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2457412 - IP: behavior of new row when the same characteristic values combination already exists in query result


You are using BW Integrated Planning input-ready query. In a Frontend tool (e.g. Analysis for Office), when you enter a new row that the same characteristic values combination already exists in the query result, you notice different system behavior for InfoCubes, DSOs, ADSOs.

  • For InfoCubes or Cube-like ADSOs, the new row gets merged into the existing query result.


After merge.png

  • For DSOs or DSO-like ADSOs, a warning message "New row already exists" (RSPLS_CR-044) is displayed. (This is also described in KBA 2365073)

New row already exists.png



SAP NetWeaver all versions


Integrated Planning, planning query, input-ready query, input ready query, new line, same value, same combination, duplicate check, aggregate, sum, add, RSPLS_CR044, RSPLS_CR 044, New row already exists, RSPLS_CR-028, Characteristic: * ; Characteristic value, , KBA , BW-PLA-IP , Integrated Planning , BW-BEX-OT , OLAP Technology , BI-RA-AO-XLA , Excel Addin , Problem

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