SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2458889 - Text replacement for MATRIX MANAGER does not reflect in Standard Dashboards and Tiles.


The text for 'MATRIX MANAGER' has been replaced by a different text (example: 2nd-level Appraising Officer), using the text replacement option.
This change doesn't reflect in the standard Dashboards and Stand Tiles downloaded from the SuccessStore.


SuccessFactors Dashboards

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Navigate to Admin Center
  2. Search for and choose 'Text Replacement'
  3. Select the desired locale.
  4. Enter the desired text in the 'Replace Text with' field for 'MATRIX MANAGER'.
  5. Logout of the system, clear the browser's cache and cookies and log back in.
  6. The text replacement doesn't reflect in Standard Dashboards and Tiles


The text replacement has not been synced with the reporting system.


Perform a Sync from Provisioning:

Company Settings > Ad Hoc Report Builder > Performance Management > Sync


Please contact your implementation partner or raise a support case with Customer Success for the same.


Dashboard Text replacement
Standard Dashboard
Matrix Manager , KBA , LOD-SF-ANA-DSH , YouCalc Dashboards and Tiles (Dashboards 2.0) , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core 1702