowno > ))".
798521 The message, "Current process infected with 11" in the module 'comnb_i4tovarchar’ together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'ra_ci_trace_CMD_applied_get_colvalue’ and 'd__print_replr’ may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when the DBCC print_replr command is executed. Alternatively the error may be seen in module 'com__bigdatetimetochar’ when the DBCC log command is executed.
798585 When SAP ASE uses NVcache feature, during boot server may report message like "timeslice < > , current process infected at < > (ssd_buf_hash+ < > )" in the error log.
798625 Under rare circumstances the message "Current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'smp_bufpredirty' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'finishlog' and 'xact_commit' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a transaction is committed.
798645 In rare circumstances, the message "Current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module fgunlock() may be reported in the SAP ASE error log if an exception is raised in query.
798669 The error 247, "Arithmetic overflow during implicit conversion of UNSIGNED INT NULL value < > to a INT field", may be reported when sp_spaceused is executed on very large databases (of size > 4TB).
798691 Error 11060 may be reported for exceeding the maximum number of recompilations (10). This can occur for procedures running as isolation level 0 transactions.
798750 When a lightweight procedure creates a temporary object (i.e. a temp table) and the lightweight procedure is compiled/recompiled, a check of the partition information on the temporary object can provoke a stack trace.
798822 In the context of streaming replication the Rep Agent will not report by default the message “RepAgent( < dbid > ): Warning: number of mutex retries for mutex package info mutex exceeds 150 at ( < reason > ).”, and “RepAgent( < dbid > ): Warning: mutex package info mutex is acquired after < value > retries at ( < reason > ).”, in the ASE error log. Instead new MDA columns in the monitoring table monRepSyncTaskStatistics will capture a possible mutex contention detected. Additionally the message text for error 9417 is enhanced with “RepAgent( < dbid > ): The CI-resource 'CMD Package' is exhausted, please use 'sp_config_rep_agent' to increase the configuration value of 'buffer pool size'. Waiting for a free package may result in performance degradation.”. See KBA 2388613.
798866 If parameters "abstract plan load" and "enable literal autoparam" are on, error 207 may be reported during procedure creation which uses a subquery and order by a column reference or calculation. Alternately, error 411 can be raised from a COMPUTE clause during procedure creation. See KBA 2319128.
798869 In rare circumstances, the message "Current process < > infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" may be reported in SAP ASE error log with function cm_grabmem_clock() show in the stack in error log while sp_poolconfig was being used in parallel to configure buffer cache pools. See KBA 2359143.
798895 The system stored procedure sp_help_rep_agent should display all the streaming replication configuration parameters of each replicated database when it is called with a null value for @dbname.
798907 The message, "timeslice < value > current process infected at" in the module 'charindex' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'rvm__audit_login' and 'lobj_crtlogin', may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during the execution of sp_addlogin when a new login is created with an encrypted password.
798949 In rare circumstances, a 614 error "Adaptive Server accessed a row that has an illegal length of < value > ..." may be reported on IMDB temporary database.
798961 License heartbeat reported to crash ASE in keipanic
798965 The diagserver may raise a false assertion if an HADR node is removed while no primary exists.
798991 Errors like 692/696 on worktables leads to the recursive deallocations leading to error 803.
799006 A 692 error, "Uninitialized logical page < > was read while accessing < > . Please contact SAP Technical Support.", or a 696 error, "An attempt was made to fetch logical page < > from cache < > . Page belongs to < > and not to < > . Restart of SAP ASE will clear the error. Please contact your System Administrator for help." may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a query execution involves work tables creation. See KBA 2332768.
799010 A 712 error, "There is insufficient heap memory to allocate < n > bytes. Please increase configuration parameter 'heap memory per user' or try again when there is less activity on the system.", may be reported when builtin function set_appcontext is frequently used. See KBA 2324155.
799039 When a large IN List is used in conjunction with a LIKE clause, it does not qualify for Large IN List Optimization, leading to large consumption of procedure cache memory during compilation. See KBA 2231450.
799057 Command line (boot time) trace flag 16939 has been added, which when enabled, will suppress showplan information (from a set showplan on) when executing system stored procedures.
799059 In rare circumstances, when a database is encrypted, SAP ASE may crash or a task may crash with message "timeslice < > , current process infected at < > (pausenonatomic +0x < > )" reported in SAP ASE error log. The error log also shows message like "Spinlocks held by kpid < > " where reported kpid is that of one of the task showing time slice error with pausenonatomic. See KBA 2365687.
799147 Error 1295 "Unconditional lock request for table or page 'pageid', dbid 'dbid' was made while holding a latch." may be reported when btree index splits.
799231 On a server configured with the UTF-8 charset and a non-binary sort order, the built-in functions charindex and str_replace may give wrong results space and comma characters. See KBA 2323608.
799273 When a database containing log or data holes is unmounted and mounted back, the information of the hole type that is stored in the location field the table master..sysusages is lost.
799279 The error 536, "Invalid length parameter with value of -1 passed to the substring function", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when executing sp_helptext on a VIEW when the VIEW is created with a long string.
799296 The handling of a concurrent execution between ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION and UPDATE INDEX STATISTICS on the same table, when 'enable utility lvl 0 scan wait' is set to 1, has been enhanced to give preference to add partition over update statistics.
799304 In an SAP ASE configured for multiple temporary databases, a performance impact can be seen during a check to determine whether a user defined tempdb is an in-memory user defined tempdb. The user defined tempdb does not need to be an in-memory tempdb in order to be impacted. A lot of iterations over the sequence tree or query plan (however not common for most customers) can lead to the performance degradation. See KBA 2347547.
799333 For SAP ASE running in threaded kernel mode, a task (spid) may hang with kctCheckAsync() seen as the top function in the output from dbcc stacktrace( < spid > ).
799359 A 1514 error, "Sort failed because it attempted to allocate page < pgid > and found that the page was busy. Buffer < address > contains a cached ...", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when sort transactions on very large tables or worktables are rolled back in databases that have mixed-log-and-data.
799370 When lots of procedure cache memory is consumed during a query execution, there is no way to kill the process which is grabbing memory.
