SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2450663 - Tax Return is not Visible for Payment; Pay Button is Disabled


You have created a Reported  tax payable return, however the reported tax return is not visible for payment in the Tax Payment. Furthermore, the Pay button is grayed out.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Tax Management work center
  2. Go to the Tax Payments view
  3. Open the relevant Tax Payment.

In the Open Tax Returns section, you did not find the correct tax return.

  1. Go to the e.g. Sales and Use Tax Returns view.
  2. Find the Reported tax return.

You see that the Pay button is grayed out.


Although this is a tax payable, the Total Payable/Receivable amount is Zero.

The previous tax return run resulted in a tax receivable from tax authority.

However, this tax receivable has been carried forward to the current tax return, which has a tax payable in the same amount.

Refer to the Carry Forward Amount field in the tax return.


System behavior is correct. The externally created payments for this tax returns can be canceled/reversed.

See Also

2040973- How to Process an Incoming Tax Return

Tax Payments Quick Guide


Tax return; tax payment; pay button; Steuermeldung; Steuerzahlung; Steuer zahlen , KBA , SRD-FIN-CLM , Cash and Liquity Managment , How To


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