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2456237 - Standstill Analysis Preparation Guide



After a restart or at some point during normal system operation, a "system freeze" or "system standstill" situation is perceived. The most common symptoms (in any combination) of such scenario are:

  • Users cannot log on to the system or, when they can, it is after a long time.
  • Users already logged on to the system cannot work normally. SAP server seems not to be able to process new tasks.
  • Work process table (as seen in SM50) shows most of the work processes allocated, working on some task.
  • Unprocessed requests might be stacking up due to the lack of processing power.


By following this document, at the end of your analysis you should have fulfilled the following tasks / created the following evidence for future analysis:

  1. List of required processes running at OS level (instProc.log).
  2. Snapshot from work process table collected through operating system tools (wpTable.log).
  3. Identity a possible standstill caused by a semaphore holder (If applicable).
  4. CallStack extracted from the process possibly holding a semaphore. (semStack.log OR dispStack.log) (If applicable).
  5. Complete (compressed) work folder from the affected server, matching the time of the issue.
  6. An instance snapshot "zip" file.


  • This document is not valid for crash / startup problem scenarios, meaning that the relevant processes must be up and running at operating system level.
  • If your system / instance cannot even start, please check this SAP Wiki document.



  • SAP Netweaver  
  • ABAP Platform


SAP NetWeaver all versions


Standstill, Snapshot, Freeze, Hanging. , KBA , BC-CST-DP , Dispatcher, Task Handler , BC-CST , Client/Server Technology , Problem

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