799454 In an HADR environment using stream replication, the drain of the transaction logs fails to be aborted when the Rep Agent Thread fails to reconnect to Replication Server.
799491 When setting an appcontext followed by a remove appcontext, an infected with 11 (SIGSEGV) may be logged in the SAP ASE errorlog. The stacktrace will include the function actx__create_attr() near the top of the stacktrace.
799493 A 29006 error, “Invalid DOL data row pointer: row < > with status 0x800 must be normal row instead of compressed row” may be reported when running SELECT-INTO while the compatibility mode is enabled and some of the tables are compressed. See KBA 2327918.
799568 REORG DEFRAG with resume may cause table corruption. Error 614 and 9991 may subsequently be reported when running DBCC CHECKTABLE. See KBA 2329226.
799601 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11" may be reported in the error log together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'ra__connect_server', 'usctconnect' and 'uctSetIssuedCnt' when several Replication Agent Threads are started simultaneously and fail to connect to Replication Server.
799605 SAP XP Server logs incomplete messages on Windows 64bit. See KBA 2329834.
799609 In a HADR setup, non-privileged connection using SSL to standby ASE fails.
799690 KBA 2402238. The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'memmove' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'tdsrecv__dynexec' and 'tdsrecv_params' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log if a JDBC application has the DYNAMIC_PREPARE option enabled while a dynamic INSERT command is executed that involves parameter values of VARCHAR type.
799706 The option 'enable delta tran dump' will not include in the transaction dump any log page that has been sent in a previous transaction dump. If, between two transaction dumps the logical size of the log has changed and it has to be rebuilt from the log in the dump, the resulting log will be incomplete and the target database will be corrupted.
799735 When a view containing a table-valued UDF is renormalized due to a change in an underlying table, renormalization of the T-UDF fails on columns representing arguments to the function.
799747 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" followed by a stack trace that contains the module 'am__chain_extent_count' may be raised if the system table SYSGAMS or SYSDAMS is corrupted and it contains more pages than the maximum allowed for these tables. The maximum number of pages allowed for SYSGAMS is 1048 and for SYSDAMS is 2096. See KBA 2387517.
799751 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", followed by a stack trace that includes the module 'sendtext' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a UNION ALL along with an ORDER BY is being used and if the outer table has in-row LOB columns with NULL values. See KBA 2340330.
799801 More procedure cache is consumed after setting "auditing" to 1 in SAP ASE 16.x. See KBA: 2333673.
799835 In a HADR environment, after running sap_teardown on the RMA, @@hadr_state returned by SAP ASE indicates 2 (INACTIVE).
799874 When updating the 'rules file' config parameter in SAP ASE, if any other parameters are subsequently update before the server is rebooted, the 'rules file' update reverts to its previous value.
799907 With statement cache turned on, a long query might need long time to save the statement into statement cache. See KBA 2388707.
799955 KBA 2337117 - SAP ASE may raise error 622 when DML is performed against a table that has a trigger and a materialized view that depends on the table. The error leaves the table marked as being in use.
800027 KBA 2462650 The following properties have been added to ICU tools to create log device for sybmgmtdb. sqlsrv.sybmgmtdb_create_log_device: no sqlsrv.sybmgmtdb_log_device_physical_name: PUT_THE_PATH_OF_YOUR_SYBMGMTDB_DEVICE_HERE sqlsrv.sybmgmtdb_log_device_size: USE_DEFAULT sqlsrv.sybmgmtdb_log_database_size: USE_DEFAULT
800147 The message, "Current process infected with 11" in the module 'OptBlock::_OptInitBlobTcIdBm’ together with a stack trace which includes the modules 's_compile_stmt’ and 's_execute', may be reported in the SAP ASE error log if a SELLECT query with a FOR UPDATE clause contains an uncorrelated subquery.
800167 The command DUMP DATABASE CUMULATIVE could fail and the backup server could die if the table SYSDAMS became corrupted.
800190 When SAP ASE is upgraded from prior to 15.5 to 15.5 or later releases then stored procedure sp_helpcache displays Config Size of 'default data cache' as 0 Mb".
800204 Clients may hang against Solaris X64 SAP ASE. See KBA 2340669.
800300 The message, "Current process infected with 11" in the module 'execproc' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'sequencer' and 's_execute', may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a stored procedure is executed. See KBA 2385151.
800312 A new column, QueryOptimizationTime, is added to monProcessActivity, monProcessStatement and monSysStatement tables to represent the total number of milliseconds CPU time spent on query optimization and compilation.
800349 A memory leak of 2K bytes in the ‘Global Block Pool’ may occur when SAP ASE spawns a task to drop historical data and attribute bindings when a database, table, index, or partition is dropped. See KBA 2347037.
800370 On AIX, Client application in rare situation may hang after sending a new command after a cancel.
800396 The message, "Current process infected with 11" in the module 'bufpindirty' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'xls_flush_plcqueue' and 'xact_commit', may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a transaction is committed. See KBA 2352929.
800405 A spurious 691 error, "Encountered invalid logical page '0' while accessing database ' < dbname > ( < dbid > ), object 'syslogs' (8), index 'syslogs' (0), partition 'syslogs_8' (8). This is an internal system error. Please contact SAP Technical Support" may be reported when running the built-in loginfo( < dbid > , "inactive_pages") when a secondary truncation point exists in this database but there is no oldest active transaction present.
800461 SSL connection fails intermittently.
800569 LOAD TRAN WITH HEADERONLY output was beautified in the SAP ASE 16.0 SP02 version onwards but unintentionally lost seconds and milliseconds precision.
800589 The function char_length() may return incorrect result with auditing enabled. See KBA 2347130.
800625 A 940 error, "Dbtable in wrong state for operation: DBTABLE pointer = < value > , dbid = < value > , state = < value > , status= < value > , keep = < value > , system task keep = < value > , name = < value > " with state 11 and 52 might be seen when customized optimization goal setting is on.
800670 In a Multiple Paths Replication environment configured for the 'filter' distribution model, a DDL command on a table having a bound filter is always sent to the path on which the filter is bound but also, by default, to the default path unless the new Rep Agent configuration parameter 'ignore implicit filter for ddl' is set to 'true'. See KBA 2341608.
