SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2457052 - Unable to Retrieve Organizational Name of an Employee in SDK


You are creating a Data Source in SDK using Employee BO but you are not able to retrieve the Employee's Cost Center or Reporting Line Unit. You tried the below navigation but it doesn't work:



It is not possible to retrieve the organization name of the Employees from the Employee Business Object. There are few other Business Objects (EX: Position) that are related to the Employee and those Business Objects should be used to retrieve certain details.

For Example: You can not find Work Agreement related details of an Employee in Employee Business Object.

If you want to retrieve the Organizational Name of an Employee then you need to use the Position Association in the Employee Business Object and you can use Staffed OC Assignment in the Position.

You may create a Joined Data Source for Employee and Position Business Object to fulfill your requirement.


KBA , sdk using employee , employee's cost center , reporting line unit , AP-RC-BDS-LM , ByDesign Studio Lifecycle Management , How To


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