You are replicating Materials from an External System to Cloud for Customer and system throws below error message,
GTIN XYZ(GTINID) already exists in material DEF(MaterialID).
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
Replicate a Material from an External System.
The GTIN number is unique to a Material and it should not be duplicated. This also means that within the same Material you cannot have same GTIN with different Quantity Type.
Note: Also make sure whether you are entering the valid GTIN numbers for the Materials because system will check whether GTIN is valid as per the standards.
You need to select the below Scoping Question in the Business Configuration of the system:
General Business Data-> Products -> Materials: ”Would you like to allow the creation of materials with Duplicate GTIN(Global Trade Item Number)” related to Product GTIN.
-> If BC scoping question is not selected then system will not allow to maintain the Duplicate GTIN for material(s).
-> If BC scoping question is selected then system will allow to maintain the Duplicate GTIN for material(s).
GTIN, Material Replication, Duplicate GTIN , KBA , gtin , material replication , duplicate gtin , LOD-CRM-INT-ERP , Integration of C4C with ERP , LOD-LE-PRD-PRD , Product + Product Category Hierarchy , How To