You notice an unposted Goods and Services Receipt due to the error "An error occurred during depreciation calculation for asset XYZ. Subseq. Acquisition Not Permitted In Calc.Proc" in the General Ledger.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- In the General Ledger work center, choose the Closing Cockpit view and go to the Source Documents subview.
- Show Unposted Source Documents.
- Select the not posted goods and services receipt document in question.
- In the Messages section you notice the errors "An error occurred during depreciation calculation for asset XYZ. Subseq. Acquisition Not Permitted In Calc.Proc". (XYZ represents the Fixed Asset for which an acquisition is to be posted through the goods receipt).
- Fixed Asset XYZ is maintained as Low Value fixed asset. It was acquired in a previous, now closed fiscal year. But the proposed posting date of the unposted goods receipt is in the current fiscal year.
- By default, depreciation methods associated with low value assets, such as 0100 or L200, allow acquisitions only in the fiscal year of capitalization.
This can be validated as follows:
- Go to Business configuration work center.
- Select Implementation Projects view.
- Select Open activity list button.
- Select Fine-Tune tab.
- Select Depreciation Methods activity.
- Find the used depreciation method, for example LVA - 100% complete depreciation.
- Under Calculation Parameters, the Acquisition Only in Fiscal Year of Capitalization Allowed indicator is set.
The ideal way would be to cancel the goods receipt and to not go ahead with the posting:
- Cancel the goods receipt.
- The cancellation document will also appear as unposted source document in the Source Documents view of the General Ledger workcenter.
- Highlight the cancellation and press Actions - View business transaction.
- In the next screen press Mark as Irrelevant.
- This will mark the goods receipt cancellation as well as its original as irrelevant for accounting.
However, if you need to go ahead with the posting you could:
- change the depreciation method of the fixed asset temporarily, to, for example L010 - Str.-line from acq.value to 0 or
- deselect the Acquisition Only in Fiscal Year of Capitalization Allowed indicator for the used depreciation method, if you want to allow additional acquisitions in the subsequent years also whenever this particular depreciation method is assigned to a fixed asset.
After this the source document can be posted.
However, these options are not officially recommended.
Subseq. Acquisition Not Permitted In Calc.Proc; unposted goods receipt, low value fixed asset, Asset val.view Subseq. acquisition not permitted in calc.proc.
, KBA , subseq. acquisition not permitted in , sap business bydesign , SRD-FIN-FA , Fixed Assets , How To