From time to time, the CCMS inftrastructure will raise CONVT_NO_NUMBER shortdump. The short text for the error is:
"nnD" cannot be interpreted as a number
Where: nn is a number and D is a digit (such as "s", "m" or "h").
At the dump's details, the following core functions can be seen:
Information on where terminated
The termination occurred in ABAP program "CL_SWNC_CONSTANTS=============CP",
in "GET_MAX_RUNTIME". The main program
was "SAPMSSY1".
In the source code, the termination point is in line 14 of (Include)
program "CL_SWNC_CONSTANTS=============CM007".
- SAP Netweaver 7.40
- SAP Netweaver 7.50
- CCMS monitoring Infrastructure
ccms, monitoring, shortdump, dump, error, st22, exception, integer, runtime , KBA , BC-CCM-MON , CCMS Monitoring & Alerting , BC-CCM-MON-TUN , Workload Monitoring Tool , Problem
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