SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2448658 - Extend Expiry Link for Reset Password Token DIRECT_RESET_PASSWORD_URL


  • Extend Expiry URL for Token DIRECT_RESET_PASSWORD_URL;
  • Why is reset password link being redirect to Login Page?


SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite


  • Why is reset password link being redirect to Login Page?

The parameter DIRECT_RESET_PASSWORD_URL cannot be extended and will be reset after 30 minutes.

  • How to check if you are using the DIRECT_RESET_PASSWORD_URL in your notification?
  1. Go in Admin Center > E-Mail Notification Templates > Search by the notification responsible to reset passwords and check if in the Email Body the paramenter DIRECT_RESET_PASSWORD_URL is present.
  • How to fix and extend the link?

Please, change the parameter to SET_PASSWORD_URL and configure the option below:

  1. In Admin Center > Company Settings;
  2. Password & Login Policy Settings > Check the option Set Welcome Password and Reset Password link expiration (in days) > Set a value between 1-30 by your preference.


See Also

2266043 - How to set "Set Welcome Password' and 'Reset Password link" expiry (in days)


Welcome email, link, expiry, admin user

, KBA , LOD-SF-PLT , Platform Foundational Capabilities , LOD-SF-PLT-NOT , Email Notifications , How To


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite all versions