SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2450318 - Working Hours Field Throws Error in Employee Migration Template


During the Migration of Employee and User Data, the Value Conversion for Working Hours does not have the Target Values in the value help. On selecting the value help, the mapping is not available, the conversion is not auto-determined and shows message:

"No data is available"


SAP Cloud for Customer

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Business Configurations work center.
  2. Select Overview and search for Migration of Employee and User Data.
  3. Download Migration Template from You Can Also link.
  4. Add values for the new employee.
  5. Fill the mandatory data in the Working Hours tab: Employee ID, Working Hours, Start Date and End Date.
  6. Upload the file and Execute Migration Steps by Step.
  7. In the Convert Values step, you can see that an Action is required for the Task: Edit Value Conversion for Working Hours.
  8. Open the task and the Source Value does not have any Target Value against it.
  9. On selecting the Value help for the Target Value field, we see the message: No data is available.


The scoping elements Time Recording and Resource Scheduler are not scoped in Business Configuration work center.


Either do not fill the Working Hours tab in case you do not require to record time for these employees.


Configure the Time Recording in project scope as below:

  1. Go to the Business Configuration work center.
  2. Select the Implementation Projects view.
  3. Click on Edit Project Scope of the respective Project.
  4. Go to the Questions step.
  5. Expand General Business Data.
  6. Expand Employees and Service Agents.
  7. Select Employees and scope the question Do you wish to enable Time Recording feature?

Employee working hours are used only in case of Resource Scheduler. Working hours type will be available only if Resource Scheduler is scoped. Scope the Resource Scheduler in General Business Data in project scope as below:

  1. Go to the Business Configuration work center.
  2. Select the Implementation Projects view.
  3. Click on Edit Project Scope of the respective Project.
  4. Go to the Questions step.
  5. Expand General Business Data.
  6. Expand Resource Scheduler.
  7. Select Resource Scheduler and scope the question Do you want to use C4C Resource Scheduler?
  8. Complete the scoping by selecting Finish.


Working Hours, Employee and User Data, Resource Scheduler, Time recording, Edit Value Conversion for Working Hours , KBA , LOD-LE-MIG-CNT , LEAP Migration Content , How To


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions