SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2460996 - Date format in exported data for MDF


  • When customer exports MDF data, the date fields are always in MMDDYYYY format (US date format).
  • The logged in user locale is English UK, instance default language is English UK, and the date format was DDMMYYYY when importing the data.


  • SAP SuccessFactors HCM Cloud
  • Employee Central
  • Metadata Frameworks

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Logged in user locale is English UK
  2. Naviagte to Admin Centre -> Import and Export Data
  3. Download Template for an MDF object
  4. Fill up the template using date format DDMMYYYY (UK) and save it locally
  5. Navigate to Admin Centre -> Import and Export Data -> Import Data
  6. Search for the MDF object for which the template was downloaded. Select locale as EN_GB and import the locally saved file
  7. Check in Admin Centre -> Monitor Job that the import is successful
  8. Navigate to Admin Centre -> Import and Export Data -> Export Data
  9. Select the MDF object for which data has been imported. Export it
  10. Navigate to Admin Centre -> Monitor Job and download the export result
  11. Open the file and observe that the date fields are in the US format MMDDYYYY


  • MDF Export Data does not support user locale.
  • It is hard-coded that the export file Date and Decimal fields are always in en_US format.


  • If you are interested in seeing this functionality changed in a future release, please enter an Enhancement Request.
  • For further information please see KB article 2281023.


SuccessFactors , Success Factors , SF , Employee Central , EC , en_US , en_GB , decimal , DDMMYYYY , MMDDYYYY , XAF-1912 , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-FOO , Foundation Objects (Organisation, Pay and Job Structures) , LOD-SF-EC , Employee Central , LOD-SF-MDF-IMP , Import and Export Issues , Product Enhancement


SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central all versions ; SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core all versions