You are running postpatch upgrade script command as mentioned in the readme installation instruction for the SBP resulting in an error.
The readme refers to following command:
su root -c "$OHGRID/crs/install/ -postpatch"
The error shows as following:
using configuration parameter file: /oracke/grid/12102/crs/install/crsconfig_params
2017/02/22 115:33:37 CLSRSC-196: ACFS driver install action failed
Died at /oracle/grid/12102/crs/install/ line 514.
- SAP systems with Oracle database
- Not restricted to a product or product version
SAP NetWeaver all versions
Oracle, 19c, 18c, 12c, 11g, 10g , KBA , BC-DB-ORA , Oracle , Problem
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