800708 The ROWS LIMIT clause in INSERT-SELECT statements is now supported.
800721 In case of unlogged activity happening while the DUMP command is running on a database, SAP ASE may report the message, "(0 rows affected)". See KBA 2348911.
800733 Dropping a database on a corrupt device can lead to timeslice errors and result in corruption of the master database.
800813 sp_helpdefrag can result in arithmetic overflow due to type mismatch.
800822 Job Scheduler may fail to start during setup with sapinst on AIX platform.
800855 In rare circumstances, SAP ASE may hit error 515, "Attempt to insert NULL value into column < column_name > , table < table_name > ; column does not allow nulls. Update fails", for a 16K page size dataserver after explicitly adding the identity column in a table which is already populated.
800873 2 issues were resolved (1) Error 12052 may occur for table monTableCompression and SAP ASE may hit access violation in the module 'senderror' on Windows platform. (2) SAP ASE may hit access violation in the module 'mda_populate_monSpinlockActivity' on Windows platform.
800880 The message, "Current process infected with 11" in the module 'pg_clean_oam_entries’ together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'reorg__ptn_fr’ and 'reorg_main’, may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when the command REORG COMPACT is executed. See KBA 2351844.
800932 The error, "java.lang.SecurityException: Unsupported Thread method", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log with SAP JRE Version 8 or greater, during the execution of a UDF that makes use of a private network stack even when the option -Dsybase.allow.native.lib is enabled.
800942 The message, "Current process infected with 11" in the module ‘js__callout’ together with a stack trace which includes the modules ‘js__chores’ and ‘jobscheduler’, may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when there are simultaneous Job Scheduler start requests.
800980 For all Unix platforms, add means of handling a secondary failure in the spid fatal signal handler (i.e. handler for SIGSEGV, SIGBUS etc) and stack overflow checking in signal handler for SAP ASE. 2 new configuration parameters 'sigstack min size' and 'sigstack csmd min size' are introduced in order to configure the minimum amount of stack needed for handling the signal. A task which gets infected with a signal and does not dispose of the required amount of free stack will be transformed into a zombie task. It is advised to contact SAP technical support before modifying these configuration parameters. Minimum stack checking can be disabled via trace flag 2913 and secondary signal handler can be turned off using Trace Flag 2912.
800995 When the DUMP TRAN command fails, the bits DMPX_TRUNCLOG and DMPX_DUMPLOG remain set in the DBTABLE field dbt_extstat, and the bit DBTX_DUMPLOGFAILED, that should be set, is not. See KBA 2354552.
801024 A 12316 error, "Internal error: Attempt to garbage collect a deallocated data page < > in table < > , database < > . Aborting the transaction.", may be reported by HKGC task when accessing a deallocated page while concurrent DML activity is taking place in parallel and some commands are rolled-back.
801058 The command DBCC CHECKALLOC could report a discrepancy between the actual number of free log pages and the cached number of free log pages, after ALTER DATABASE LOG OFF fails with an error 5053 due to existing log pages in the log fragment to be shrunk. See KBA 2422628.
801096 A new property, setup_bs, has been added to allow user to set installation mode.
801105 Permissions on user defined system stored procedure are revoked during upgrade.
801114 When inner table of an OUTER JOIN query has in-row LOB column which is not part of the transitive closure, the query should succeed without a stack trace.
801147 In rare circumstances a user process may hung on PLC Sleep with recursive calls to module 'amc_alloc_firstpages' when running DUMP TRAN WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY on a database that has the option "trunc log on chkpt" enabled.
801198 A 5031 error, "Database test which is currently offline has been altered from size < > logical pages ( < > physical pages) to < > logical pages ( < > physical pages).", may be reported when ALTER DATABASE is executed even though the database is actually online. The error message is harmless and should be ignored. See KBA 2385089.
801220 LOAD ... WITH COPYONLY does not work for compressed archive dumps.
801248 Invalid date and process ID are added to the system table syslogshold when DUMP DATABASE or DUMP TRANSACTION are executed. See KBA 2356869.
801260 In an HADR environment using stream replication, when a DUMP TRANSACTION command is executed on the primary database, the corresponding command is not received by SAP ASE Replication Server until an additional commit command is run on the primary database.
801377 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'ex_subhandle' together with a stacktrace which includes the modules 'ex_subhandle' and 'kill_proc' may be reported in the error log during SAP HANA Accelerator for SAP ASE installation.
801414 The ULC Flushes counts under the 'Transaction Management' section of sp_sysmon report may be incorrect and may not add up to 100%.
801422 The DUMP command can fail with the message "Unable to create database information file" when the backup server tries to create a temporary file with the same name and different owner than an existing one.
801424 In Sun Cluster, failover is not triggered because the script which uses haisql is not able to get the correct state of the companion ASE.
801427 Query with join and search clause comparing VARBINARY column and VARCHAR constant may return incorrect results. Rows which should be qualified are not returned. Showplan option will indicate that a unique index is used to scan the table with VARBINARY column.
801433 In rare circumstances, the message, "Current process infected with 11" in the module 'pchk__indcomp_row' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'pchk_bt_page_row' and 'pchk_scan_main', may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when DBCC CHECKSTORAGE on a database having index compressed tables is executed. See KBA 2392234.
801464 sp_configure is now enchanced to auto-formatting uniformly, so all result sets are properly formatted and easy to read.
801544 Fault Manager may be terminated with the following error: Thread creation failed (Operation failed due to lack of resources.)
801565 In rare circumstances where multiple LEVEL0 scanners and online utilities are running together with the "enable utility lvl 0 scan wait" option enabled, there is a possibility that LEVEL0 scanner can get access to pages which are now belonging to another object leading to a 605 error.
801598 In rare circumstances, an 806 error, "Could not find virtual page for logical page < > in database < > ." may be reported in the SAP ASE error log after performing a LOAD DATABASE whereby the target database diskmap does not match that of the source database in the dump. Alternatively in KBA 2411446, a 4343 error, "An error occured when converting the row offset table in the page < > of object ID < > . Either the number of rows, < > , or the free offset in the page, < > , is incorrect. The conversion will be skipped. Please, contact SAP product support." may be reported when performing a cross-platform LOAD DATABASE. See KBA 2420672.
