During the implementation process the customer noticed some position field data was missing after the configuration instance sync was performed.
This problem was caused due to incorrect implementation methodology being used, that is implementation steps were out of order. The data was loaded before the configuration was completed through instance sync, then validated.
The standard recommended implementation methodoloy was altered during the setup and configuration of the target instance which lead to the data issue. That is, data was loaded before the instance configuration sync was performed, meaning the configuration was not complete (or validated) at the time the data was imported into the instance. Not following the recommended standard implementation methodology related to data import often causes unanticipated results, including data previously imported not displaying in the system.
The standard implementation process was used to configuration the system and import the data.
Recommended Methodology:
- Perform the instance configuration sync from the source instance to the target instance, then validate the configuration on the target instance.
- Import the full set of position data files (flat without hierarchy/parent-child) using incremental import settings into the target instance, then validate the position data after import.
- If position hierarchy is desired, import the full set of position data files with the parent-child relationship columns populated using incremental import settings in the target instance, then validate the position data after import.
KBA , LOD-SF-EC-POS , Position Management , Problem