SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2457857 - Error when Exporting Drill to Detail Resultsin WFA due to Duplicate Column Names


When trying to export drill to details results in WFA/Query Workspace, the application redirects to an error page.


SuccessFactors Workforce Analytics


One probable cause is that there are duplicate column names included in the view.  Check this by going to the drill to detail default view and by looking for duplicate column names.

Logs from the backend will show:

"Error: System.Data.DuplicateNameException: A column named 'Grade' already belongs to this DataTable.
   at System.Data.DataColumnCollection.RegisterColumnName(String name, DataColumn column)
   at System.Data.DataColumnCollection.BaseAdd(DataColumn column)
   at System.Data.DataColumnCollection.AddAt(Int32 index, DataColumn column)
   at System.Data.DataColumnCollection.AddRange(DataColumn[] columns)
   at HrmlWebApp.PageBuilder.DtD.HrmlDrillthroughExporter.GenerateDataSet() in c:\PWS\FrontOffice\b1702\HrmlWebApp\HrmlWebV9\PageBuilder\DtD\HrmlDrillthroughExporter.cs:line 329
   at HrmlWebApp.PageBuilder.DtD.HrmlDrillthroughExporter.GenerateWorkbook() in c:\PWS\FrontOffice"


Create a new view and exclude or remove one of the duplicate column names from the list of fields to be displayed in the drill to detail.

1. From the Drill to Detail screen, click Create New View.

2. From the Columns in View list, look for the duplicate column name.

3. Remove the duplicate by selecting it and clicking on the arrow that points to the left.  This will transfer it to Columns list and not to the View list.

4. Save your new view.

5. Export to Excel should now work fine.


WFA, Drill to detail export, DTD export , KBA , LOD-SF-WFA-WA , Workforce Anaytics , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core 1702