SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2455677 - Reminder email to Hiring Manager while candidate is at the NES Step - Onboarding 1.0


  • We want the onboarding system to sent a reminder mail to the hiring manager in case the activity is still in the NES step.
  • We want this mail to be sent 14 days and 7 days before the actual hire date from the employee.

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SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding - 1.0


The logic behind the reminder notification when we do not know the StartDate.

Calculation is done as:

  1. StartDate minus 14 days. So first notification will be sent 14 days before the StartDate.
  2. StartDate minus 7 days. So second notification will be sent 7 days before the StartDate.

To set the Notification reminder user needs to create four notifications. Two Custom Notification Points and two Real Notifications.

First Step

  1. Create a Custom Notification Point(Fake) notification to set the logic as an additional event. This is the Custom Notification Point.
  2. Set a name that is understandable by anyone who read it. For example: CNP_StartDateMinus14
  3. As we do not know when the StartDate is, it is advised to set the Custom Notification Point(Fake) as Notify at: Create Activity. This is the trigger initial point.


Second Step

  1. Create the reminder for the Custom Notification Point(Fake) notification. Here the Due Date must be equal to Start Date
  2. Set Remind when 14 days Before Due Date
  3. Stop Status - Send Once. This will set fake notification to be automatically completed by the system.
  4. This is to state that 14 days before the start date the system will attempt to send the fake e-mail and trigger the initial point.


Third Step

  1. Create the real notification (N1) CandidateOnNES. Here you select the Notify at: Notification Triggered.
  2. Select Due By StartDate
  3. Click Create the notification
  4. Select the new created notification and set the advanced conditions to be triggered based on Custom Notification Point(CNP_StartDateMinus14)

  5. Now set the advanced condition based on key NESCompletionDate NotExists or NESCompletionDate Exists and NESCompletionDate Equal no value(Empty)

  6. The system will trigger Custom Notification Point(Copy CNP_StartDateMinus14) with event Notification Started and Notification is Completed. Nobody will receive it but there will be registration of this notification on audit trail in backend.
  7. Then the system sets Custom Notification Point (Copy CNP_StartDateMinus14) with status "Completed automatically" and this will trigger the real notification.
  8. The system then will check the advanced condition for NESComplitionDate if the conditions match system sends notification to Hiring Manager.

Fourth Step

  1. Copy CNP_StartDateMinus14 and make it with same settings but the reminder for 7 days.
  2. New fake notification CNP_StartDateMinus7 to trigger second reminder


Fifth Step

  1. Copy CandidateOnNES and make it with same settings but advanced condition trigger point will change to CNP_StartDateMinus7

  2. However if you want a simple reminder 14 and 7 days before StartDate and does not matter if candidate is on NES or not,
  3. Please set the Notification as:
  4. Reminder


Notifications, Candidate on NES, Notify At, Start Date, Reminders , KBA , LOD-SF-OBD-EML , Emails and Notifications , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding all versions