- Check database job fails with error messages:
BR0251E Function mktime() failed at location db_oper_check-7
BR0253E errno 34: Result too large
- Detailed log shows a warning just before the errors:
BR0970W Database administration alert - level: WARNING, type: CRITICAL_FILE, object: <data file>, value: (max_alloc) <value> KB (> <value> KB)
For example:
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: <timestamp>
BR0969I Checking database administration...
BR0970W Database administration alert - level: WARNING, type: CRITICAL_FILE, object: /oracle/SID/sapdata1/temp_1/temp.data1, value: (max_alloc) 16939744 KB (> 16702080 KB)
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: <timestamp>
BR0972I Checking database operations...
BR0251E Function mktime() failed at location db_oper_check-7
BR0253E errno 34: Result too large
- SAP systems with Oracle database
Dbcheck, check db, checkdb, brtools, brconnect, db13, db14, dbacockpit , KBA , BC-DB-ORA-DBA , Database Administration , BC-DB-ORA , Oracle , Problem
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