801618 In rare circumstances, the message, "Current process infected with 11" in the module 's_compile_stmt' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'execproc' and 's_compile' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during a stored procedure execution following a 8211 error first reported in the system tempdb database, 'Mismatch found between the name and id descriptor hash table for table < > , objid = < > . Descriptor hashed by name = < > and hashed by id = < > .', due to an object id generated value conflict.
801681 In virtual host, SAP ASE might experience large number of page faults which could cause a task to timeslice. In this situation for a task which is about to timeslice, allow additional grace time.
801725 If a session has started a cursor scan at isolation level 0, while another session is executing an 'alter table add/drop partition' command on the same table, an undetected deadlock between these two sessions may occur if in the former session another query is executed at isolation level 1 or higher.
801727 Stream replication does not support in-memory databases. Startup of Replication Agent for stream replicationon an in-memory database will fail and write the message "Rep Agent ( < dbid > ) RAT-CI could not be started. It is not supported on in-memory databases." to the SAP ASE error log.
801735 A 631 error "The length of < value > passed to delete row routine for the row at offset < value > is incorrect on the following page of database ' < DBID > ': < PAGE > . The expected row length is < value > . The offset should be no greater than < value > ." may be reported when redo of DELETE log record on APL data compressed table with clustered index during LOAD TRAN.
801789 When "set forceplan on" is enabled, the internally generated abstract plan may lead to very inefficient plan to satisfy the forceplan for the queries which involved min/max operations. See KBA 2364881.
801824 A 624 error, "Adaptive Server failed to retrieve a row via its RID in database < dbname > because the requested RID has a higher number than the last RID on the page.", or a 625 error, "Adaptive Server failed to retrieve a row via its RID in database < dbname > because the entry in the offset table for that RID is less than or equal to 0.", may be reported while a row is inserted into an APL table that has a clustered index and the insert causes a page split to happen.
801865 A 16382 error, "The configured maximum number of mutexes have already been created" may be reported in the SAP ASE Backup Server error log for some of the dumps prior to their failing, when there are more than 128 simultaneous dumps executed.
801902 A 3606 error, 'Arithmetic overflow occurred.' may be reported when an attempt is made to configure a statement cache size that is bigger than 2G bytes using the format of 'kKmMgG' through the execution of sp_configure "statement cache size",0,"2G", instead of specifying the number of 2k pages.
801908 In rare circumstances, when SAP ASE has Non-Volatile Caches some of user processes may hang after database dumps for potentially indefinite time. Stack of the hung processes shows ssd_prewrite()
801912 The message "Current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'mem__pageallocate_this_engine' together with a 718 error, "Memory allocation from process private memory is being performed by an incorrect process. Current Spid: ' < value > '. Owning Spid: ' < value > '. Memory: ' < value > '. This is an Adaptive Server internal error. Please contact SAP Tech Support." and a 707 error, "System error detected during attempt to free memory at address < value > . Please consult the ASE error log for more details." may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a stored procedure involving temporary tables is executed.
801921 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11", in the module 'amc_finish_command' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 's__finish_alttab’ and 'rbld__table_via_amc’ may be reported in the SAP ASE error log if a reorg rebuild command is executed on a table that has multiple triggers defined. See KBA 2366977.
801959 A database that is either not recovered, suspect or inconsistent due to an aborted load, is now allowed to be loaded without having to drop and recreate it first.
802032 In rare circumstances the message, "Current process infected with signal 11", in the module 'plc__flush' together with a stack trace that contains the modules 'xls_startscan', 'rec_undo_session' and 'abort__all' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a user connection that is hanging for log space to be made available is killed. See KBA 2390995.
802083 KBA 2396565-The error 705, "There is no room for process < value > to store PROC_HDR < value > in Pss.", together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'memalloc' and 'add_prochdr' may be reported in the error log when an explicit kill < spid > or attention is received by a process that is being killed contains some temporary tables.
802108 In stream replication mode, while doing a database re-synchronization, the resync marker may be discarded by Replication Server because of a low OQID, and not be sent to the DSI, causing the re-synchronization to fail.
802115 A 12726 error, "Suspect Granularity: Dump database of < dbname > failed because some of the data in this database is suspect" may be reported when DUMP DATABASE is executed and the recovery fault isolation mode was set to 'page' mode.
802213 The message, "Current process infected with 11", in the module 'ubffreef' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'fdp_free_memory' and 'terminate_process' may be reported in the SAP Cluster Edition ASE error log when a session terminates resulting in SAP ASE shutting down implicitly. See KBA 2369414.
802272 The message, "Current process infected with 11", in the module 'yyparse' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'sqlpars' and 'tdsrecv_language' may be reported in the error log when using "ROWS OFFSET ?" in a prepared statement.
802418 The message, "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded", together with error 10762, "Cannot initialize the Java Virtual Machine because either the Java class library or PCA plugin library is missing, corrupted, or incompatible with the current server release. Contact your System Administrator for help.", may be reported when executing massive Java related functions in some long term running connections.
802601 A database or transaction dump fails to read database devices created on a device that has 4KB physical sector size.
802685 The error 7634 , "Tables X and X have same exposed names", may be returned for queries involving two distinct invocations on Table-Valued UDFs, where the first invocation uses a correlation name identical to the name of the UDF. See KBA 2383378.
802687 High contention on the rdbt_spinlock spinlock may be observed.
802695 KBA 2375006 - In rare circumstances, doing multiple shrinks after one another may result error 806(Could not find virtual page for logical page < logical page number > in database < database id > ), which will lead to timeslice issue.
802740 A 873 error, “Process < spid > is requesting exclusive latch on buffer … while holding 4 latches. A process can hold only 4 latches at a time.” in the module ‘rec_undo_session’ together with a stack trace which includes the modules ‘le_runerr’ and ‘LeDeleteOp::_LeOpNext’ may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when attempting to delete rows for the system table syslogs.
802768 In rare circumstances a hang may occur in SAP ASE between two sessions whereby the first session hangs in the module ‘plc_flush’ waiting for a page to be written on disk by holding a lock on the second session Private Log Cache, while the second session is writing the same page on disk and is waiting to acquire the lock on its own Private Log Cache.
