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2460109 - SAP HANA Cockpit "Manage Services" tile hangs


By clicking on "Manage Services" tile in SAP HANA Cockpit the screen opens but hangs and shows no data.

The web browser console will show an error with an invalid column name H.LAST_CHANGE_TIMESTAMP


Cockpit error.JPG

Also the xsengine trace will show an error like: : statement failed: select 'dummy' as "DATABASE_NAME", S."SERVICE_NAME" as "Service", S."HOST" as "Host", S."PORT" as "Port", S."ACTIVE_STATUS" as "Status", S."PROCESS_ID" as "ProcessId", S."DETAIL" as "Role", SS."START_TIME" as "StartTime", SS."TOTAL_CPU" as "CPU", SS."TOTAL_MEMORY" as "Memory", M."TOTAL_MEMORY_USED_SIZE" as "UsedMemory", ifnull (R."INCLUSIVE_PEAK_ALLOCATION_SIZE"+M."CODE_SIZE"+M."SHARED_MEMORY_ALLOCATED_SIZE", M."TOTAL_MEMORY_USED_SIZE") as "PeakUsedMemory" , M."EFFECTIVE_ALLOCATION_LIMIT" as "EffectiveAllocationLimit", SS."PHYSICAL_MEMORY" as "MemoryPhysical", S."SQL_PORT" as "SQLPort", SS."PROCESS_CPU" as "CPUProcess", SS."PROCESS_MEMORY" as "ProcessVirtualMemory", SS."PROCESS_PHYSICAL_MEMORY" as "ProcessPhysicalMemory", SS."AVAILABLE_MEMORY" as "MemoryVirtualOnHost", M."CODE_SIZE" as "SizeOfSharedLibraries", M."STACK_SIZE" as "SizeOfThreads", M."HEAP_MEMORY_ALLOCATED_SIZE" as "AllocHeapMemory", M."HEAP_MEMORY_USED_SIZE" as "UsedHeapMemory", M."SHARED_MEMORY_ALLOCATED_SIZE" as "AllocSharedMemorySize", M."SHARED_MEMORY_USED_SIZE" as "UsedSharedMemorySize", M."COMPACTORS_ALLOCATED_SIZE" as "SizeOfCaches", M."COMPACTORS_FREEABLE_SIZE" as "ShrinkableSizeOfCaches", M."ALLOCATION_LIMIT" as "AllocationLimit", CASE WHEN ((select UPPER("STATUS") from _SYS_STATISTICS."STATISTICS_SCHEDULE" WHERE "ID" = 3) <> 'INACTIVE') THEN H."LAST_CHANGE_TIMESTAMP" ELSE null END as "LastStatusChangeTimestamp" from SYS.m_services S left outer join SYS.m_service_memory M on (S."HOST" = M."HOST" AND S."PORT" = M."PORT") left outer join SYS.m_service_statistics SS on (S."HOST" = SS."HOST" AND S."PORT" = SS."PORT") left outer join SYS.m_heap_memory_reset R on (S."HOST" = R."HOST" AND S."PORT" = R."PORT" AND R."DEPTH" = 0) left outer join _SYS_STATISTICS."HELPER_ALERT_CHECK_INACTIVE_SERVICES_AGE" H on (H."INDEX" = S."HOST" || S."PORT" AND H."VALUE" != 'YES' AND S."ACTIVE_STATUS" != 'YES')
reason: InternalError: dberror(Connection.prepareStatement): 260 - invalid column name: H.LAST_CHANGE_TIMESTAMP: line 1 col 1340 (at pos 1339)





SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition


KBA , HAN-CPT-CPT2 , SAP HANA Cockpit version 2 - based on XSA , HAN-CPT , SAP HANA Cockpit , Problem

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