pcstkwalk(stk_trace*, int, db_log*, hos_fd*) ucstkgentrace(int, int) StackTraceForThisThread(char const*, int, char const*, char const*, char const*) sbm_exception::sbm_exception(char const*, unsigned int, sbm_exception::bmerrors) s_bm::SetBits(unsigned long long, unsigned long long, int) s_RidMapCursor::RemoveNBitPagesForRollover(s_bm*, s_bm*) s_mergeFINALWriter::PrepareForRollover(s_bm*) hs_dpInsert::Rollover() df_FPRolloverIterator::ExecWork(int&, unsigned int) workAllocator::DoWork(unsigned int) hos_team::StartWork(void (*) hos_team::Exec(hos_workIter&) dfiio_FP::RolloverIfNeeded() dfiio_FP::PostFetchOpus() dfo_IndexInsert::PostFetchOpus() df_CombinerFinalFetchHelper::ExecWork(int&, unsigned int) workAllocator::DoWork(unsigned int) hos_thread::Main() hos_lwtask::Start(hos_lwtask*) IQWorkerStarter(void*) run_task_body UnixTask::pre_body(void*) _fini+0xe830c57d O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 2049 (sbm_exception); SQLCode: -1006000, SQLState: 'QBA00', Severity: 23
- This has also been seen whilst inserting large amounts of data into a large table when a Nbit rollover happens.
- Either via an INSERT INTO or a procedure call.
- accompanying messages seen in the iqmsg file.
I. 08/07 08:55:28. 0000043058 Exception Thrown from /cm/iqa/include/s_bm.h:970, Err# 16, tid 37 origtid 1192
I. 08/07 08:55:28. 0000043058 O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 2049 (sbm_exception); SQLCode: -1006000, SQLState: 'QBA00', Severity: 23
I. 08/07 08:55:28. 0000043058 [20238]: IQ Internal error. Please report this to SAP IQ support.-- (/cm/iqa/include/s_bm.h 970)
IQ Version: SAP IQ/16.0.110/10361/P/sp11.05
SAP IQ 16.0
s_mergeFINALWriter::FinalRollover , s_RidMapCursor::RemoveNBitPagesForRollover , CR 806171, CR#806171, 806171, sybase, sbm_exception, -1009045, 'Bitmap result bitcount not in legal range', Non-Fatal, 'non fatal', 1456, "insert into", procedure, sbm_exception, "-1006000" , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Bug Filed
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