802811 In rare circumstances on a heavily-loaded multi-engine system, a timeslice error in the module 'kboalloc' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'ptn__pdes_grab' and 'des__fill_common' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during execution of the built-in row_count().
802848 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" together with a stack trace that includes the modules s_mapcontrol() and s_compile(), may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when procedures involving IF statemens and ORDER BY clauses are executed with "enable metrics capture" and "enable literal autoparam" are turned on. See KBA 2379446.
802855 The message, "Current process infected with 11", in the module 'FindClassWithLoaderID' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'pci_tpmworker_thrd' and 'pci_tpminvoker_chores' will be reported in the SAP ASE error log if a Java UDF or ADT is run and a backup server was explicitly shut down in the same session before the Java UDF or ADT execution.
802871 sp_helpserver truncates network_name if it's length is greater than 32 characters.
802903 The message, "Current process infected with 11", in the module 'bufpindirty' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'xls_flush_plcqueue' and 'xact_commit' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a transaction is committed. See KBA 2352929.
803083 In an HADR environment using LTL replication, the drain of the transaction logs fails to be aborted when the Rep Agent Thread fails to reconnect to Replication Server.
803141 The message, "Current process infected with 11", in the module 'systs_des_has_stats_to_flush' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'ptn__pdes_scavenge' and 'ind_ides_init' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when an object descriptor is instantiated in the metadata cache for the first time during the execution of a query while the configuration parameter 'number of open partitions’ is under configured. This will cause an implicit SAP ASE shutdown because the spinlock ‘Resource- > rdesmgr_spin’ is held at that point in time.
803189 A 624 error "Adaptive Server failed to retrieve a row via its RID in database < dbname > because the requested RID has a higher number than the last RID on the page.", may be reported while transaction rollback containing an open cursor on an Allpages Locked Table (APL) with a clustered index and one or more nonclustered indexes, if DML within that transaction had a cursor pointing to a row, which is not the last row of the table.
803221 DUMP or LOAD using the compression library '' may result in relocation errors in Solaris running on machines with AMD processor. See KBA 2307017.
803223 SAP ASE Express Edition running on Linux reports incorrect limits for CPU, memory and disk space in the log during startup.
803288 A 8203 error, "Expected to find the descriptor for object < value > in database < value > in DROP state." may be reported while executing 'dbcc purgesqlcache' after execution of SELECT queries which have built-in show_cached_plan_in_html in where clause.
803302 DBCC checks on Global Temporary Tables fail with error 7794/678. See KBA 2387290.
803373 In some circumstances the message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'kbfalloc' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'ra__cilib_malloc_wrapper_with_ctx' and 'ra_mempool_alloc_internal' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when the streaming replication mode is enabled and after a Replication Agent has been shut down. The Replication Agent shutdown may have damaged the ASE Replication Agent global fragment memory pool.
803413 DBCC ORPHANTABLES may fail to drop orphaned temporary tables if the user is bound to a different tempdb than the one having DBCC ORPHANTABLES being executed. See KBA 2392219.
803415 An Arithmetic Overflow error can be seen when using sp_configure " < param_name > ", 0, " < value > {K|M|G}" instead of number of pages.
803497 A 7377 error, "SELECT INSERT cannot be specified with isolation level clause." may be reported when a select-insert command is executed because the OMNI layer may add to the query the clause "AT ISOLATION" mistakenly.
803547 The message, "Current process infected with 11", in the module ‘com__exctnume_copy’ together with a stack trace which includes the modules ‘mod_numeric’ and ‘LeRun’ may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a query that involves modulus operations on numeric variables is re-executed. See KBA 2397851.
803550 The message "Current process infected with 11", in the module 'getpage_with_validation' together with a stack trace which includes the modules ¡¥dol_update¡¦ may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when we update a LFB enabled table.
803569 In rare circumstances the message, "Current process infected with 11", in the module 'pg__truncateoam' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'trunc_wktable' and 'pg_free_extents' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log if a SELECT is executed while auditing is enabled and LOAD DATABASE on a non-existing database was initially executed by the same session.
803575 DELETE from a table variable removes more rows than it should. See KBA 2408286.
803584 A 614 error, "Adaptive Server accessed a row that has an illegal length of < length > while in database ' < db name > '. Page pointer = < page address > , pageno = < page number > , status = < status > , ptnid = < partition id > , indexid = < index id > , level = < level > , pnextrno = < next rowno > . The minimum row length is < length > . The page size is < page size > ." may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during an UPDATE command execution on All Pages Lock table while a compressed non-clustered index is used to access the data.
803606 If the database is in the middle of a load sequence the space added by ALTER DATABASE is not accounted by the threshold manager and hence it is not available for new allocations in this database.
803614 The message, "Current process infected with 11", in the module 'bt__delrow’ together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'buf_consolidate_lfb_delta’ and 'alt__ind_set_latch_free’ may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when ALTER INDEX is executed to disable the option 'latch_free_index’.
803627 A 1795 error, "'ALTER TABLE' failed because the dataserver was unable to allocate space for deferred table ' < name > in database ' < name > ." may be reported when ALTER TABLE is executed on a table that was created with the option 'deferred_allocation' enabled.
803634 When replicating compressed LOB columns, Replication Server DSI may fail with ASE error 7153.
803651 Every time when granular permission is enabled or auditing is enabled and any Non-Volatile cache configuration command is executed using sp_nvcacheconfig or sp_nvbindcache then the message "current process infected with signal 11" in the module "prot_pcr_get_perms" will be reported in error log. Alternatively a message like "NV cache change failed on cache: < cachename > return code: 0." could be displayed to user
803681 The performance of INSERT statements might be slower while using Dynamic prepare for VARCHAR/TEXT type column.
803716 SAP ASE did not shutdown after issuing 'shutdown with wait' command as it continued to wait for the Job Scheduler to go down.
803727 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module check__xfsexceptions() together with a stack trace which includes the modules check_xfsenabled() and dir_opentable() may be reported in the SAP ASE error log, when 'enable file access' is disabled after mapping a proxy table to an external directory and the proxy table is subsequently accessed.
803730 If next_identity() is called against a table in another database and encounters a permissions problem, error 10330 may report the wrong table and database names.
