SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2459898 - Goal beta import changes unexpected values


Using the beta import

  • Some goals have unspecified values that are populated
  • Goal may change values when editing different values
  • Group goals may change values when adding a new user to the goal



Goal Management

Reproducing the Issue

Use beta import to import a new goal, change a goal, or add a new user to a group goal


The goal plan XML template has auto-population set for one or more values in the goal.  This value is calculated and updated every time changes are made to the goals.


If you want values to exist in a goal that are not calculated automatically or want values that exist outside of the calculations, then auto-calculate should be removed from the goal plan XML template for said values. 


KBA , LOD-SF-GM , Goal Management , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core 1702