When you try to open an EPIX file (Dashboard model) with the YOUCALC builder you get an error message:
"The Epix document you tried to load was invalid. Please check the document again manually or identify problem from the printed stack trace"
Note: The YouCalc builder is only available to partners and developers!
SuccessFactors HCM Core
Analytics - Dashboards
Reproducing the Issue
- Download any tile or dashboard from your instance
- Extract the zip file
- Open the extracted EPIX file
- Observer the error message
The issue is caused by an outdated version of the YouCalc builder.
Please download the newest version from the respective JAM group.
As a partner you should already have access to the group as you got the previous version at your disposal.
Should you need access to the group please conact
See Also
2403382 - Dashboard 2.0 - Ad Hoc report extraction
YouCalc Builder, Epix document you tried to load was invalid, Dashboard, Dashboard 2.0 , KBA , LOD-SF-ANA-DSH , YouCalc Dashboards and Tiles (Dashboards 2.0) , Problem