803837 Under rare circumstances SAP ASE may hang when a spid that is writing log records is kill with the force option.
803845 Enhance sp_spaceusage to report database-wide space usage metrics using "display, 'database'" or "'display summary', 'database'" arguments. Customized output is provided given by unit-specifiers provided with the "USING unit={pages| kb | mb | gb}" extension to the 'display' argument.
803858 When using streaming replication and the acknowledgements from Replication Server are received before the associated disk I/O for the committing transaction could finish, it is possible that an SAP ASE user task will request a mode switch to asynchronous although this is not required.
803864 A 511 error, "Attempt to update or insert row failed because resultant row of size < > bytes is larger than the maximum size ( < > bytes) allowed for this table. Command has been aborted." may be reported when running UPDATE on a compressed table. See KBA 2398449.
803870 A 264 error, “Column name < col_name > appears more than once in the result column list.” may be reported when an INSERT command is run on a table that has a trigger on insert, after a reorg rebuild was executed and an alter table drop column with no datacopy has been issued before.
803875 Sybmon sample command showed single frame of stack and reported SymGetSymFromAddr64 error 126 on windows platform.
803877 When password expiration = 0 specified during role or login creation then SAP ASE does not check the expiration clause specified with the command.
803881 DESC option doesn't work on all platforms in subquery when the ORDER BY item isn't in SELECT list.
803883 A 4501 error, "View < view_name > has more columns defined than column names given", will be reported when using LIMIT clause in a CREATE VIEW statement.
803900 In rare situations, disconnected client can cause orphaned task in SAP ASE.
803903 In a HADR environment, connection to the standby SAP ASE is not redirected to the primary ASE when SSL is used.
803924 An assertion failure with a stack trace including the modules OptGlobal::GblAssignOptId(), TpopTabScan::TpopTabScan() and GtcChildOptBlock::_GtcExpandMatchTopPops() may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when using LIMIT clause in IN predicate whose first expression is not in the select list of the outside query.
803935 The monThread MDA table will report the same statistics metrics for all threads on the Linux platform. The thread utilization in sp_sysmon output is reported incorrectly. A typical symptom is the thread utilization for all threads are the same and might exceed 100%.
803956 In some rare circumstance, the message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", together with stack trace that includes the modules mda_empty_opstack(), mda__freeze() and mda_config_bi() may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a process runs sp_sysmon or sp_monitors command.
804003 The message "Current process infected with 11" in the module dcomp_getcpinfo_trigger() together with a stack trace which includes the modules decompress_column_by_colid(), LeCompressSubs() and exectrig() may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a SELECT query on the inserted system table is executed inside a trigger.
804063 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11" together with a stack trace that includes the modules querytuning_ins_sysoptions() and ins_sysoptions(), may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when executing a query that joins sysoptions, monProcessActivity and sysprocesses.
804107 On IBM AIX platforms, an incorrect value may be returned for the role_name() built-in when the statement is executed against a SAP HANA backend server.
804121 A 9561 error, "An insert or update to table < tname > places column < cname > at offset < value1 > , ending at offset < value2 > . The maximum permitted ending offset for this column is < value3 > . This is a server internal error." may be reported during an INSERT command execution after a reorg rebuild is run on an APL table which has undergone first an alter table drop column with no datacopy followed by a clustered index creation or drop.
804132 Execution of sp_dump_history in chained mode is now allowed.
804138 The message "current process infected with signal 10 (SIGBUS)" in the module 'bt__logandinsdel' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'bt_insertplace' may be reported in the error log when we insert into a LFB enabled index.
804157 A 3474 error, "During redo the page timestamp value is less than old timestamp from log. Page #= < > , object id = < > , page timestamp= < > . Log old timestamp= < > . Log record marker = ( < > , < > )." may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during boot time recovery after a non-polite SAP ASE shutdown while an REORG REBUILD command was running. Alternatively a 3478 error may be reported during recovery undo processing. See KBA 2404095.
804163 A 540 error, "Schema for database object < > has changed since compilation of this query. Please re-execute query." may be reported erroneously when a SELECT query is executed at transaction isolation level 0 whereby the schema change detection is due to a row count recompilation.
804176 The columns NumberOfMempoolAllocates and MempoolHighUsage of the MDA table monRepLogActivity always show zero.
804197 An 805 error, "Bad pointer < > encountered while remapping stored procedure < > . Must re-create procedure.", may be reported when LOAD DATABASE is run and the database dump that is loaded was taken with a pre-15.7 SP130 ASE version. See KBA 2423678.
804211 In some circumstances, the query on monCachedStatement might return empty resultset with a warning like "Command has been aborted". Some applications like DBACockpit might hit error when querying this table. See KBA 2402937.
804276 Parallel queries do not use User Thread Pools for worker threads. See KBA 2214120.
804338 In rare circumstances the message, "Current proces infected with 11" in the module la_alloc_one_page() together with a stack trace that includes the modules log__newpage() and plcblock__flush() may be reported in the SAP ASE error log following the message "ERROR: Can't get a new log page in dbid ...".
804356 When running in process mode, the server may terminate due to segmentation fault, after printing the error message, "uppwakeup: kpid = < -KPID > not within range", in the SAP ASE error log.
804358 The message "Current process infected with 10 (SIGBUS) or 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'log_setopts' together with a stack trace may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when GRANT or REVOKE command is executed on a database where DDL replication is turned on.
804374 A TDS error is reported when the built-in loginfo(' < dbname > ','total_pages') is executed in a SELECT command.
804381 Multiple messages (1562, 1563 and etc.) are not re-directed to the trace file when tracing is enabled. See KBA 2407736.
804394 When the master database is setup for replication, Replication Agent may fail with errors 9254 and 9204 after dropping an object specific to replication such as the procedure 'rs_marker'.
804411 In rare cases, queries involving a view on the inner side of an OUTERJOIN and having a subquery, may result in the optimizer timing out without a legal query plan .
804573 A 2760 error, "Column name ' < some corrupted column name > ' does not exist in target table." may be reported when creating index on a deferred table with the online parameter on ibmaix64 and sunsparc64 platforms.
