Report Job fails while downloading "Licensing Audit" Report.
Learning Management System
Successfactors Learning Management System
Successfactors LMS
Reproducing the Issue
1. Navigate to "Report" tab.
2. Click on "Licensing Audit" report.
3. Run the report and you would get report failed status.
This issue is currently identified as a defect and our engineering team is actively working on it.
As a temporary work around we can modify below Setting to download the License report, However we should revert the changes once we have downloaded the report.
Just before running the License audit report, go to System Configuration -> Report System -> update the flag useLatestReportDefinition to false.
Once the report is downloaded, please to change the value to true
License audit Report Fail License audit report error , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-REP , Reporting Data , Problem