SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

2453088 - Deploy fails with "access is denied" error


The deploy step of a Non-Abap transport ends with error code 8 and the following message is written in the deploy log files:

TransportEntity (ID:005056A4394F1EE6AB853EF4DA890C4A) status set to 'ERROR'.
Deployable cannot be converted, skipping. Error is:'Cannot extract file \\<host>\sapmnt\trans\data\<request>\<filename>.epa: Error: Could not extract all files from archive //<hostname>/sapmnt/trans/data/<request>/<filename>.<ext>
Additional error message is:\\<hostname>\sapmnt\trans\data\<request>\<filename>.<ext> (Access is denied)'.



  • OS release independent.
  • Netweaver release independent.


SAP NetWeaver all versions


KBA , BC-CTS-TMS-PLS , TMS for non-ABAP (CTS+) , Problem

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