During the execution of S&OP Operators "Check" or "Heuristics", you receive an error.
After checking the error on the Application Logs tile, you find the following detailed error message:
column store error: search table error:/IBP/CL_SAP_SFND_SOPPC=>SOPPC_SCM_OPR_PLAN_INTER_MODE #93
[2048] (range 3
column store error: alterPlanningSession error: [38001] ;Condition 'aResultObject.getLastError().getCode() == TREX_ERROR::TREX_SAP_OK' failed.
Failed to retrieve Result: executor: plan operation failed. View='cv027_afl_AlgoNode'
- SAP Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- SAP Sales and Operations Planning (SCM-SOP)
- SAP Integrated Business Planning (SCM-IBP)
ExpressionParser, parse, error, Evaluator, syntax, error, in, expression, string, ExpressionParser.cpp(01038) : parse error Evaluator: syntax error in expression string , KBA , SCM-IBP-SOP , Sales and Operations , Problem
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