SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2459243 - Unable to disable Time Off / Time Off for LOA in Manage Employee Central Settings


When disabling time and attendance management features from Admin Center > Manage Employee Central Settings, "SHOW_CURRENT_OOO must be disabled first" message is shown.


Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.


  • SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central
  • v12 / People Profile (PP3)

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Admin Center > Manage Employee Central Settings
  2. Toggle switches for Time Sheet/Time Off for Leave of Absence Only / Time Off
  3. Save the changes and the message below is shown:

"To disable ECT_ABSENCE_MANAGEMENT feature, SHOW_CURRENT_OOO must be disabled first. Please click help icon for details."


Show Current Absence Status feature which is dependent on Time Off functionality is enabled in the system.


Disable the feature from the system first before disabling Absence Management functionalities, as described on these steps:

  1. Go to Admin Center
  2. Platform Feature Settings
  3. Disable 'Show Current Absence Status'
  4. Save it


What happens if the feature is disabled?

Disabling the feature should not cause any negative impact on the system. When 'Show Current Absence Status' feature is disabled, you will not be able to see the Out of Office label for the employee's People Profile header as shown below. This can be enabled again later as needed/required along with Absence Management functionalities.



Absence Management, Time Off, Time Off for LOA, leave of absence, time sheets, platform feature settings, show current absence, ECT_ABSENCE_MANAGEMENT, SHOW_CURRENT_OOO , KBA , people profile , show current absence status , show_current_ooo , ect_absence_management , employee central settings , LOD-SF-EC-TIM , Time Off , LOD-SF-EC , Employee Central , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central all versions