SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2458806 - Candidate Details Tokens Not Resolving for Outlook Response to Interview Organizer


When trying to use the following email tokens on Outlook Response to Interview Organizer, the tokens do not populate with the correct information







  • SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management 
  • Outlook Response to Interview Organizer

Reproducing the Issue

Reproducing the Issue

The issue occurs when this message is sent to Organizers when an Interviewer or a meeting room responds to an Outlook interview invitation.


Candidate name tokens are only supposed to resolve when the sender or the recipient is a specific candidate(In some cases it may be a single candidate but the template is designed to target multiple candidates).

But the notifications that go to the INTERVIEWERS refer to the entire interview, including all candidates, so there is no single specific candidate name to use for the candidate name tokens.

Hence, the Interview Outlook Response email trigger will not resolve any candidate details values. This is expected behaviour.


This is an expected behaviour as the candidate specific detail tokens are not supported.

See Also

2272783 - Candidate Details Tokens Not Resolving for Interview Delete Notification


[[CANDIDATE_FIRST_NAME]] [[CANDIDATE_LAST_NAME]] [[CANDIDATE_FULL_NAME]] [[CANDIDATE_EMAIL]] Recruiting Triggers Tokens Not Supported , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-EML , Recruiting Emails and Notifications , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting all versions