804606 In rare circumstances the message, "Current process infected with 11", together with a stack trace that includes the modules dol_get_delrows_indeallpg() and undo_dol_xalloc_nolink() may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when recovery is undoing a REORG REBUILD command that was not finished at run-time. See KBA 2423084.
804693 In SAP ASE 16, MDA table monCachedProcedures does not reset counter when a new plan is generated due to temp table remap.
804742 If the set option ansinull is enabled, the execution of SP_HELPDB with @printopt = NULL returns less columns than expected. See KBA 2413731.
804744 A Page Verification Error notifying "fixed-row status improperly set" may be reported for DOL pages containing forwarded rows when DUMP/LOAD DATABASE is executed with VERIFY=FULL. See KBA 2414787.
804775 In rare circumstances CIS or RAT connections may hang or fail to connect. When a connection is hung, the execution of DBCC STACKTRACE( < spid > ) will report the function ksctsuspend() in the call stack.
804824 The 1295 error, "Unconditional lock request for table or page #, dbid # was made while holding a latch", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when executing the command ALTER DATABASE OFF to remove a fragment of a log device.
804839 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", followed by a stack trace that includes the modules lock_draincache() and lock_release(), may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when termination of spids are done concurrently with lock-intensive INSERTs leading to freelock list corruption. See KBA 2414647.
804900 Transactions dumps created with the configuration option 'enable delta dump tran' on could result in inconsistent results if loaded onto an archive database.
804930 When upgrading SAP ASE dataserver via binary swap, NVcache are not restored back.
805153 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", followed by a stack trace that includes the modules yyparse(), sqlpars(), internal_sql(), curs_convert_to_exec() and curs_declare(), may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when executing prepared statements that include "ROWS OFFSET ?" via ODBC driver.
805158 When Replication Agent is configured for stream replication and text or image columns are replicated, Replication Agent may fail to free space in the schema cache. As a consequence, replication stops progressing, the STP isn't moving and ASE transaction processing may slow down.
805162 In a highly loaded system where the statement and procedure caches are not sufficiently configured, the message "current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'ssql_lookup', or 'ssql__getdesc', or 'ssql__choose_victim' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log with the message 'Spinlock SSQLCACHE_SPIN' held, resulting in an implicit SAP ASE shutdown.
805165 Using numeric datatypes in a parameterized SQL with values that are similar such as 1.11 and 11.11 may lead to spinlock contention on the statement cache.
805208 If there is a stored procedure running at ISOLATION LEVEL 0 with: "INSERT ... SELECT ..." command without a FROM clause OR "SELECT ... INTO ..." command without a FROM clause and with "INSERT SELECT AT LEVEL 0" feature enabled the stored procedure may run into multiple recompilation error (11060).
805217 The warning message, "Warning: The following user tables have duplicate rows in sysstatistics. Please drop and recreate statistics on these objects", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when running preupgrade with a roundrobin partitioned table in the database.
805246 The message, "Current process infected with 11", in the module query_text() together with a stack trace which includes the modules exec_lava() and LePlanNext() may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a session executes SP_SHOWPLAN.
805301 In rare cases, the 940 error message, "Dbtable in wrong state for operation", may be repeatedly reported in the SAP ASE error log when a error related to dbt_keep count going into negative values happens in a specific clean up code path.
805381 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", together with a stack trace that includes the modules PopIndScan::popGenCgp(), CgpGlobal::CgpGenerate(), s_compile() and sequencer() may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when executing statements that include DISTINCT with LOB columns.
805382 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", together with a stack trace that includes the modules ScalarNormalizing(), NormalizeScalar() and PesState::PesInit(), may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when executing statements that include the LIMIT clause in the subquery of a BETWEEN...AND expression.
805449 The message, "Current process infected with 11", in the module copy_sqltext() followed by a stack trace including the modules sqlpars() and internal_sql(), may be reported in the SAP ASE error log after the configuration options 'enable monitoring' and 'show deferred compilation text' are turned on. See KBA 2428396.
805458 In rare circumstances a 692, 834, 4216 or 4218 error can be reported in the SAP ASE error log when LTL mode replication is enabled. The errors are seen after DUMP TRANSACTION is executed.
805471 There could be discrepancy in NVcache's size when multiple NVcache are created with similar name.
805498 In rare circumstances on heavily-loaded systems create table in in-memory database may hang with a stack trace which includes the modules getpage__noscan(), getpage_with_validation() and bufsearch_cache_getlatch().
805601 The message, "PCI(T1): WARNING: FindPublicMethodFlags; is re-throwing Exception", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when executing massive Java related functions through JDBC for several hours. See KBA 2425822.
805624 ALTER DATABASE fails silently when passed an expansion size that is smaller than the minimum for the server's page size. See KBA 2429256.
805646 New columns ahave been added to monRepStreamStatistics for buffer pool package related monitoring when stream mode replication is enabled.
805726 The error message 2715, "Can't find type '' ", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when creating a replication filter.
805767 When user running setuphadr with SAP ASE user "sa" locked, it will hit NullPointerException error but does not show what the error really is.
805792 A 140059 error, "The current row ID < > does not match the new row ID < > for update in logical page < > for DOL table ID < > , partition ID < > , index ID < > and update mode < > in database < > . This is an internal error" may be reported in the SAP ASE error log together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'writetext' and 'txtimg_set_txtpinfo' when running WRITETEXT while replication is enabled and concurrent DMLs are executed.
805798 In rare circumstances when the configuration option 'user log cache queue size' is enabled sessions may hang under a single-engine SAP ASE configuration. See KBA 2434457
805802 SAP XP Server may generate core file when connection establishment between SAP ASE and SAP XP Server fails.
805833 In Accelerator for ASE, SAP ASE boolean operators %, &, |, ^ and ~ are translated to the equivalent functions in HANA.
805984 In certain circumstances, SAP ASE may raise error 17260, "Can't run < sproc name > from within a transaction.", if sp_monitorconfig is run in chained mode.
806017 A 8224 error, "Internal error: could not save description of lightweight procedure < > " together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'open__lwpbyname' and 'sqt_get_plan' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log while reinstalling a DES for a lightweight procedure in the metadata cache. See KBA 2452601.
