You are navigating to the Cost and Revenue workcenter Overview.
The Profit Analysis - Company report does not generate any data.
Instead, two error messages appear: Embedded report cannot be displayed; check variables. No valid Contribution Margin Scheme found.
Reproducing the Issue
- In SAP Business ByDesign press on the Cost and Revenue workcenter. Automatically the Overview view opens. Alternatively, navigate to the Overview view of the Cost and Revenue workcenter.
- The Profit Analyis - Company report in the bottom half of the screen is empty. Two error messages appear: Embedded report cannot be displayed; check variables. No valid Contribution Margin Scheme found.
The Profit Analysis - Company report is based on the Contribution Margin Scheme, i.e. the Function of Expense accounting method. The report uses the contribution margin scheme from a financial reporting structure of type Income Statement by Function of Expense. In your system, however, no reporting structure of this type is maintained:
If you need the Profit Analysis- Company report to generate data in the Cost and Revenue Overview you need to add a function of expense reporting structure, for instance, by adding a standard reporting structure with the copy function:
- In the Business Configuration workcenter navigate to the Overview.
- Find the Charts of Accounts, Financial Reporting Structures, Account Determination activity and press Change Immediately. Or, if your system is not live yet, access this activity from Fine Tuning in the Implementation Project.
- In the next screen press on the Edit financial reporting structures link.
- Press Copy from Template - With Assignment.
- In the following, little pop-up window select an appropriate financial reporting structure (Template), of type I/S by Function of Expense.
- Maintain a reporting structure name.
- Assign the right chart of accounts.
- Press OK.
- Then, back in the Financial Reporting Structures screen press Save and Close.
After this the Profit Analysis- Company report will generate data in the Cost and Revenue Overview.
KBA , SRD-FIN-COR , Cost & Revenue , How To