- Have you checked if a new version is available ? If yes install new version and test again
- Are the questions scoped in the the Business configuration? please check documentation
- Is the problem happning to a specific User or several Users?
- Please give User ID the problem is happening to.
- Make sure the User do not has his Email Address maintained more than once in the system and it is unique to the User.
- If possible, please provide Reference to your Test system where the issue can be reproduced. This includes the URL,
user details and steps for replicating the issue; Along with your Authorisation to reproduce the problem.
In cases where the issue cannot be replicated in the Test system (for e.g. add-in crash), please indicate the same.
- Detailed Logs
The log should be collected as follows:
Copy the default logs in %LOCALAPPDATA%/SAP/C4C/logs
If detailed logging is not turned on, enable the same.
Now replicate the issue and as soon as the issue has been reproduced, close Outlook and copy the logs.
Closing outlook is required to flush out any logs that are still in cache and not written.
The logs provide most information as required in [DOC1] and can be viewed using the procedure mentioned in [DOC2]
- Configuration Files
The local configuration files collected from %LOCALAPPDATA%/SAP/C4C/config.
Since all the files are required, it is recommended to zip all files and folders in %LOCALAPPDATA%/SAP/C4C/ after collecting the detailed logs as mentioned above.
- Error/Conflicts in Synchronization Issues folder
Default path in end user mailbox: SAP Cloud for Customer\Synchronization Issues\.
The date /details of error or conflict captured should match with that of the issue reported]
KBA , LOD-CRM-SRP , Service Request Processing , How To
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