SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2447265 - Goal Plan calculation require multiple saves - Goal Management


  • Goal plan calculates value of certain fields
  • Some fields calculate instantly after saving
  • Some fields require one or more saves without further editing to calculate the changes


SAP SuccessFactors Goal Management

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Goals
  2. Make changes to a goal
  3. Note that not all fields are updated as expected
  4. Edit and save the goal one or more times
  5. Note that all of the fields are not updated as expected


Calculations are too complex and require values of other fields that need to be calculated first.  This results some fields using old values of fields that have yet to be calculated.


Try reducing the complexity of the calculations by not using the calculation of a field that also needs to be calculated first.


goal plan, gm, calculation, cal, multiple, save, objectives, edit, fields , KBA , csg_q , LOD-SF-GM , Goal Management , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Performance & Goals all versions