SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2453404 - How to request Site Manager Access (Command Center) - Recruiting Marketing


  • This article explains the process for obtaining Site Manager Access in Command Center for an existing site;
  • Site Manager Access is requested by partners/consultants in order to implement Recruiting Marketing (RMK) module for customers by configuring settings in Command Center;
  • When a customer purchases RMK, a minimum of two sites are created - one in Stage (Preview) and one in Production, within Command Center.


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Marketing (RMK)


The process to provide site manager access is as follows:

  1. Partners/consultants need to access the HCM Cloud Operations Portal via  
  3. Under RMK Requests click on "RMK Site Manager Assignment"
  4. A form will open, fill the form with required details and submit it
  5. Please note Customer ID is not the company ID.
  6. The Customer ID is also known as the BP ID or ISP Customer ID. If you do not know the Customer ID, please contact your Account Manager.

  7. RMK Site Manager Assignment Request.png
  8. Request will be completed within 5 business days

Partners need to attach the below two items with the form:

  1. Customer's written approval for providing the site manager access to the person requesting the access.
  2. RCM & RMK certificates of the person who is requesting Site Manager Access. Important Note: December 31st 2020 is the certification deadline for consultants to be certified in both THR83 & THR84. Consultants need to be certified in both academies for Command Center access going forward.

Note: If the instance does not exist in the Command Center for which the Site Manager Access is raised, the Partner/Consultant needs to engage the customer's sales representative, who will internally work with the SAP Provisioning Team to create the instance. Standard contract customers are provisioned 1 Production and 1 Stage/preview instance.

Consultants facing issues with their S User Credentials to authenticate in the Command Center application need to reach out to SAP Support via

Any issues or questions with the request should be directed to the same team on the same portal. There is a Request Status section as well as a Contact us form there for this purpose.
Support does not have access to the Ops requests themselves to check their status so creating a Support Case will not help.

See Also

KB article 2528548 - Partner resources for Career Site Builder Implementations


Command Center, Access, RMK, Site Manager Access, Recruiting Marketing, RMK site, site ID, Site Name, Data Center , KBA , LOD-SF-RMK-CC , Command Center , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting all versions