SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2459197 - Supervisor registration bypass Approval Process behavior


System bypasses Approval Process when supervisor registers a subordinate into a Class.


SAP SuccessFactors Learning

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Enable the Approval Process at Item and Class levels >
  2. As a supervisor register a subordinate in a Class where Approval Process is enabled >
  3. Observe that Learning bypasses Approval Process when the supervisor registers a subordinate into a Class.


Approval Processes only apply to self-registrations.


Currently, this is working as designed. Supervisors can bypass the Approval Process altogether.


lms, learning, sf, successfactors, approval, process, class, registration, bypass, approvals , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-TAP , Approvals , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , LOD-SF-LMS-ADM , System Admin, Global Variables, References , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Learning all versions