In Lumira Desktop, when acquiring a list of OLAP connections from the BI platform, the following error message appears:
Not Connected |
- SAP Lumira Desktop 1.31.X
- SAP Lumira Server for BI Platform 1.31.X
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.1/4.2
Note: Credentials are working in other tools, and connection can be established to Restful (/biprws), or to acquire universes.
Reproducing the Issue
- In Lumira Desktop, click File > New
- Select Download from SAP Business Warehouse and click Next
- Connect to SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform - provide the system name and credentials
- Once completed, click Connect - the error message appears
This is caused by a corrupted or faulty OLAP connection.
As the root cause is one (or more) faulty OLAP connections, the solution is to narrow down the OLAP Connection causing the behaviour.
- Go into CMC Home
- Go to Connections
- Once in Connections one by one delete the OLAP Connections.
- After each OLAP connection is deleted. Re-test the BW connection to BW through Lumira.
- Once the OLAP connection that is causing the error is found and deleted, the connection should establish.
Once the problematic OLAP Connection has been deleted, the system will run without issue.
KBA , BI-LUM-DIS , Lumira Desktop/Discovery , BI-LUM-SRV-ADM , Lumira Server BI Platform Admin, Auth, Security , Problem