SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2453078 - Employer Name and Address is Missing in W4 Form - Onboarding


This knowledge Base Article provides an explaination on how Employers Name and/or Address is calculated and populated in W4 Forms.

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.


SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding


For Live Customer(s), Implementation Partner(s), and Consultant(s)

The f1-19A on the 2019 W4 is calculated on mainly 2 Keys:

  1. {BusinessName} and
  2. {BusinessAddress}

Value is fetched base on the below scenarios:

  1. When both these Keys - {BusinessName} and {BusinessAddress} are present in candidate's record you will see data in below keys.
    • Value will be based on following keys - {BusinessAddressCity} {BusinessAddressState} {BusinessAddressZip}

  2. When {BusinessName} is present and NOT {BusinessAddress}
    • Value will be based on the following keys - {BusinessAddress} {BusinessAddressCity} {BusinessAddressState} {BusinessAddressZip}

  3. When {BusinessAddress} is present and NOT the {BusinessName}
    • Value will be based on the following keys - {BusinessName} {DivAddress} {DivCity} {DivState} {DivZip}

  4. When Both {BusinessName} and {BusinessAddress} are NOT present.
    • Value will be based on the following keys - {Division} {DivAddress} {DivCity} {DivState} {DivZip}

If you have a key called "BusinessAddress", then the information available in this key will be used to populate the value for Business name field.

Customer can run an Advanced Report in onboarding -> Reports -> Advanced Reports.

See Also

2161955 - How To Create an Advanced Reports - Onboarding 1.0


Business Name, Address, Employee Withholding Allowance Certificate, Form, W4, Employers, Corporate Structure, DivCode, Company, Location SF, Success Factors, OBD, ONB , KBA , LOD-SF-OBD-I9 , I9 Issues and requests for Onboarding , LOD-SF-OBD-FRM , Country Compliance Forms , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding all versions