When entering House bank and Account ID in a posting transaction (FB01, FB05), error 00058 "Entry XXXX does not exist in T012 (check entry)" is issued:
- This error can be issued in postprocessing transactions of the Bank Statement (FEB_BSPROC, FEBAN, FEBA...)
- The error could also occur in a pure posting transaction as FB01/FB05.
"Entry XXXX does not exist in T012 (check entry)", 00058, 000 58, 00 298, "House bank not found", "Formatting error in the field BSEG-HBKID" FEBAN, FEBA, FEB_BSPROC, RFEBBU00,FEBA_CHECK_DEPOSIT, Postprocess, FEBA_BANK_STATEMENT, own bank, house bank, Account ID, EBS, Eletrocnic Bank statement, Manual bank statement, FF.5, FF_5, FF67, FF68, FB01, FB05, BSEG-BUKRS, ZBUKR, V_T042, V_T042B. , KBA , FI-BL-PT-BA , bank statement , FI-GL-GL-A , Posting/Clearing , Problem
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