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2453428 - Error Message: "The action RELEASE is not possible; Refresh the screen and try again, If the problem persists, report an case" While Trying to Release an Inbound Delivery


When trying to release an Inbound Delivery, but the system is showing you the error: 'The action RELEASE is not possible. Refresh the screen and try again. If the problem persists, report an case'.



SAP Business ByDesign


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Inbound Delivery, Delivery Not Started, action, RELEASE is not possible, Refresh, screen, and try again, problem, persists, report, case, The action RELEASE is not possible; Refresh the screen and try again, If the problem persists, report an case, task, warehouse order. , KBA , inbound delivery , refresh the screen and try again , the action release is not possible , if the problem persists , delivery not started , AP-IDP-CID , Confirmed Inbound Delivery , How To

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