public is granted all permission on rs_ticket_history.
For the reason of security, customer wants to revoke them from public.
If your database "maintenance user" is aliased to dbo, then no issues.
To verify if a maint user is alias to dbo, run the following queries.
1> select type,user_name(uid),substring(name,1,20) from sysobjects where name = 'rs_ticket_history'
2> order by type
3> go
---- ----------------------- --------------------
U dbo rs_ticket_history
1> sp_helpuser rdb_maint ---> replace rdb_maint with [dbname]_maint.
2> go
The name supplied is aliased to another user.
Alias_name ID_in_db Group_name Login_name
---------- -------- ---------- ----------
dbo 1 public sa
If you have the same outputs, there is no problem to revoke permission from public on rs_ticket_history.
Replication Server
Replicated databases on ASE
rs_ticket_history permission , "revoke permissions from public" , , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , How To
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