The recalculation amount posted respects the formula to calculate accrual amount in the termination rule, but does not respect the Posting Date defined in the termination rule.
On the termination rule, posting date is set to Accrual Rule Parameters.Accruable Start Date.
Say an employee was terminated on the 7-April. In the termination month of April, the Accruable Start Date is 1 April 2017, but in recalculation posting, it's set to 16 April 2017.
The posting date reflects the accrual rule setting, which uses the function date plus function adding 15 days to the start date.
There is a field on the time account type called "Accrual Recalculation Posting Method" (Pg 163 on the Time Off Guide).
Note: Visibility is set to not visible by default on the Time Account Type object definition.
This field was set to "Classic", which means there will be 3 postings (original accrual, recalculation, and the updated accrual). With this configuration the posting date is not adjusted.
The Accrual Recalculation Posting Method setting at Time account type level is now set to "No Recalculation Postings" by default, so in this case during recalculation the posting date will always be adjusted.
If the customer wants a recalculation of posting dates, they need to set the "Accrual Recalculation Posting Method" field on the Time Account Type to "No Recalculation Postings". In this case, the posting date also gets recalculated.
Posting Date Recalculation Accrual Recalculation Posting Method , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-TIM , Time Off , Problem