- Connecting a repository ends up with:
"The repository does not contain all the required definitions. You need to update the repository structure."
- User is prompted and chooses to update the repository.
- The repository update SQL script is run.
- Errors are returned at execution because indexes are already defined in the database:
Index name 'PMXATV_XAID' not unique.
Index name 'PMXATV_CODE' not unique.
Index name 'PMXMCL_CODE' not unique.
SAP PowerDesigner (PD) 16.6
SAP PowerDesigner 16.6
PMXATV, PMXMCL, PMXATV_CODE, PMXMCL_CODE, 806954, CR806954, CR#806954 , KBA , BC-SYB-PD , PowerDesigner , Bug Filed
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