We have set 'Payout eligibility' to Yes for 'time account type' and assigned Pay Components to them.
When we terminate an employee, the currency displayed in the payout screen is shown based on the country employee was hired in and not the current country's currency.
For Example: If employee was hired in Australia and moved to Vietnam, upon termination we select payout and the payout currency is shown as AUD instead of VND.
Employee Central
Time off
If only time profile changed for an internationally transferred employee and time types/time account types remained same (same time account types with new accounts), the currency will not change.
1. Add the required currency in the 'Pay Component Group'.
2. If you don't want to change the currency at 'Pay Component Group' you can for example switch from "Amount" 'Pay Component' to "Number" 'Pay Component'. In that case the calculation will be done by Payroll and the right currency will be taken.
3. Or, you can use a different 'Time Account Type' for different countries.
When you just remove the currency from the 'Pay Component Group' then the currency from the Time Account Type's Country will be considered.
4. When we are transferring an employee to a different country then along with job information record the compensation record should be changed to reflect correct country specific fields Such as 'Pay Group' and 'Currency' of the Recurring pay components in the employee's Compensation Information.
Time off payout payout currency payoutCurrency incorrect payout currency , KBA , time off payout currency , incorrect payout currency , employee central , payoutcurrency , time off , LOD-SF-EC-TIM , Time Off , Problem