SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2450632 - An error has occurred message when trying to complete Post Hire Verification Step - Onboarding 1.0


  • When I try to complete the PHV step I receive a error message as seen below: 

Error has occurred.png


  • SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding 1.0

Reproducing the Issue

  • During the PHV step when I click on the finish button I receive the error message.


  • There are several reasons why you can receive this error for this particular reason the WOTC Start date was invalid year.  This came from the input file from RCM. This was causing the error to occur and not being able to complete the Post Hire Verification step correctly.


  1. If you receive this error message when you click the finish button during PHV please check that the following values are correct for these Keys:
  2. FirstName,LastName,HiringManager,HRManager and WOTCStartDate.
  3. If you are not able to correct these values and you see an error please open a Cloud Product Support ticket for assistance.  Please reference this KBA number, and attach the error message to the case.

Internal Note to Cloud Product Support Team: Please see internal memo for fix.


  • An Error occurred
  • PHV
  • Onboarding
  • Cannot complete PHV
, KBA , LOD-SF-OBD-ADM , Admin Tools, Settings, Permissions , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding all versions