- You are configuring realtime replication with CDC mode and SQLServerLogReader Adapter.
- You have configured everything but when running reptask with Initial + Realtime or Realtime mode selected nothing seems to be happening.
- On the DP Agent machine repagent.log is not created or is not updated (if you have successfully set up replication for other sources).
- In the Index Server log you found this error:
[46631]{325647}[169/-1] 2017-03-16 13:41:16.272790 i TraceContext TraceContext.cpp(00952) : UserName=RAN0103, ApplicationUserName=RAN0103, ApplicationName=sap.hana.xs.dt.base, ApplicationSource=/sap/hana/xs/dt/base/file/MDW/REPTASKS/RT_MDW_TEST.hdbreptask, ClientIp=, StatementHash=1e2b72553a0f3fec40456334d3c7a989
[46631]{325647}[169/-1] 2017-03-16 13:41:16.272777 e DPRemoteSubRunti RemoteSubscriptions.cpp(03361) : Failed to perform Operation[READ_RUNTIMEDATA ] for RemoteSource 7850996 Remote Subscription 7890380. exception 155001:
Failed to read component 12 . Errorexception 155001: . Component. BEGIN_MARKER. has not been set.
- SAP HANA Smart Data Integration
- MssqlLogReaderAdapter
SDI, real-time, real, time, LOGREADER, adapter, DBMS, DB, MssqlLogReaderAdapter , KBA , HAN-DP-SDI , SAP HANA smart data integration (SDI) , Problem
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