SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2453520 - Incident Description of Service Order passed to the Invoice on Item Level Instead of Invoice Header


The case Description of the service order is passed to the customer invoice on item level (Customer Information (inherited)) instead of being passed only to the customer invoice header.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Customer Invoicing work center.
  2. Select the Invoice Documents view.
  3. Open customer invoice XYZ (XYZ represents the invoice ID).
  4. In the General tab and the Customer Information sub tab you can see that no text is maintained.
  5. Navigate to the Items tab.
  6. Select any line item.
  7. In the Details sub tab select the Customer Information sub tab.
  8. In the field Customer Information (inherited) you can see that the text from the case Description on header level of the service order is taken over to every line item in the customer invoice.

You expect that the case desciption is copied as default into the work description of a service confirmation. The work description is copied to the invoice header text when the service confirmation is invoiced.


The customer invoice XYZ is created out of multiple service confirmation invoice requests.. When you create an invoice out of multiple invoice requests, the case description cannot be consolidated on header level.  This is because different invoice requests can have a different descrption (In the Customer Informatio tab). When the items belong to different invoice requests, the displays the case description at item level (inherited from the respective invoice request the item belongs to) when such merging of multiple invoice requests happen.

If you create an invoice out of single service confirmation invoice request, then the case description is passed on to the invoice header, and not to the item level since all items belong to the same invoice request.


This is the system behaviour.


KBA , AP-SVO , Service Order Processing , How To


SAP BUSINESS BYDESIGN 1705 ; SAP Business ByDesign 1702