SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2449111 - Error message when trying to open EPIX file with YouCalc builder


When you try to open an EPIX file (Dashboard model) with the YOUCALC builder you get an error message:

"The Epix document you tried to load was invalid. Please check the document again manually or identify problem from the printed stack trace"

Note: The YouCalc builder is only available to partners and developers!


SuccessFactors HCM Core

Analytics - Dashboards

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Download any tile or dashboard from your instance
  2. Extract the zip file
  3. Open the extracted EPIX file
  4. Observer the error message


The issue is caused by an outdated version of the YouCalc builder.


Please download the newest version from the respective JAM group.

As a partner you should already have access to the group as you got the previous version at your disposal.

Should you need access to the group please conact

See Also

2403382 - Dashboard 2.0 - Ad Hoc report extraction


YouCalc Builder, Epix document you tried to load was invalid, Dashboard, Dashboard 2.0 , KBA , LOD-SF-ANA-DSH , YouCalc Dashboards and Tiles (Dashboards 2.0) , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core all versions