- On Launchpad designer, there are differences in standard catalog SAP_TC_FIN_ACC_COMMON - and perhaps other other catalogs - between two or more systems ( e.g. Production, Development and Testing) though they run the same components and versions.
- These differences could include tiles, applications and groups.
- You want to duplicate the state of standard catalogs from one system to another.
SAP NetWeaver 7.5
SAP Fiori 1.0 ; SAP Fiori front-end server 2.0 ; SAP Fiori front-end server 3.0 ; SAP Fiori front-end server 4.0 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.5
standard catalogs, transporting catalogs, read-only, read only catalogs, replicating, replication, duplicating, duplication, Fiori, catalogue, catalog, system, mirror, copy, SAP_TC_FIN_CO_BE_APPS , KBA , CA-UI2-INT-BE , Please use CA-FLP-ABA , CO-PA , Profitability Analysis , CA-FE-FLP-DT , Please use CA-FLP-FE-DT or CA-FLP-ABA-DT , Problem
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