Performance issues can encompass a single transaction or an entire SAP landscape.
The aim is to identify the exact root cause of the issue in order to help optimize the specific source of the performance issue.
It should be noted that performance issues can have more than one root cause, in which case two or more aspects of the landscape contribute to an overall degredation (e.g. Network issues paired with DB issues).
A performance problem can be observed as follows;
- A user detects slowness on the client (computer) side via SAP GUI or WebUI interface.
- A report takes longer to run.
- During high peak loads or user logins, all t-codes run slow.
- Performance monitors on Solman or the Workload monitor (ST03) reveal large response times for standard transactions.
- An Early watch alert reveals status orange/red items where optimization may be required.
Performance, General, Solution, Root Cause, Analysis , KBA , SV-PERF , Performance Problems , How To
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