You open the report Accounts Payable - Open Items (ID FINGLAU08_Q0004) and notice that a check that you cashed in and thought cleared is displayed in the report
Reproducing the Issue
- Open Work Centre Business Analytics, display all reports
- Search and open report Accounts Payable - Open Items
- Execute the report with the relevant data such as Key Date, Company and Supplier involved
- You can see there is a Journal Entry Type for Cash disbursement of amount XYZ for a Source Document of type Payment
- Add the caracteristics Clearing dates, Clearing ID and Clearing Journal Entry to rows
- The Clearing date is DD.MM.9999 and both Clearing ID and Journal Entry are unassigned (#)
- Open Work Centre Payables
- Navigate to View Supplier Account, show all
- Search and select the relevant supplier as seen in the report
- Navigate to the Trade/Payables tab, check ABC is listed in the Open items but is not associated to any payment
This check appears in the Open items for this supplier as you have selected the option "Reference to items" when you posted it as opposed to "Direct Posting to G/L account":
- Go to Work Centre Payment management
- Open View Payment Monitor
- Search and select the relevant Outgoing check, open it
- In the Outgoing Check Overview, scroll down to Payment Application Method
- "Reference to Items" is displayed.
Since the check hasn't been posted against an open item as seen in the Supplier Account Monitor, its amount remains outstanding while waiting to be cleared, therefore, the system's behaviour is the one expected and this is why this document is listed in report Account Payables - Open Items.
If the Outgoing check is not against a payment recorded in the system, it is always a better option to choose the "Direct Posting to G/L Account" option.
If you choose not to do so or made a mistake while posting the check, you can clear this payment against a New Charge/Credit in the Supplier Account Monitor:
- Open Work Centre Payables
- Navigate to View Supplier Account, show all
- Search and select the relevant supplier as seen in the report
- Navigate to the Trade/Payables tab, Click on the button "New Charge/Credit"
- In the new windows, select "Charge", then fill in the relevant information
- Maintain the amount as indicated on the Outgoing check
- Click on Post
The Outgoing check should no longer be in the Open items for this supplier and should disapear from report Accounts Payable - Open Items.
Additionally, you can also opt for reversing the whole business process, starting from the very last document or transaction displayed on the Document Flow of the check until you can reverse the Check itself. Once done, you can now re-create this Outgoing check and chose the option "Direct Posting to G/L Account"
See Also
For further information on the "Direct Posting to G/L Account" feature, please refer to Help Document "Create an Outgoing Cash Payment" under Create an outgoing check
KBA , SRD-FIN-GL , General Ledger , How To