This SAP Note refers specifically to Linux with
The system does not start if the ABAP table buffer is higher than the value of segment size.
The trace file of the dispatcher dev_disp and dev_w* work processes contains the following error messages:
*** DP_FATAL_ERROR => DpWpCheck: no more work processes
Start CursorInit
B TBI initializing semaphore lock manager ...
B tbi_get_buffer_size_MB: rsdb/tbi_buffer_area_MB set to default 1
B => table buffer size 3847(MB) derived from rtbb/buffer_length=325521(KB) and zcsa/table_buffer_area=3333333333(B)
B dbtbxbuf: Buffer TBI64 (addr: 7fdd32f3b0e8, size: 4033871872, end: 7fde2363b0e8)
B dbtbxbuf: TBI_ALL: Time recording variables are reset.
X *** ERROR => EgAlloc: MmxMalloc failed (9). see also file 'eg_oom_mm.dump' [egxx.c 615]
B *** ERROR => init_tbi_mm(): Could not init shared memory for tbi buffer (5)
[dbtbi.c 858]
B db_tbi_install(): tbi_init_mm() -> rc = 4
B db_tbiinit failed
M *** ERROR => ThrtDatabaseEnvInit: db_init failed (4) [thrtDatabase 49]
M *** ERROR => ThrtDatabaseEnvInit failed (4) [thxxext.c 189]
M *** ERROR => ThCallHooks: event handler ThrtStartup for event CREATE_SHM failed (4) [thSos.c 2118]
M *** ERROR => ThIPCInit: hook failed [thxxhead.c 1519]
M ***LOG R19=> ThInit, ThIPCInit ( TSKH-IPC-000001) [thxxhead.c 1244]
M in_ThErrHandle: 1
M *** ERROR => ThInit: ThIPCInit (step TH_INIT, thRc ERROR-CORE-INIT_FAILED, action STOP_WP, level 1) [thxxhead.c 2542]
init_tbi_mm(): Could not init shared memory for tbi buffer""> Read more...
- SAP Netweaver
- Linux
EgAlloc,init_tbi_mm,tbi buffer , KBA , BC-CST-MM , Memory Management , BC-OP-LNX , Linux , Problem
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