While running an upgrade with SUM, the phase MAIN_SHDIMP/SUBMOD_CP2SHD/SUBMOD_DIFFCP2SHD/DIFFEXPABAP_CIGPR fails with errors like below:
3 ETW685Xstart copying of "R3TRACID<object name>" ...
4 ETW000 date&time: 26.08.2016 - 08:49:49
4 ETW000 decfloat handling successfully initialized
4 ETW000 nothing to do: table AAB_ID_ACT has no shadow table.
2EETW000 AAB_ID_ACT deletion with illegal client 'ZZ_' (maybe you forgot the client field in the selection list!?).
4 ETW000 1 entry from AAB_ID_PROP copied (<object name> ).
4 ETW000 1 entry from AAB_ID_PROPT copied (D<object name> ).
4 ETW686 end copying of "R3TRACID<object name>".
- Currently seen only at upgrade from start release ECC 5.0 / ERP 2004
- Customer created own checkpoint groups in transaction SAAB
R3TR ACID, copy-to-shadow, R3trans, , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , BC-CTS-TLS , Transport Tools , Problem
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