You have an interchangeability order (Substitution Demand Planned), there is ATD quantity, however, when running Deployment the order is not converted/confirmed.
The planning book you are using to run the Deployment is not a standard one. When running with standard planning book 9ASNP_PS then the Substitution Demand Planned is converted into a Substitution Demand confirmed. You assume any setting is missing in the planning book or data view as deplyoment works as expected in the standsrd planning book.
This KBA was created for the above symptom only. There can be several reasons a why a substitution confirmation does not take place. Please read note 1718603 for a detailed description of confirmed substitution vs. planned substitution.
SAP Supply Chain Management (SCM)
SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (SCM-APO)
SAP enhancement package for SAP Supply Chain Management
SAP Supply Chain Management Supply Network Planning (SCM-APO-SNP)
deployment, Interchangeability , /SAPAPO/SNP02 , confirm, orders, changed, substitution, ATD, /SAPAPO/PBMVWOBJ , KBA , deployment , /sapapo/pbmvwobj , SCM-APO-SNP-DPL , Deployment , SCM-APO-SNP-INC , Interchangeability in SNP , Problem
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