SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2457627 - Actual Utilization Report Showing Incorrect Hours


You have created a new customized report upon the data source Actual Utilization, now this report is displaying some hours with time type 8 that are not maintained in the Time Administration view.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Business Analytics work center and access the view Design Reports;
  2. Show All and search for the report you have created;
  3. Run the report and check that there are some hours under the time type 8;
  4. If you check on the Time Administration work center, there is no time booked for this time type.


The system determines the total time recorded using Time Valuation and stores it under the Time Type 8.

Since these times are based on valuation, they are listed under the Time Type Category 12 - Valuation Result.


The underlying data source is designed in a way that it would return all the times recorded by the employees along with valuated time entries.
As such filter based on different time type categories/selections which is not done on the data source level and is done only at the report level.

This can be compared in other SAP delivered reports based on Employee Times data source such as “Employee Times: Yearly”, “Employee Times: Monthly”, etc., you can see that the filtration is done at the report level not on the data source level.

Hence if you create a report using the data sources you need to explicitly pass the filters at the report level to see only the data recorded by the employees.


Resource, Custom, Calendar, Wrong , KBA , SRD-HR-TLM , Time and Labour Management , How To


SAP Business ByDesign all versions