806094 The message, "Current process infected with 11", in the module ’tdsrecv_params’ together with a stack trace which includes the modules ‘tdsrecv_rpc’ and ‘execrpc’ may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when running an RPC, either when an error has caused the current command abort, or the end-user has interrupted the RPC execution, or the connection was lost. See KBA 2479094
806106 setuphadr may fail if granular permission is enabled.
806146 sp_configure should not accept 'User Defined NV Cache' as a valid configuration option.
806181 Error 169 regarding duplicate ORDER BY clauses may be raised incorrectly when clauses are actually unique on servers configured for the UTF8 character set. See KBA 2439551.
806272 The temporary tables with same name will be created in JCS JDBC environment without error message.
806326 The message, "Unable to allocate memory of size 16384 bytes from the 'compression info' pool" in the module ‘rec_undo_session’ together with a stack trace which includes the modules ‘bt_delete’, may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when we delete a row from a compressed index.
806392 The message "Database 'master' is now online." may not be reported following the execution of LOAD DATABASE master command although the database is onlined.
806446 sp_configure 'number of early send rows', < value > and sp_configure 'early row send increment', < value > returns permission related error 10350 when granular permissions is enabled.
806510 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", together with a stac ktrace that includes the module rvm__audit_roletoggle(), may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when enabling a role with a password within a stored procedure.
806622 Suboptimal performance may be seen on a heavily loaded multi-engine server, along with high value in spins for Resource- > rdbt_spin spinlock (Spins column in monSpinlockActivity).
806687 In rare circumstances the message, "Current process infected with 11", together with a stack trace that includes the modules dol_get_delrows_indeallpg() and undo_dol_xalloc_nolink() may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when recovery is undoing a CREATE INDEX with computed columns that was not finished at run-time.
806724 The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" involving the function dol_update() or decompress_column_by_coloff() or the error message 644 or the error message 2601 may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when executing ALTER DATABASE changing the options 'set compression' and 'lob_compression' together. See KBA 2447629.
806726 In rare circumstances, the message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'ssql__ubffree' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'sqt_put_in_stmtcache' and 'ssql__rmplans' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during the execution of a query resulting in SAP ASE shutting down implicitly while holding the spinlock SSQLCACHE_SPIN.
806965 SAP ASE will intermittently fail to bring one or more engines online during boot while allocating memory for the engine. See KBA 2447283
807015 Uniqueness bit for unique index in rootkey info may be lost after online REORG REBUILD or online partition level utilities such as split/move partition using ALTER TABLE.
807094 Disallow start of RAT-CI on platforms that do not support CI. The error message: "RAT-CI could not be started. It is not supported on this platform." will be printed to the SAP ASE error log.
807168 On some platforms like Solaris x64, LOB data might be saved as off-row although the in-row length is big enough to save the new LOB data.
807191 LIMIT clause doesn't work with UNION view. The LIMIT clause doesn't make any affect and the whole result set is returned.
807324 When a spid executing sp_dump_history gets abnormally terminated e.g. due to a timeslice error, then it does not release the resource (semaphore) thus disallowing other spid to execute sp_dump_history. Only way to cleanup then is to recycle the ASE.
807353 During ASE configuration for failover on Veritas Cluster Server, SAP ASE gets shutdown.
807451 If a database with AT_SHUTDOWN durability has active transactions that, for some reason, cannot be terminated when the server is shutdown politely with a maximum wait time using the clause WITH WAIT="xx:xx:xx", the message "The database < > with durability 'AT_SHUTDOWN' could not be shut down properly and will not be recovered when Adaptive Server is re-started." should be printed in the errorlog, but it was not.
807471 A 12546 error, "During undo the timestamp to be assigned to a page is less than the current page timestamp." followed by a 3478 error, "During undo the page timestamp value is less than new timestamp from log." may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during the recovery of a database when alter database un-partition was executed before SAP ASE is shutdown.
807666 In a replication environment using LTL, when Replication Agent ignores the truncation point received from Replication Server after determining that it is not valid as indicated by a warning message in the SAP ASE error log, data may stop being replicated or Replication Agent may terminate abnormally with a 624 error.
807905 DBCC NETMEMUSAGE shows a very large and incorrect value for the used memory field.
807940 A signal 11 error may be raised when using the "Stack" command in Sybmon during unwinding of the stack trace on some platforms like ibmaix64 platform.
807992 The message, "Timeslice -1501, current process infected" in the module 'rl_log_writev' together with a stack trace may be reported in the error log if a workload capture started after server reboot.
808012 The execution of LOAD WITH LISTONLY=CREATE_SQL on an in-memory database generates a cache creation of half the size of the original size value mistakenly.
808060 The JVM White Listing functionality may not be enabled whereby the "PCA JVM - DPRT White Listing is enabled" message will not appear during the JVM bootstrap in the SAP ASE error log. Alternatively Adaptive Server may hit a segmentation violation in JVM together with a native stacktrace in the module 'JavaThread::print_on_error' on hpia64 platform.
808171 The message, "A fatal error has been detected by the SAP Java Virtual Machine", together with error message, "NTPCI__exit(1); Native Thread failed to unwind while attempting to shutdown the PCI", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log on Windows 64-bit platform.
808425 The error, "Sybmon encountered signal 11 at address < addr > ", will be raised when "hanginfo" is executed in sybmon that is attaching to an SAP ASE server. And some structure fields might be missing from sybmon "ptype" command ouput.
808440 Downgrading a database to a pre-16.0 SP01 version may fail with message, "Error: Database db contains suspect defer recovery indexes that must be dropped via sp_deferred_index_recovery drop option before downgrade."
808631 The error "ERROR !!! Skipped patching dbid. Page in run < > . Page in buffer < > ." will be mistakenly printed in the SAP backupserver error log for every allocation page when doing cross platform load.



  • AIX 64bit
  • HP-UX on IA64 64bit
  • Linux on Power 64bit
  • Linux on x86 64 64bit
  • Solaris on Sparc 64bit
  • Solaris on x86 64 64bit
  • Windows on x64 64bit


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0


CR, CR List, ASE 16.0 SP03, ASE SP03, SP03, Adaptive Server Enterprise, Fix, Patch, Error, Bug, GA SP03 , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , BW-SYS-DB-SYB , BW on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem

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