- While selecting UD (usage decision) code in transaction QA11, QA12 an error message is triggered:
"You have no authorization for this catalog entry - Message no. QS291
You are not authorized to select this catalog entry.
System Response
The function was not carried out.
Select a different entry or cancel processing.
Contact the system administration responsible for maintaining the authorization.
You can display detailed information for the requested authorization:
Display authorization information"
- In transaction SU53 authorization object Q_UD_CODE fails with error, as it seems to check an incorrect plant. User has authorization for the plant of the inspection lot (QALS-WERK), but a different plant is checked. For example:
Plant of the inspection lot is 0001, but authorization fails for plant 0002:
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
- SAP ERP Quality Management (QM)
- SAP R/3
- SAP R/3 Enterprise
- SAP ERP Central Component
- SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP
- SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
- SAP S/4HANA, on-premise
QS 291, Selected set for Usage Decision, Selected set Must Be Available in Plant, QM-IM-UD, QM-IM, QM-PT-BD-CAT, lock icon, separate, V_TQ30-KZVEWERKS, V_TQ30-VEMENGE, catalog, Katalog, Auswahlmenge, Codegruppe, Verwendungsentscheid, Werk, selbe, mehrere, dupliziert, angezeigt, gültig, Kombination, VE-Code, F4-Hilfe, QPK1_UD_CODE_PICKUP_LEAN, Prüflos, input, missing, QA32, WERKS, QVEART, QVAUSWHLMG, QVCODEGRP, QVCODE , KBA , QM-IM-UD , Inspection Lot Completion , QM-IM , Quality Inspection , QM-PT-BD-CAT , Catalog , Problem
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